
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

S. Africa Deploys Troops as Immigrant Killings Spike

Anti-foreigner attacks spread across South Africa

(Newser) - South African president Thabo Mbeki has summoned troops to help counter a wave of anti-immigrant violence in the country, AFP reports. Mbeki called on soldiers after police requested help quelling mob violence that has claimed 42 lives, officials said. As many as 16,000 people have been displaced by the...

US Drugging Foreigners for Deportation

More than 'last resort,' practice violates international standards

(Newser) - The US government injects hundreds of illegal immigrants with dangerous psychotropic drugs to keep them sedated while being deported, the Washington Post reports. The so-called "pre-flight cocktail" often leaves detainees so incapacitated they need a wheelchair to get onto the plane. Used far more often than the "last...

Detained Immigrants Dying for Lack of Health Care

Overburdened system fails to adequately diagnose and treat detainees, Post finds

(Newser) - The number of detained immigrants has skyrocketed since 9/11, and many do not receive critical health care in overburdened federal detention centers, the Washington Post reports. Several immigrants, detained for minor offenses or waiting to seek asylum, received little or no care for life-threatening symptoms which finally killed them, a...

US Downturn Cuts Migrants' Payments Home

Mexican families struggle without funds relatives send home

(Newser) - The downturn in the US economy is also hitting Mexico hard, the Washington Post reports. Money sent home from the US, known as remittances, dropped nearly 7% in January compared with the year before, the biggest plunge in 13 years, says the Mexican government. Without that money, the country's No....

Italians Find Their Cuisine in Foreign Hands

Immigrants more and more the backbone of foodie nation's cooking

(Newser) - While immigrant-staffed kitchens are the norm throughout Europe, Italians regard their food as an integral part of national identity. So what to make of the fact that the best carbonara in Rome is made by a Tunisian chef? The ensuing debate—whether Italian cuisine made by non-Italians is authentic—is...

Miami Needs to Study Spanish
Miami Needs to Study Spanish

Miami Needs to Study Spanish

International financial hub finds Latinos' language skills lagging

(Newser) - Miami's role as an international city—the "financial hub of Latin America," as one businessman calls it—is threatened by its residents' declining Spanish skills, the Miami Herald reports. Many descendants of the Cuban entrepreneurs and businessmen who flooded South Florida in the '60s and '70s speak only...

French Police Storm Housing Projects

1,000 cops bust 33 for riots in raid on immigrant communities

(Newser) - More than 1,000 French police stormed housing projects in three largely immigrant communities outside of Paris early today and arrested 33 suspects believed linked to riots in November, AP reports. Police sources said two gang leaders in particular organized the street violence that included armed rioters in what they...

FBI Bails on Immigrant Probes as Backlogs Mount

Backlog means immigrants will be granted residency before background checks

(Newser) - Immigration officials are expected to grant green cards to tens of thousands of aliens before required FBI background checks, because the Department of Homeland Security is struggling under a ballooning backlog, McClatchy Newspapers reports. Background checks would be performed after immigrants are granted residency, which could be revoked if problems...

'Honor' Violence Against Women Surging in UK

Immigrant daughters forced into marriage, even killed for 'honor'

(Newser) - Violence in the name of family honor affects at least 17,000 women every year in Britain, and the number of unreported incidents may be drastically higher, the Independent reports. Forced marriages, sexual assaults, domestic violence, and so-called "honor" killings are reaching crisis levels, British officials say; they are...

Illness Linked to Pig Brains
Illness Linked to Pig Brains

Illness Linked to Pig Brains

Slaughterhouse workers report burning, numbness, weakness in limbs

(Newser) - A dozen workers at a Minnesota slaughterhouse are showing symptoms of a new illness linked to inhaling bits of pig brains, the Washington Post reports. Symptoms include sensations of burning, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs. All of the afflicted worked at or near the Austin packing house’...

