Dalai Lama

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50 Years On, Tibet's Secret War Simmers

Dalai Lama's brother was key to CIA-backed anti-China insurgency

(Newser) - The little-known Tibetan resistance struggle after China's 1950 invasion still affects its politics today, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Dalai Lama's brother played a vital role in the CIA-backed armed movement, largely made up of Buddhist monks, and Chinese suspicion still lingers over how much the spiritual leader himself...

Stomach Pain Lands Dalai Lama in Hospital

Trip comes a day after canceling overseas visit due to exhaustion

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama was hospitalized today in India after complaining of stomach pains, BBC says. The Tibetan spiritual leader, who recently received a clean bill of health, canceled two international trips yesterday due to exhaustion. “There is nothing major to feel concerned about,” said his spokesman. The Dalai...

Dalai Lama Cancels Trips Due to 'Exhaustion'

Spiritual leader takes rest after months of traveling the globe

(Newser) - Citing "exhaustion," the Dalai Lama has canceled plans to travel, the AP reports. A spokesman said the Tibetan spiritual leader would not go to Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and instead would rest and undergo medical tests for the next three weeks. The 73-year-old has had an intense...

It's Time for China, Tibet to Cut a Deal
It's Time for China, Tibet
to Cut a Deal

It's Time for China, Tibet to Cut a Deal

Dalai Lama backs off demand for autonomy, opening window

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama is willing to accept Chinese rule in Tibet, providing Beijing with a major concession in an attempt to preserve the cultural character of the region, writes columnist Nicolas D. Kristof in the New York Times. The Chinese government must recognize the Dalai Lama's willingness to compromise and...

Tasty Morsels on Fried Chicken
 Tasty Morsels on Fried Chicken 

Tasty Morsels on Fried Chicken

Daily Green presents some lesser-known facts about poultry

(Newser) - You might be well acquainted with the Colonel and his famous fried chicken, but beneath the crunchy skin lie some lesser-known facts. The Daily Green sides its poultry with a six-pack of trivia.
  1. It's a place: After toying around with the name "Ptarmigan," one town's handful of residents

Olympic Torch Arrives in Tibet
 Olympic Torch Arrives in Tibet 

Olympic Torch Arrives in Tibet

Amid heavy security, China slams Dalai Lama

(Newser) - Under tight security, the Olympic torch made its way through Tibet’s capital in the most controversial leg of its worldwide journey—a jaunt that ended with Chinese criticism of the Dalai Lama, Reuters reports. “We will be able to totally smash the splittist schemes of the Dalai Lama...

Dalai Lama's Advice Runs to Earthier Tones

Exile's Indian headquarters draws seekers of celestial, and not-so-celestial, guidance

(Newser) - Driven by questions both spiritual and secular, more Westerners are heading to the Dalai Lama's headquarters-in-exile, the Wall Street Journal reports. Humble despite being proclaimed a “God-King,” Tibet's spiritual leader has sought “opportunities to be interactive” in the Indian town of Dharmsala—seeing a wide variety of...

Dalai Lama Won't Be Welcomed at 10 Downing

Brown draws fire for moving meeting

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama arrived in Britain today for an 11-day visit, during which he will give lectures and meet with senior religious and political figures. Gordon Brown won acclaim at the height of the Olympic torch protests for agreeing to meet the Tibetan leader. But now, writes AFP, the PM...

China Weighs Olympic Invitation for Dalai Lama

Effort at damage control marks shift by Beijing

(Newser) - Battered by backlash over the Tibet crackdown, China has proposed inviting the Dalai Lama to the Beijing Olympics. An unnamed top Chinese official called a legislator in Tibet's exiled government to discuss the possibility, Reuters reports. The spiritual leader would consider attending, said the Tibetan lawmaker.

Dalai Lama to China: Stop Smearing Me

But he calls new talks with Beijing 'respectful' and promising

(Newser) - If Chinese leaders truly believe the Dalai Lama was behind the Lhasa riots, “then they should go to Oslo and see to it that I am stripped of my Nobel Peace Prize,” the spiritual leader tells Der Spiegel. The Tibetan leader is tired of China’s accusations, and...

