
9 Stories

Big Layoffs at Roomba After Amazon Deal Falls Through

Companies say the planned acquisition is off

(Newser) - Amazon and Roomba won't be getting together after all. The retail giant and vacuum maker iRobot said Monday that Amazon's planned acquisition is off, reports the Wall Street Journal . The deal had faced big regulatory hurdles in Europe and the US. Amazon will pay the Massachusetts company a...

Why Your Roomba May Soon Be a 'Creepy Little Spy'
Your Roomba May Be
Up to No Good

Your Roomba May Be Up to No Good

iRobot is considering selling consumer info to Amazon, Apple, or Google

(Newser) - It may be "smart" to put robots to work in your home—but is it wise? Consumers who want the blueprint and contents of their homes kept private may be wary at news coming out of iRobot, which makes the Roomba robotic vacuum. Per the New York Times , the...

How Roomba Caused a ‘Pooptastrophe’
How Roomba Caused
a 'Pooptastrophe'

How Roomba Caused a 'Pooptastrophe'

Robotic vacuum maker rapped for spreading filth; rep says 'we see this a lot'

(Newser) - It seemed like a good idea. While his family slept, Jesse Newton programmed his Roomba to vacuum the living room of their Little Rock house. It seemed like a "lifesaver" with 4-year-old son Evan leaving crumbs everywhere and 1-year-old puppy Evie shedding fur, wife Kelly Newton told BuzzFeed . What...

Why Astronomers Hate Roomba's Lawnmower Plans

'It's telescopes vs. robots'

(Newser) - The next big thing in lawn-mowing technology could come from the makers of the Roomba—but first, they're facing a fight with astronomers. That's because iRobot's proposed device would use radio signals to keep the mowers from going rogue and moving off a user's property. Robot...

Roomba Maker Shows Robot Industry's Potential

IRobot branching out beyond vaccums

(Newser) - Whether you need to measure radiation levels, go into battle, or clean the living room rug, IRobot Corp. apparently has the gizmo for you. The LA Times profiles the Roomba vacuum maker and sees its success as a sign that the robot industry "is becoming more mainstream." So-called...

Roomba Maker Actually a Big-Time Defense Contractor

(Newser) - It’s common knowledge that the Defense Department is the progenitor of modern conveniences like the Internet. But would you, for a minute, think it has a $286 million contract with the company that makes your Roomba automated vacuum? That fact surprised Owen Thomas, who writes about it on Valleywag,...

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck
 Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck 

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck

Pet owners try to keep the peace between high technology and 'bio-pets'

(Newser) - Dogs are getting more suspicious as robots get more sophisticated, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dog owners find that jealous, territorial, or terrified pooches bark at the robots—and sometimes rip them apart. Some post videos of the battles on YouTube, while others are trying to find ways for canine...

For Many, Roomba Akin to Fido
For Many, Roomba Akin to Fido

For Many, Roomba Akin to Fido

Owners build bonds with their robots, treat 'em like pets

(Newser) - There may be no purring or wagging of tail, but for some people the soft whirring of their Roomba stirs feelings akin to those reserved for the family pet, reports AP. Georgia Tech researchers found that many who own home robots such as the automated vacuum cleaners name them or...

Robots Get Their Own Surge
Robots Get Their Own Surge

Robots Get Their Own Surge

Military wants 3000 new war-bots ASAP

(Newser) - The military wants more robots, and it wants them fast. The Pentagon is looking to enlist more small, maneuverable 'bots that can look out for insurgents and bombs—1,000 by the end of this year and 2,000 more over the next five years, Wired reports. The military is...

9 Stories
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