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The Amazon River Just Aged Millions of Years
The Amazon
River Just Aged
Millions of Years


The Amazon River Just Aged Millions of Years

Scientists say waterway is closer to 9M years old, not the mere 1M they thought

(Newser) - Looks like the Amazon River may be able to cash in on some senior discounts after all. A new study carried out by scientists from the University of Amsterdam and Brazil's University of Brasilia, published in the Global and Planetary Change journal, upends previous speculation of how old the...

Now, an Explanation for Russia's Blood-Red River

Norilsk Nickel blames the rain

(Newser) - As one of Russia's northernmost rivers turned a bloodlike red last week, plenty of fingers were pointed at the nearby Norilsk Nickel factory. But the world's "largest producer of nickel and palladium" initially had only denials, going so far as to say that "the color of...

Red River in Russia Is Freaking Everyone Out

Some are pointing the finger at pollution possibly caused by local nickel factory

(Newser) - Russian officials are looking into a phenomenon that's been documented by a flurry of pictures on social media: one of the country's northernmost rivers turning a bloodlike bright red. CNN reports that the Daldykan River shifted to a rouge hue on Tuesday, and while some are saying the...

Lawmaker Sets River on Fire, Blames Fracking

Jeremy Buckingham makes his case in Australia

(Newser) - Could fracking be behind methane gas that's bubbling up in an Australian river? A lawmaker there gave his answer by going out on a boat and setting fire to the water, ABC News Australia reports. "Unbelievable!" says Jeremy Buckingham in a video (WARNING: LANGUAGE) as flames leap...

Pulled From SC River: 3 Civil War Cannons

Archaeologists say they were dumped off Confederate warship in Pee Dee River

(Newser) - Over the past two decades, Bob Butler has dived down to the bottom of South Carolina's Pee Dee River and discovered not one (in 1995), not two (in 2006), but three (final one in 2013) Civil War-era cannons he says were dropped off a Confederate warship, the State reports....

A Colorado River Now Looks Like This

EPA accidentally spilled 1 million gallons of mine waste into Animas

(Newser) - Colorado's Animas River isn't always bright orange, but that's how it looks today after the EPA accidentally spilled a million gallons of mine waste into a tributary. Officials in San Juan County say state officials and the EPA were actually trying to access contaminated water at Gold...

Biggest-Ever Dam Removal Frees US River

Salmon already returning to Washington's Elwha River

(Newser) - The biggest dam-removal project in history is complete and Washington state's Elwha River is running freely for the first time in more than a century. A blast yesterday destroyed the final 30 feet of the 210-foot Glines Canyon Dam, completed in 1927, on the Olympic Peninsula. The older, 108-foot...

River Turns Blood-Red in an Hour

Chinese company may have dumped red dye: officials

(Newser) - A river in China that looked just fine at 5am had turned blood-red about an hour later and was emitting an odd smell, ABC News reports. Environmental inspectors in Zhejiang province said they haven't found a cause yet but suspect illegal dumping of artificial coloring. Whoever did it "...

America's Most Endangered River Is...

Calif.'s San Joaquin River is under immense pressure, group warns

(Newser) - The San Joaquin River's problems run pretty deep, so much so that it's the most endangered in the country, according to the American Rivers conservation group. The group says that even before California's drought hit, the state's second-longest river had "lots of problems from dams,...

Miners Fight for Right to Vacuum Up Gold in Rivers

Suction dredge mining still banned in California

(Newser) - Vacuuming up gold from the bottom of a river sounds pretty tempting, so you can see why California gold miners are so intent on being allowed to do it. But suction dredge mining, as it's called, is quite controversial and has been banned in the state for the past...

Mystery in China: 54% of Rivers Vanish

The country attributes it to inaccurate maps, but there may be other factors

(Newser) - As far as geological mysteries go, it's an intriguing one: For decades, China has reported being home to 50,000 rivers of at least about 40 square miles. But the country's three-year census of its water—a first-of-its-kind effort involving 800,000 surveyors and released last week—revealed...

EPA: 55% of US Streams, Rivers in Bad Shape

Survey finds just a fifth of waterways in good health

(Newser) - America's millions of miles of rivers and streams are in terrible shape, an extensive Environmental Protection Agency survey has found. After sampling close to 2,000 locations ranging from the Mississippi to tiny streams, the EPA found that just a fifth of rivers and streams are in good enough...

China Fishes 900 Dead Pigs From River

But nobody's really sure where they came from yet

(Newser) - Here's one thing you definitely don't want to find in your water source: 900 or so dead pigs. But that's exactly what Chinese officials have pulled out of a Shanghai river that serves as a city water source. But there's mystery added to the ick factor,...

Amazon River at 40-Year Low
 Amazon River at 40-Year Low 

Amazon River at 40-Year Low

Dry weather cuts off Peruvian towns

(Newser) - Remote parts of Peru have been left high and dry by a dramatic drop in the Amazon river, dealing a devastating blow to local economies. The river is at its lowest level in at least 40 years in the northeastern part of the country because of a prolonged dry spell,...

Massive River Discovered on Sea Floor

Black Sea river world's sixth mightiest

(Newser) - Scientists have discovered a river whose flow is 10 times mightier than the largest river in Europe on the floor of the Black Sea, proving that previously mysterious channels visible on ocean floors are in fact formed by underwater rivers.The Black Sea river, the first-ever still-flowing underground channel to...

13-Foot Alligator Kills 11-Year-Old Girl

Victim was swimming in shallow water of Brazilian river

(Newser) - An 11-year-old girl who was swimming with friends in a river in Brazil was attacked and killed by a 13-foot-long alligator, according to local media reports. The girl was playing in shallow water in the northern part of the country, near the Amazon, when the alligator struck. The reptile was...

In a Recession, One Counts Swans Oneself

Queen becomes first monarch to undertake centuries-old census

(Newser) - With Britain still stuck in a biting recession, Queen Elizabeth is doing a bit of her own home economics—yesterday, she got on a barge and became the first monarch to undertake the annual counting of the swans. Traditionally the Queen owns all the swans on the River Thames, although...

Drying Euphrates Cripples Iraq

Turkish, Syrian dams, Iraqi practices blamed

(Newser) - Iraqis are suffering as the Euphrates river dwindles, a result of Turkish and Syrian dams upstream, a 2-year drought, and Iraqi’s own mismanagement of its water supply, the New York Times reports. Farmers and fishermen have been ruined and key grain-growing land desiccated. “The old men say it’...

Utilities Poison Water to Meet EPA Air Regs

(Newser) - A federal law that keeps utilities from poisoning the air is causing toxic metals to infiltrate US waterways, the Washington Post reports. As the Environmental Protection Agency debates possible solutions with lawmakers, utility companies are storing pollutants like mercury and selenium in sludge ponds that eventually leak into lakes and...

World's Rivers Running Low: Study

(Newser) - The world’s rivers are drying up as climate change worsens and the demand for water increases, the BBC reports. Researchers studying 925 major waterways—from the Ganges to the Colorado—found significantly less fresh water flowing into oceans in 2004 than 50 years earlier. If the trend continues, the...

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