Wheel of Fortune

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Wheel Scoring Fortune Off of Political Ads

Game show has 'very loyal' audience that votes

(Newser) - Ads on ESPN may get the president's ear , but an ad during Wheel of Fortune is far more important, at least in the eyes of candidates and super PACs. The show brought in $57 million in campaign spending during the 2012 election—the most of any TV show ahead...

Wheel of Fortune Fails Too Much for Pat Sajak

He briefly walks off set

(Newser) - Pat Sajak just could not handle all the failure on Monday's Wheel of Fortune. Contestants were trying to solve a four-word answer to the question, "What are you doing?" but the first set of contestants had just one letter to go on: a single "N." Their...

Teacher Wins $1M on Wheel of Fortune

Sarah Manchester is show's third big winner

(Newser) - The puzzle itself was a pretty easy solve—"loud laughter," with most of the letters in place beforehand—but the payday for math teacher Sarah Manchester of Maryland was spectacular: She won the $1 million Wheel of Fortune prize, only the third person to do so, reports WJLA-TV...

Wheel of Fortune Sees Best Solve Ever

Contestant solves puzzle with just two letters provided

(Newser) - America is suddenly abuzz about Wheel of Fortune again, and no, you haven't woken up in the '80s. Emil, a contestant on last night's show, had what appeared to be a nearly-impossible Bonus Puzzle to solve. After running the provided letters and his own guessed letters, only...

Wheel of Fortune: Sorry About Fast and Furious Puzzle

That aired 2 days after Paul Walker's death

(Newser) - Wheel of Fortune accidentally stepped in it Monday night, when one of the answers to a puzzle on the show was "The Fast and the Furious" ... just two days after the death of The Fast and the Furious star Paul Walker . The show is now scrambling to explain, Fox...

$1M Mispronunciation? Not Really, but Still Stings

'Wheel of Fortune' contestant has big 'oops' at clutch moment

(Newser) - First step to winning the big $1 million prize on Wheel of Fortune: Land on the million-dollar wedge of the wheel. Second step: Correctly solve the puzzle. Third step: Correctly pronounce the puzzle you've just solved. Sadly, Paul Atkinson completed steps 1 and 2 Tuesday night, but things fell...

Here's How to Win $1M on Wheel of Fortune

Autumn Erhard is the show's second millionaire

(Newser) - Autumn Erhard's first stroke of luck was being 30 years old, which qualified her to appear on Wheel of Fortune's 30th anniversary show yesterday. Mix in some pretty tough odds about landing on a million-dollar prize slot, making it to the bonus round, landing on that prize slot...

Sajak: Vanna and I Did Wheel of Fortune Drunk

Early tapes would be fun to watch, he tells Dan LeBatard

(Newser) - Warming Glow unearthed this gem of an interview from Tuesday, in which Pat Sajak gives an unequivocal "Yes" when asked if he ever hosted Wheel of Fortune drunk. It seems there was a Mexican restaurant he and Vanna White liked to visit during their dinner breaks when the...

Woman Wins Wheel With Single Letter

'Super competitive' contestant wows host Sajak

(Newser) - A Wheel of Fortune contestant put one letter on the board—then correctly guessed the entire puzzle, reports Huffington Post. Caitlin Burke of New Jersey won a trip to the Caribbean for figuring out the (oh-so-appropriate) phrase, “I’ve got a good feeling about this,” with the letter...

Merv: Gay and Closeted to the End
Merv: Gay
and Closeted
to the End

Merv: Gay and Closeted to the End

Columnist wonders why talk show host kept 'open secret'

(Newser) - Merv Griffin, the television producer who died last week of prostate cancer, has been outed as a closeted gay man by a Hollywood Reporter columnist who was a former colleague. Griffin was married for 18 years and had a son, but his homosexuality was widely known in Los Angeles circles,...

Merv Griffin Dies at 82
Merv Griffin Dies at 82

Merv Griffin Dies at 82

The founder of 'Jeopardy!' passes

(Newser) - Merv Griffin, a TV impresario who found success both in front of and behind the camera, died of prostate cancer this morning at 82. Griffin is perhaps best known for creating "Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune," two of television's most successful and iconic game shows. A...

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