organ transplants

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Man Denied Transplant Due to Pot Use Dies at 20

Utah hospital kicked him off transplant list

(Newser) - Riley Hancey, the Utah man who was turned away for a lung transplant by University of Utah Hospital after he was found to have traces of pot in his system, received new lungs in a different state months later, but it wasn't enough to give his story a happy...

Family Says Hospital Denied Teen Lung Transplant Over Pot

The 19-year-old nearly died from what started off as the flu

(Newser) - When a teen in Utah was denied a lung transplant necessary to save his life because he had smoked pot a few days prior to coming down with the flu, his family cried foul, reports KSL . Riley Hancey, who is 19 and an avid runner, biker, and skier, says he...

Liver Transplant Pioneer Dies
Liver Transplant Pioneer Dies

Liver Transplant Pioneer Dies

Dr. Thomas Starzl was 90

(Newser) - Dr. Thomas Starzl, the pioneer of liver transplantation and driving force behind the world's first baboon-to-human liver transplants and research on anti-rejection drugs, has died. He was 90. The University of Pittsburgh said the renowned doctor died Saturday at home in Pittsburgh, reports the AP . Starzl performed the world'...

Woman's Lungs Were Killing Her, So Docs Just Removed Them

Melissa Benoit survived six days without lungs while waiting for transplant

(Newser) - Melissa Benoit "thought it was a piece of science fiction" when she learned what doctors had done to her, CBC reports. The Canadian mom just couldn't believe it when she learned she had survived for six days without lungs—an impressive feat detailed in a study published Wednesday....

Baby Goes on Transplant List at 10:15. At 10:55, a Match

Daniel McCabe gets a life-saving liver almost immediately

(Newser) - Daniel McCabe is just 5 months old, but he's been fighting a rare liver disorder since he was born. On Dec. 13, things had become so dire that doctors placed him on the waiting list for a new liver and prepared to wait weeks, if not months, with his...

US Breakthrough in Womb Transplants Offers New Hope

1 of 4 living donor transplants at Baylor looks promising

(Newser) - America's first uterus transplant might have failed , but doctors are "cautiously optimistic" that one of the country's first living donor womb transplants could be a success. Surgeons at Baylor University Medical Center say they performed the living donor transplants on four women, aged 20 to 35—each...

California Rushes to Approve HIV-Transplant Bill

HIV-positive man needs to receive part of HIV-positive husband's liver

(Newser) - California rushed to approve legislation Friday that would allow a man with HIV to receive part of his HIV-positive husband's liver before the surgery becomes too dangerous, possibly within weeks. The federal government recently authorized transplants of HIV-infected organs to patients who have the disease, but it still had...

64-Year-Old Is First in US to Have Penis Transplant

Thomas Manning had partial penectomy in 2012 due to cancer

(Newser) - As he was leaving the hospital in 2012, Thomas Manning asked his doctor if a penis transplant was possible. At the time, the Massachusetts man's member was only an inch long following a partial penectomy he had to undergo due to penile cancer. His urologic oncologist, Dr. Adam Feldman,...

America's 1st Uterus Transplant Fails Suddenly

Only one day after press conference hailing it as a success

(Newser) - One day after it was declared a success at a widely covered press conference, America's first uterus transplant failed due to a "sudden complication," CNN reports. According to the New York Times , the transplanted uterus was removed from a 26-year-old woman named Lindsey on Tuesday at the...

First American to Have Penis Transplant Is Selected

It will be the third such transplant attempted in the world

(Newser) - December brought the news that Johns Hopkins University planned to attempt the first penis transplants in the US; now, the first candidate has been selected. An American soldier wounded in an explosion in Afghanistan will be the first person in the US, and the third in the world, to undergo...

US Hospital Gets OK for HIV-Positive Organ Transplants

Johns Hopkins will be first in the nation

(Newser) - Patients who are HIV-positive and in need of an organ transplant have had HOPE since 2013—but now they officially have hope. The HIV Organ Policy Equity Act gave the OK more than two years ago to allow organ transplants from one HIV-positive patient to another, a previously illegal procedure,...

Woman Gets First Transplant Necessitated by Needle Phobia

Diabetic patient couldn't handle her daily insulin shots

(Newser) - It's not too strange to hear about a diabetic undergoing a pancreas transplant. What's unusual here is that the transplant was necessitated by the UK patient's extreme fear of needles—the first time that's happened anywhere in the world, the BBC reports. Sue York, 55, has...

Clinic Plans First-Ever Uterus Transplants in US

So far, 8 women have signed up at Cleveland facility

(Newser) - Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are prepping for what they hope will be, in a few months, a US first: the transplant of a uterus into an otherwise healthy woman so she can get pregnant. A New York Times special report notes that eight healthy women from around the country...

Penis Transplant Patient Has Big News for Skeptics

His girlfriend is pregnant

(Newser) - The world saw its first successful penis transplant last year, and the patient has some news for anyone skeptical about the end result: His girlfriend is pregnant. Lead surgeon Andre van der Merwe confirmed the news about the unidentified 21-year-old to South Africa's News24 . Even more remarkable: The girlfriend...

Texas Makes History With Remarkable Transplant

Jim Boysen given skull, scalp grafts to treat cancer wound

(Newser) - Doctors at Texas' MD Anderson Cancer Center and Houston Methodist Hospital have made history with the first partial skull and scalp transplant from a human donor. Jim Boysen, 55, of Austin underwent a kidney-pancreas transplant in 1992 and had been taking immune suppression drugs to prevent organ rejection since. The...

Man Who Couldn't Breathe Gets Rare Transplant

Just 2 similar but less extensive transplants have previously taken place

(Newser) - Polish surgeons say they have successfully performed a rare and extensive transplant of the throat area. Prof. Adam Maciejewski said today the 37-year-old patient suffered from advanced cancer of the voice box, making it impossible for him to breathe, swallow, and speak. Other parts involved in the rare transplant included...

Penis-Transplant Doctor on Patient: 'Life Was Just Hell'

Dr. Andre van der Merwe says patient's life was 'just hell'

(Newser) - Last month brought the announcement that surgeons in South Africa had not only successfully transplanted a penis in December, but that it was working properly in every way well ahead of schedule. Dr. Andre van der Merwe was the man at the helm of the operation, which involved a 21-year-old...

Surgeons Successfully Transplant a Penis

South Africa team says it's the world's first successful one

(Newser) - Surgeons in South Africa are laying clam to the world's first successful penis transplant. In the nine-hour procedure late last year, a team from Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital gave the 21-year-old recipient his new penis, and they report today in a news release that it's working properly...

Transplanting a Human Head? That's Insane

Even ignoring ethics, the science just isn't there: Nick Stockton

(Newser) - We've been hearing a lot of hype about head transplants , largely thanks to a single surgeon who suggests he's pretty much got it figured out. Well, don't believe it for a second, writes Nick Stockton in Wired : The "plan is insane. Like, James Bond villain insane....

Surgeon: We Could Transplant Human Head in 2017
 We Could 
 Human Head 
 in 2017 

Surgeon: We Could Transplant Human Head in 2017

An Italian surgeon has outlined the procedure

(Newser) - Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero said in 2013 that surgery to transplant a human head would be possible soon. Now he's set to announce a project to do just that, via a keynote lecture at the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons annual conference this June. He sees the...

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