Carl Levin

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John McCain Blocking 'Don't Ask' Repeal

As he promised to do in his primary

(Newser) - There are two things that could prevent Congress from repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: The dwindling congressional calendar, and John McCain. Though historically open to repeal, McCain promised to preserve the law during his primary battle with JD Hayworth, the New York Times explains. Since then, he’s...

Anti-War Activist Pies Sen. Levin

Student arrested after pieing senator over 'war crimes'

(Newser) - Sen. Carl Levin was served with a pie in the face by a Michigan State student activist during an informal Q & A session held in a local deli yesterday. The 23-year-old, who tossed the pie after a fellow anti-war protester made a speech criticizing the Democratic senator over "...

Democrats Confront Pentagon on Afghan War

Violence is up, and so is lawmaker anxiety

(Newser) - A schism deepened yesterday between US war leaders and Congress as top Democrats challenged Pentagon assertions that progress is picking up in Afghanistan. "I wouldn't call it eroding," Carl Levin said of support for the war. "But there's a lot of fair concern." That was especially...

Petraeus OK After Swoon During Hearing

Appeared to pass out during Senate testimony on Afghanistan

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus says he is "doing OK" after he appeared to pass out this morning during a hearing on Capitol Hill. "I just got a little dehydrated," the commander of US forces in Iran and Afghanistan tells CNN . "I ate a couple of bananas and...

Pelosi, Hill Forced Obama to Back Deal on 'Don't Ask'

They threatened to move without him

(Newser) - Barack Obama went ahead with a plan to repeal “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” only because Congress dragged him into it kicking and screaming. Lawmakers, particularly Nancy Pelosi and Carl Levin, threatened to push ahead without Obama, and he reluctantly struck a deal. “Levin made it clear that the...

Blankfein Defends Turf, Is 'Hearing Martian'

Goldman CEO doesn't give ground to Senator Levin

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein dueled with Sen. Carl Levin as the final witness in today's daylong grilling of company execs. The two went round and round, then round and round again, the same fundamental point without "speaking the same language," writes Frank Ahrens, who's live-blogging the proceedings...

Goldman Dodges Questions
 Goldman Dodges 
 Damning Questions 

Goldman Dodges Damning Questions

Levin assaults firm on 'shitty deal,' Collins on responsibilities

(Newser) - If you enjoy high-quality squirming and stuttering, tune in to the Goldman Sachs Senate hearing. The assembled executives and former executives have been furiously dodging a series of tough questions from Carl Levin and Susan Collins. “Boy, that Timberwolf was one shitty deal,” Levin read from an internal...

Senate Berates 'Unethical' Goldman

As Code Pink protesters yell 'these guys are crooks'

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs took its lumps on Capitol Hill today, with the Senate investigations subcommittee berating it for taking positions against the securities it was selling. After a brief protest from Code Pink, chairman Carl Levin began the hearing by saying Goldman had treated its customers "not as valuable customers...

Goldman Sachs Screwed Clients as Bubble Burst

Senate panel will scold execs, reveal evidence in hearing today

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs sold investors a mountain of securitized subprime mortgages throughout the housing boom, but when things started to turn sour, they bet against those assets furiously—sometimes while still selling them, according to documents the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee intends to browbeat the company with today. “They have...

WaMu 'Poisoned' Financial System: Senate Report

Senate panel says lender knowingly built 'mortgage time bomb'

(Newser) - Washington Mutual made subprime loans it knew would go bad, then packaged them into risky securities, creating a “mortgage time bomb,” according to a Senate report. The permanent investigations subcommittee is grilling former WaMu execs this morning. The report also says the bank packaged and sold loans it...

Schumer May Try to Rewrite Filibuster Rules

Hearings could be a sign he wants Harry Reid's job

(Newser) - Chuck Schumer plans to hold a series of Senate Rules Committee hearings to examine possible reforms to the filibuster rules so frustrating Democrats. Schumer, the committee’s chair, hatched the plan with senators Tom Udall and Carl Levin. In the first hearing, Senate historians will testify as to how the...

Showdown Looms as Abused Filibuster Frays Senate Tempers

GOB blocks routine nomination, has Dems eying reform options

(Newser) - Last night's GOP filibuster of a routine nomination to the National Labor Relation Board left Democrats livid, and considering reforms to stop a filibuster-happy GOP from crippling the Senate. "I'm in my thirty-sixth year. I've never seen anything like it," Sen. Pat Leahy told the Huffington Post . Leahy...

Tobacco, Oil, Bank Lobbyists Crowd Dem Senators' Retreat

Miami guest list doesn't quite jibe with anti-'fat cat' rhetoric

(Newser) - Lobbyists for some of the industries most often blasted by Democrats—oil, big tobacco, banks—made up a good chunk of the guest list at a Miami retreat featuring a dozen Senate Democrats. A $30,000 contribution to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is typical, reports Politico , which scored a...

Gates: Afghan Failure Means 'Civil War'

Troop surge is necessary to transition to humanitarian role

(Newser) - Defense chief Robert Gates and other members of the Obama administration took to Capitol Hill today to sell President Obama's plan to send 30,000 additional troops. "Failure in Afghanistan would mean a Taliban takeover of much, if not most, of the country and likely a renewed civil war,...

Levin: No Afghan War if We'd Caught bin Laden
 Levin: No 
 Afghan War if 
 We'd Caught 
 bin Laden 

Levin: No Afghan War if We'd Caught bin Laden

Senators hit talk shows to talk Afghanistan

(Newser) - Had the US not missed its chance to nab Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001, there's a “good chance we would not have forces or need to have forces there," Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin told Face the Nation. Given the current situation, however, Politico...

Hasan Sought to Turn in Patients for 'War Crimes'

Senate committee delays briefing on Fort Hood rampage

(Newser) - Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan repeatedly tried to have his patients prosecuted for “war crimes,” raising the issue with Army authorities a final time on Nov. 2—just 3 days before the Fort Hood massacre. In a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality, Hasan asked superiors if he could legally pass...

McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait
 Afghan Call 
 Can't Wait 


McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait

Troops decision dominates, but everybody backs away from 'dithering' Cheney

(Newser) - The pace of President Obama's decision on troop levels in Afghanistan again dominated the Sunday dial. John McCain told Face the Nation that Obama should move regardless of the Nov. 7 runoff's outcome: "Every day we delay will be a delay in this strategy succeeding.” Orrin Hatch...

Afghanistan Push Meets Resistance —From Democrats

Levin, Pelosi object to troop buildup; Obama weighs options

(Newser) - Support for the war in Afghanistan is dwindling among Democrats as President Obama mulls increasing US involvement in the region, the New York Times reports. Ahead of an expected request for more troops from the US commander in the country, the chair of the Senate armed services committee says he’...

'Cash For Clunkers' Safe: White House

(Newser) - The rumors of the “cash for clunkers” deal’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, the White House said today, promising that the trade-in program will continue even after consumers have used up its allotted $1 billion. “If you were planning on going to buy a car this weekend...

Goldman Sachs Subpoenaed in Fraud Probe

Senate seeks evidence that banks foresaw mortgage meltdown

(Newser) - A Senate committee has subpoenaed Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and other financial institutions as part of an investigation into mortgage-market fraud, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. The probe appears to focus on emails and other internal communications that may show bankers' doubts about the safety of mortgage-backed securities, which...

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