organ transplants

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Pregnancy Almost Doubles Risk of Breakthrough COVID
A 'Striking' COVID Finding
Related to Pregnancy

A 'Striking' COVID Finding Related to Pregnancy

Pregnant people at higher risk of breakthrough COVID than organ transplant recipients

(Newser) - Pregnant people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a higher risk of breakthrough infection than vaccinated organ transplant recipients and those with weakened immune systems, new research suggests. It's a "striking" finding as the immunocompromised have taken precedence in the rollout of a fourth vaccine shot, reports...

Man Who Received First Pig Heart Transplant Has Died

David Bennett, 57, made it 2 months with the heart

(Newser) - The first person to receive a heart transplant from a pig has died, two months after the groundbreaking experiment , the Maryland hospital that performed the surgery announced Wednesday. David Bennett, 57, died Tuesday at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Doctors didn't give an exact cause of death, saying...

Transplant From Deceased COVID Patient Was a Success

Kidney was taken from 30-year-old woman who died from COVID complications

(Newser) - Surgeons say they have successfully transplanted an organ from a patient who died from COVID-19 complications, potentially opening the door to many more such transplants. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers, writing in the American Journal of Transplantation , say a kidney was taken from a 30-year-old woman who died...

Anti-Vax Dad 'Has Gone to the Edge of Death to Stick to His Guns'

DJ Ferguson won't get COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for heart transplant

(Newser) - A 31-year-old father of two with a third child on the way is in need of a heart transplant, but he won't get it because he refuses to be vaccinated against COVID-19, his father tells CBS Boston . David Ferguson tells the outlet that his son, DJ Ferguson, "has...

It's Another Big Milestone on Organ Transplants

In test, doctors give kidneys from genetically altered pig to brain-dead patient

(Newser) - It's the second big success story this month in regard to a potentially huge shift in the field of organ transplants. Doctors in Alabama transplanted the kidneys of a genetically altered pig to a brain-dead recipient, reports the New York Times . The surgeries took place in September, and the...

Surgeon Loses License for Act of 'Professional Arrogance'

UK's Simon Bramhall had burned his initials into livers of 2 patients in 2013

(Newser) - Update: A British surgeon who burned his initials into the livers of two patients no longer has a medical license. On Monday, the UK's Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service found Simon Bramhall, 57, had broken trust with his patients through his actions during the 2013 surgeries, and that the branding...

Troubling History Emerges About Historic Organ Recipient

'Washington Post' reports on his criminal past and the medical ethics at play

(Newser) - Doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center made big headlines this week with the first-ever transplant of a genetically modified pig heart into a human. But all that attention has brought to a light a troubling aspect of the patient's past: He once nearly killed a man by...

Surgeons Give Maryland Man Genetically Edited Pig Heart

Patient is still alive three days after first-of-its-kind transplant operation

(Newser) - A month ago, the outlook was extremely bleak for 57-year-old Maryland handyman David Bennett—he needed a new heart, but didn't qualify for a donor organ. At least, not from a human. Bennett, who had terminal heart disease, is now part of medical history after the first successful transplant...

Her Death With Long COVID Illustrates a Medical Dilemma

Were Heidi Ferrer's organs safe to donate?

(Newser) - When 50-year-old Heidi Ferrer died after battling COVID for more than a year, husband Nick Guthe wanted to donate her body to science. However, the hospital overruled him because Ferrer had signed up to become an organ donor. That made little sense to him, Guthe tells the New York Times ...

For 54 Hours, a Pig's Kidney Worked Normally in a Human

It's a major breakthrough, says the surgeon who performed the transplant

(Newser) - More than 100,000 Americans are on an organ transplant list, and roughly 9 out of every 10 of them are waiting for a kidney—which makes this "breakthrough" such a huge one. Surgeons at NYU Langone Health say they successfully managed to transplant a kidney that was grown...

Unvaccinated Woman Denied Kidney Transplant

UCHealth says COVID poses 'extreme risk' to transplant patients

(Newser) - A Colorado woman with stage 5 renal failure says she had a kidney donor lined up—but was told by the health system that the transplant wasn't going to happen unless both parties were vaccinated against COVID-19. Leilani Lutani says she hasn't been vaccinated because there are "...

Kidney Transplanted Into Wrong Patient

2 hospital employees are on administrative leave

(Newser) - Getting the right organ into the right person is a crucial step in the organ transplant process, and an Ohio hospital system is trying to figure out how it went wrong. University Hospitals in Cleveland says a kidney intended for someone else ended up in the wrong patient in a...

The Teen Would Be on the Transplant List —If He Were White

A look into how race factors in to when patients get on the kidney transplant list

(Newser) - "I was immediately taken by Jordan's story," writes Jennifer Tsai, who has been an emergency medicine physician for two years. "It's an illuminating example of how racism is alive and burrowed within medicine." And so in a lengthy piece for Slate she shares it,...

A 'New Category' of Transplant Patients Is Emerging

COVID is leaving formerly healthy people with destroyed lungs

(Newser) - Another gloomy sidebar to the COVID story: the fact that the illness is giving rise to what one doctor calls "a completely new category of transplant patients." NBC News charts the evolution of thought about giving new lungs or hearts to patients who have seen those organs essentially...

Transplant From Husband, Son Saves Life of COVID Patient

Infection destroyed Japanese woman's lung function

(Newser) - Surgeons in Japan say they have carried out a first-of-its-kind operation that will give hope to coronavirus patients with severe lung damage. In the world's first transplant of lung tissue from living donors to a COVID patient, a woman who had spent months on a life support machine received...

She Received 2 New Lungs, and a Hidden COVID Infection
This COVID Transmission
Is First of Its Kind
in case you missed it

This COVID Transmission Is First of Its Kind

Woman received a double-lung transplant, but they were unknowingly infected with coronavirus

(Newser) - A woman received two new lungs in a double transplant last year, but it turns out the lungs were unknowingly infected with COVID-19, reports Kaiser Health News . The unidentified woman died last fall, two months after the operation in Michigan. It's the first confirmed case of the virus being...

Rule Change Gives New Hope to People Waiting for an Organ

Feds says 'broken' system is being improved

(Newser) - The Trump administration's legacy will include a more efficient organ donation system that could save thousands of lives, under a new rule issued by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicaid services . The rule changes the way organ procurement organizations—federally funded nonprofit groups that collect organs from donors and...

Husband and Wife Save a Life, 15 Years Apart

Both donated organs to Florida's Jeffrey Granger

(Newser) - It's an organ donor story with an unusual twist: A husband and wife ended up being donors to the same man 15 years apart, reports CBS News . The story begins in 2004, when 35-year-old Bryan Herrington died after a fall from a roof on his construction job, per CNN...

Her Lungs Were Among Worst He'd Seen. Now, a 2nd Chance

Double lung transplant saves young COVID-19 patient's life in Chicago

(Newser) - A 20-something woman whose lungs were devastated by the coronavirus has undergone the first known US lung transplant related to COVID-19—a double transplant, at that. It was her one shot at survival, reports the New York Times . The procedure carried out at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago last week...

New Machine Helps Livers Survive, Regenerate Outside Body

This could be a huge breakthrough in transplant technology

(Newser) - The liver is an amazing organ—the only internal one capable of regenerating itself—and researchers in Switzerland have come up with an invention almost as impressive. A machine they've been working on since 2015 keeps livers alive outside the human body for up to a week, instead of...

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