US-Viet Pact OKs Forced Deportations

Vietnamese illegals to be repatriated, human rights groups cry foul

(Newser) - The US and Vietnam have signed a pact that could see thousands of Vietnamese living in America forcibly returned to their homeland, reports the Orange Country Register. Under the agreement, undocumented Vietnamese immigrants facing court deportation orders can now be repatriated. Some 8,000 people will be affected and the...

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems
No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

Staid debate aside, Nevada's dogfight sets the stage for a nasty campaign

(Newser) - Despite measured tones at Tuesday’s debate, the Nevada race was a dirty one for the leading Dems, Politico reports. The mudslinging began when Hillary Clinton said the Culinary Workers Union was scaring its members into supporting Barack Obama. The Illinois senator, for his part, did not prevent a union-backed...

Immigrants Fire Back at Xenophobic Campaign*

*In Germany

(Newser) - Germany’s immigrants are fed up with Roland Koch, whose bid for reelection as governor of the state of Hesse is exacerbating racial tensions, Der Spiegel reports. Koch seized upon a December subway beating to blast "criminal young foreigners," and the rhetoric quickly escalated to anti-immigrant rant, portraying...

Man Throws His 4 Kids From Bridge
Man Throws His 4 Kids From Bridge

Man Throws His 4 Kids From Bridge

Victims range in age from 4 months to 3 years; bodies still missing

(Newser) - An Alabama fisherman confessed to throwing his four young children to their deaths off an 80-foot bridge, the AP reports. Lam Luong, a 37-year-old Vietnamese immigrant, initially told police the children—ranging in age from 4 months to 3 years—were missing before admitting yesterday he had thrown them off...

Sherpas Navigate Big Apple Canyons
Sherpas Navigate Big Apple Canyons

Sherpas Navigate Big Apple Canyons

As tourism fades, expat Nepalese guides turn to driving NYC cabs

(Newser) - When a 10-year civil war drove tourists and climbers out of Nepal, the Sherpas who catered to them also left in droves, and many wound up in New York driving cabs. The taxis offer not only a livelihood but also fewer risks. "I stopped extreme climbing for my own...

Switching States Is On the Rise
Switching States Is
On the Rise

Switching States Is On the Rise

Immigrants, people in their 20s take the lead in mobility

(Newser) - Americans are moving from state to state at the highest rate since the early '90s, reports  USA Today. The trend stems from immigrants spreading out from the traditional gateway states in search of jobs and lower living costs, as well as a larger number of mobile twenty-somethings. In a 2006...

Immigrant Kids Talk the Talk: 90% Master English

Fluency makes dramatic leaps across generations

(Newser) - Although many Spanish-speaking immigrants who moved to America know little English, that's not true of their children and grandchildren, according to a new Pew survey. Only 23% of first-generation immigrants said they were competent in English, but 88% of second-generation and 94% of third-generation residents said they can carry on...

Immigration Hits All-Time High
Immigration Hits All-Time High

Immigration Hits All-Time High

About 1 in 8 Americans started out elsewhere, says anti-immigrant group

(Newser) - One out of every 8 US residents is an immigrant following seven years in which a record 10.3 million newcomers crossed US borders. But more than half of those were illegals, according to an anti-immigration group's census analysis. Critics were skeptical of the study’s conclusions—which focused on...

Swiss Rioters Blitz Rightist Rally
Swiss Rioters Blitz Rightist Rally

Swiss Rioters Blitz Rightist Rally

Anti-foreigner stance incites violence

(Newser) - Bern was beset by rioters aiming to thwart a pre-election rally by the rightist Swiss People’s Party, expected to dominate this month's elections with its xenophobic platform. Masked protesters threw bricks and gas bombs and outwitted police by operating in small groups and destroying the party stage. The mayor...

Rules Eased for Farm Workers
Rules Eased for Farm Workers

Rules Eased for Farm Workers

US quietly reforms temporary farm worker system

(Newser) - Faced with the prospect of crops rotting in the fields for want of hands to pick them, the Bush administration is quietly easing immigration regulations on farmworkers, the Los Angeles Times reports. Farmers have been caught between the recent crackdown on illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico and the...

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