Democratic Congress

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Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill
Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Move sets stage for second veto of Bush's presidency

(Newser) - The Senate approved the Iraq funding bill 51-46 early this afternoon, conferring its expected stamp of approval on an October troop pullout. But the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to avoid a promised veto. Democrats are already ruminating on post-veto counter-proposals, including replacing the rigid timetable with...

Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas
Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas

Democrats Dole Out Subpoenas

Congress gets tough on U.S. attorneys players—and calls Condi in to talk Iraq

(Newser) - The Democratic Congress flexed its oversight muscle today, with both houses dishing out subpoenas all the way up to Condi Rice. A House committee subpoenaed the Secretary of State to discuss the lead-up to the Iraq War, while both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees summoned aides involved in the...

House Passes Pullout Bill
House Passes Pullout Bill

House Passes Pullout Bill

Petraeus briefing doesn't dissuade Dems; Senate votes today

(Newser) - Just hours after Gen. David Petraeus told lawmakers he needed more time to gage the success of the surge in Iraq, the House passed the funding bill requiring troops to begin withdrawing in October. President Bush has promised to veto the bill, which Majority Whip James Clyburn nonetheless called an...

Brother Decries 'Calculated Lies' On Pat's Death

Kevin Tillman, Jessica Lynch testify on military myth-making

(Newser) - The military created an "utter fiction" around Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death, the brother of the former NFL star told a congressional panel today. The Army used his death as an opportunity to bolster support for the war, Kevin Tillman said, calling early reports that Pat had been killed in...

Reid Declares War Is Lost
Reid Declares War Is Lost  

Reid Declares War Is Lost

Rhetorical bombshell fires up pundits, but will policy consequences follow?

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has upped the ante in the Dems' rhetoric on Iraq, saying the U.S. has "lost" in Iraq, and warning that, "the surge is not accomplishing anything." But he stopped short of threatening to pull funding from the war, the biggest gun...

Dems Score With Subpoenas
Dems Score
With Subpoenas

Dems Score With Subpoenas

They can't pass bills, but they can sure hold hearings

(Newser) - Democrats haven't managed to score with a single one of the bills drafted in their giddy first 100 hours, but playing hardball with hearings has proved more fruitful. In cranking up the congressional oversight machinery, write Richard Simon and Noam Levey, they've dominated headlines and applied pressure to the administration.

Stories 41 - 46 | << Prev