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7 Folks Named 'Gudmundur' Have Most Unusual Job

They're a 'human search engine' in Iceland

(Newser) - What do a washing machine, a crocodile, and glacial water have in common? Gudmundur of the West is on the hot seat to answer that question this week, and if he can't figure it out, maybe Gudmundur from the North or Gudmunda from Reykjavik can help him out with...

Google Reveals Top Search of 2014

Search requests for information about Robin Williams top the list

(Newser) - Google has revealed the topic of the year's fastest-rising search request: Robin Williams' suicide. Reaction to his death tops this year's list, the AP reports. Some notable examples: In the first few days after, the number of searches for "carpe diem," a phrase Williams popularized in...

EU Parliament Says It's Time to Break Up Google

Nonbinding move calls for search to be separated from other services

(Newser) - Europe's parliament has made a statement with a nonbinding vote: Google, the body says, needs to be divided. The European Parliament doesn't actually have power over antitrust matters, the New York Times reports, but the vote says that the EU's competition commissioner should "consider proposals aimed...

Google Holds Debates on 'Right to Be Forgotten'

EU rule calls for removal of some links from search engines

(Newser) - Google is touring Europe to discuss a controversial new rule in the region: the "right to be forgotten," which allows individuals to seek the removal of unwanted search-engine links about them. While those on one side of the argument see a victory for privacy, others see censorship, the...

Google Must Erase Certain Links If Asked: EU Court

Decision aims to protect individual privacy

(Newser) - If you want certain articles or court documents removed when your name is Googled—and you live in Europe—the search giant must comply, Europe's top court says. The ruling, which affects all search engines, focuses on privacy protection and the "right to be forgotten" in Europe, the...

Most Web Traffic Isn&#39;t Human
 Most Web Traffic Isn't Human 

Most Web Traffic Isn't Human

Bots now account for 61.5% of traffic

(Newser) - If you're an Internet user with blood in your veins and air in your lungs, you're now part of a shrinking minority, according to startling new research. Some 61% of web traffic is now non-human, made up of a motley assortments of bots generated by search engines, scrapers,...

Pedos Who Google Kid Porn Now Get Warnings, Not Pics

Google, Microsoft partner to target 100K search terms

(Newser) - Google and Microsoft are working closely together to make it harder for pedophiles to find images of child abuse online. Google says it has targeted 100,000 search terms associated with child sexual abuse and the terms will now deliver warnings instead of illegal results, the BBC reports. Over the...

Google Breaks Advertising Promise

It's testing banner ads

(Newser) - "There will be no banner ads on the Google homepage or web search results page. There will not be crazy, flashy, graphical doodads flying and popping up all over the Google site. Ever." Google said that in a 2005 blog post , to ease fears about a partnership deal...

Prof: We Need Laws to Check Google's Power

He thinks it's too easy for company to sway elections

(Newser) - The Washington Post explores a provocative question about Google in its Outlook section tomorrow: Do we need laws in place to safeguard against the company deliberately manipulating elections? It may sound far-fetched on the surface, but the story follows the experiments of psychologist Robert Epstein, who showed that it's...

Facebook Unveils Ambitious New Search Feature

You'll be able to search the 'graph' for info from your friends

(Newser) - Facebook held a major press event today, but kept the media guessing about what it would be unveiling. The answer was what Mark Zuckerberg described as the "third pillar" of Facebook: Graph Search. Basically, the idea is to allow people to search for people, places, and things to do...

Feds Clear Google of Search Bias

Company will make some voluntary changes to its practices

(Newser) - Google is resolving the FTC's antitrust probe into its business practices today after 19 months, the AP reports. As part of the settlement, Google will voluntarily license patents deemed "essential" to its rivals in the mobile phone industry, including Apple, Research in Motion, and Microsoft. The investigation was...

Is Google Hiding Porn on Image Search?

Some users cry foul over safe search changes

(Newser) - We're sure none of our esteemed readers would ever use Google's wholesome Image Search to find filthy pictures of naked people committing depraved acts. But on the off chance that you do, you might notice that it's a little harder to find what you're looking for....

Guy Wins Defamation Suit Vs. Google for Search Results

Australia man wins what might be the first such victory

(Newser) - Google has lost a defamation case with potentially big repercussions. An Australia man sued because if you Googled his name, the search results brought up stories about the nation's criminal underworld and left the impression he belonged to it, report AFP and Slate . When Google declined to address the...

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

 Find Maya 

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

Meet the 'Lady Snake Lord'

(Newser) - Archaeologists in Guatemala think they've found the resting place of an ancient Maya warrior queen with the awesome nickname of Lady Snake Lord, reports the National Geographic . Her more formal name was Lady K'abel, and she ruled for 20 years in the late 7th century. A slew of...

Zuckerberg: Mobile Tech Was Our Biggest Mistake

Facebook building a search engine, he says

(Newser) - In his first public talk since Facebook's IPO in May, Mark Zuckerberg said the stock's decline was "obviously disappointing," and admitted the company had "burned two years" by focusing on the wrong mobile technology, reports the Financial Times . But he came across as upbeat and...

Birthday Reminders Coming to Google Homepage

Company boosts its social appeal

(Newser) - Google put an ad on its minimalistic front page for the first time yesterday, and soon it will start giving away more of that desirable real estate … for birthday reminders. Yep, within the next few days, any Google+ member performing a search on in English will see...

New Google Options: 'I'm Feeling Trendy'?

Search engine gives playful revamp to the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' feature

(Newser) - OK, show of hands, how many of you ever actually used the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button on Google? Yeah, us neither. And the feature has gotten extra-useless now that Google displays results near-instantaneously as you type. So Google today rolled out a quirky replacement, or rather, a quirky...

Google's New Idea: Your Gmail in Search Results

Company aims for 'universal search'

(Newser) - Google searches just keep getting more personal . The company's latest idea: Integrate Gmail emails into search results, so when you search for something like "flight" on Google, relevant messages from your Gmail account—like the confirmation for your upcoming trips—will show up alongside normal results. Gmail will...

Mayer&#39;s Job: Figure Out What Yahoo Is

 Mayer's Job: 
 Figure Out 
 What Yahoo Is 

david carr

Mayer's Job: Figure Out What Yahoo Is

David Carr's guess: It's all about news

(Newser) - Yahoo is so unsure of its own goals that David Carr wonders "whether the frothy trademark Yahoo! should be replaced with Yahoo?," he writes in the New York Times . Now that Marissa Mayer is onboard as CEO, it's time for the company to define itself. And Carr...

Shopping on Google? Only Advertised Items to Appear

The products that appear on top will be the ones Google is paid most to feature

(Newser) - Google Product Search will soon become Google Shopping, and the new name will be accompanied by a big, and potentially irksome, change to the service. In a nutshell, companies will now have to pay for their position in search results. "We are starting to transition Google Product Search in...

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