Colin Powell

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Powell Endorses Obama
 Powell Endorses Obama 

Powell Endorses Obama

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, describing the Dem as a "transformational figure." Powell says both Obama and John McCain are qualified to be commander in chief. But, in an interview today on NBC's Meet the Press, he said Obama is...

Why Powell Is Expected to Back Obama

Ex-Secretary thinks McCain has too many neocons around him

(Newser) - Colin Powell will make his presidential preference clear on Meet the Press tomorrow, the New York Daily News reports, detailing some of the reasons the former secretary of state is expected to defect from his party's candidate. "McCain has too many neocons working for him,"  says one...

Mac Advisers Fear Powell Will Endorse Obama Sunday

National-security heavyweight's camp mum on surprise Meet the Press appearance

(Newser) - Colin Powell could endorse Barack Obama when he appears on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Republican sources tell Politico. No one is exactly sure what Powell will say, but McCain advisers seem convinced that the retired general will throw his considerable national-security heft behind Democrat.

Powell Busts a Move at Concert for Africa

General says it's Africa's time to prosper; takes to stage for Yahooze

(Newser) - Colin Powell wowed the crowd at a concert showcasing African music in London last night by singing and dancing with a Nigerian hip-hop band, the Daily Telegraph reports. Before climbing on stage, the former secretary of state made a speech highlighting his African-American heritage and calling on the world to...

Powell Testifies to Stevens' 'Sterling' Rep

Ex-general, diplomat appears at senator's corruption trial

(Newser) - Colin Powell testified in Ted Stevens' defense today, characterizing the Alaska senator's reputation as "sterling" and saying he "was someone whose word you could rely on." On the stand in Washington as a character witness, the ex-secretary of state impishly said he had "dabbled a bit...

Stevens Corruption Trial Begins
 Stevens Corruption Trial Begins 

Stevens Corruption Trial Begins

(Newser) - Jury selection began today in the corruption trial of Ted Stevens, the first US senator in over 20 years to face a criminal trial, reports WTUU of Anchorage. The list of 200-plus possible witnesses at the Alaska Republican's trial, in federal court in Washington, DC, includes Colin Powell as well...

Powell Sticks to Fence in Prez Race

Former secretary of state still undecided

(Newser) - Colin Powell has yet to make up his mind which way he'll vote in November, MSNBC reports. Speaking at a forum with four other former secretaries of state yesterday, the Republican said he would let neither his quarter-century friendship with John McCain—nor the "electrifying" prospect of the first...

McCain's Dream Ticket? Powell on Veep List, Aide Says

But Romney still likely pick over pro-choicer

(Newser) - Decorated general and former secretary of state Colin Powell might add another title to his resume, reports Politico, citing a McCain adviser who says his candidate's failure to rule out a running mate who supports abortion rights points to Powell as a possible pick. But Mitt Romney—whose father was...

Who's the Best VP Pick? Take a Wild Guess

Political mag lists longshot candidates that strangely work

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi suggested an unlikely vice-presidential candidate for Barack Obama this week, and got Politico's editors thinking—who are the best longshot candidates for both parties? They called up political analysts and drummed up seven names that are "unconventional" but "reasonably viable." Bill Gates topped the list...

McCain Camp 'Winces,' Waits for Powell Defection

Hagel not expected to endorse either candidate

(Newser) - John McCain’s team is holding its breath for the “expected” endorsement of Barack Obama by the ever-popular Colin Powell, Robert Novak writes in a Washington Post tour of the “Obamacon” movement. Such Republicans-turned-blue are less energized by Obama's candidacy than they are in agreement with one of...

Top Bushies Personally OK'd Tough Interrogation Tactics

Meetings show high-level approval of CIA's 'enhanced' detainee treatment

(Newser) - Senior White House officials explicitly approved interrogation technique details in several meetings beginning in 2002, sources tell ABC. It was previously known that the CIA drafted a “Golden Shield” memo approving highly specific tactics for use on al-Qaeda detainees, but that top officials—including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Colin...

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?
Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Who Will Win the Veep Sweepstakes?

Dems don't have top pick yet, but talk persists about No. 2

(Newser) - John Kerry was mulling a pick for vice president at this time 4 years ago, but Democratic hopefuls today refuse to name a running mate. Still, Politico’s Ben Smith has an early roundup of who could be Clinton’s and Obama’s first choices in the No. 2 slot.

Saddam Had No Links to Al-Qaeda: Pentagon Study

Iraq invasion justification again called into question

(Newser) - A Pentagon-sponsored study of captured Iraqi intelligence archives has been unable to find a single operational link between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden or his al-Qaeda network, reports the McClatchy newspapers. The study will be released this week and is expected to refuel debate over the US justification for...

War Architect Blasts CIA, State Dept. for Iraq Fumbles

Ex-defense official says his advice was ignored

(Newser) - A top Iraq war architect slams the CIA and State Department for flawed handling of the build-up and eventual invasion in a new book, the Washington Post reports. Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense, takes shots at Colin Powell, Tommy Franks, and ex-occupation chief Paul Bremer, among others, for brushing...

Gore, Powell Stay on Sidelines
Gore, Powell Stay on Sidelines

Gore, Powell Stay on Sidelines

Ex-VP may want broker role; ex-Secretary of State has GOP fatigue

(Newser) - As the race for the Democratic nomination enters what the party hopes will be its homestretch, Al Gore is still watching from the sidelines, and insiders say he's planning to stay there. The ex-VP is said to see himself brokering a deal if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton end at...

US Lets Cuban Terror Slide in Florida

5 anti-Castro groups planning coup get free ride from FBI

(Newser) - At least five anti-Castro paramilitary groups are operating on US soil, planning to overthrow the Cuban regime—and getting a free ride from Washington despite bolstered anti-terrorist laws that would back a crackdown. Holed up in Florida training camps, the Cuban exiles have been linked to commando raids, hotel bombings,...

Bremer: Bush OK'd Disbanding of Iraqi Army

Peeved ex-envoy says prez isn’t truthful about what he knew

(Newser) - Paul Bremer has sent the New York Times letters demonstrating President Bush’s knowledge of the plan to disband the Iraqi Army—a rebuff to Bush's recent comments that he was surprised by the now-unpopular decision. As head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Bremer wrote to Bush of the plan...

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