Dalai Lama Reps Visit China for Peace Talks

Trip marks first contact between sides since violent protests began

(Newser) - Representatives for the Dalai Lama head to China today for talks on restoring peace between the two sides, the BBC reports. The visit marks the first contact between the exiled leader and Chinese officials since pro-Tibet protests turned violent in March. The envoys will discuss the Dalai Lama’s “...

China Sends 30 to Prison in Mass Tibet Trials

Trial condemned as 'rubber stamp,' by human rights groups

(Newser) - A Chinese court sentenced 30 people yesterday, including six monks, for taking part in the March protest riots in Tibet, the New York Times reports. The sentences ranged from three years to life in prison. Human Rights Watch watch said the trials were secret and defendants weren’t allowed representation,...

China Will Meet With Dalai Lama Aide

First meeting with Tibetan leadership since unrest

(Newser) - Beijing officials will meet in the next few days with a representative of the Dalai Lama, reports AFP, quoting Chinese media. The meeting would be the first encounter between the Tibetan leadership and members of the Chinese government since last month's unrest in Tibet. China has come under intense foreign...

China Protests Slam Tibet Push for Freedom

Rallies call for boycott on French goods

(Newser) - Chinese demonstrators today responded to pro-Tibet protests around the world with rallies of their own, blasting Tibet’s calls for independence and demanding a boycott of French goods, Reuters reports. “Oppose Tibet independence, support the Olympics,” said banners hoisted by protesters in at least four cities. A number...

New China Museum Fuels Tibetan Anger
New China Museum Fuels Tibetan Anger

New China Museum Fuels Tibetan Anger

Beijing gallery pushes official version of Chinese history

(Newser) - China is accelerating construction of a number of museums ahead of August's Olympics, but one is sure to cause serious consternation: the first museum in Beijing devoted to Tibet. Antiquities and historical documents will be used to underline the claim that Tibet is an integral part of China, the New ...

In Seattle, Dalai Lama Presses for Tibet

Says China must open region, pushes for 'middle way'

(Newser) - After four days of lectures in Seattle on love and compassion, the Dalai Lama turned to the tempestuous topic of the fate of Tibet within China. The Dalai Lama called on Beijing to open the region to foreign journalists, continued to press for his "middle way" of Tibetan autonomy,...

4 Months to Go: Is China Ready for Spotlight?

Country is proud to host Games but worries abound

(Newser) - The last-minute drama brewing in the runup to this summer's Olympic Games is of a more global and more personal nature than the infrastructure issues of Olympics past—and Chinese leaders are bristling under the scrutiny, the Chicago Tribune reports. But pride in the country's hosting gig remains strong, even...

Dalai Lama's Home-in-Exile Is Hippie Haven

Ex-pats turn Himalayan town into counterculture zone

(Newser) - Western ex-patriots have turned the Dalai Lama's home-in-exile into a hippie hotspot, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The Himalayan town of Dharamsala, population 20,000, has become a center for for espresso-sipping yoga-lovers and web-surfing monks. Many more come in search of wisdom, but the town is not without its...

China Skewers House Speaker
 China Skewers House Speaker 

China Skewers House Speaker

Media rips Pelosi, touts Olympics as triumph of 'good over evil'

(Newser) - Chinese state-sponsored media today blasted US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her stance supporting Tibet.  Belligerent  editorials from the official Xinhua news agency ripped Pelosi as "the most disgusting person" and a "protector of mobsters, arsonists and murderers." Pelosi has urged President Bush to boycott the...

Dalai Lama Begins US Visit
 Dalai Lama Begins US Visit 

Dalai Lama Begins US Visit

Amid Tibet, Olympic turmoil, Seattle peace conference first stop for spiritual leader

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama arrived in Seattle today to begin a five-day series of speeches and workshops on peace and compassion, the Seattle Times reports. He told a group of Tibetan supporters at the airport that he was saddened by yesterday's protests in San Francisco surrounding the Olympic torch, and reiterated...

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