illegal immigration

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds Consider Harsh Measures to Deter Illegal Crossings

Parents may be separated from their children

(Newser) - With illegal border crossings on the rise once again, the Trump administration is considering a move that even some immigration hardliners consider draconian. Sources tell the New York Times and the Washington Post that the administration might try to discourage Central American families from making the crossing by splitting up...

10-Year-Old Who Was Detained After Surgery Released

But she still faces threat of deportation

(Newser) - US authorities on Friday released a 10-year-old immigrant girl with cerebral palsy who had been detained by border agents after surgery because she is in the US without legal permission. The ACLU and US Rep. Joaquin Castro said that Rosa Maria Hernandez was returned Friday afternoon to her family, the...

ICE Agents Swoop In, Take Child From Hospital Post-Surgery

Now 10-year-old Rosamaria Hernandez, who has cerebral palsy, could be deported

(Newser) - An ICE "sensitive locations" directive says federal agents shouldn't try to enforce the law at such locations except under "exigent circumstances." But the family of Rosamaria Hernandez, a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who had gallbladder surgery at a hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, says ICE...

Appeals Court Reverses Itself on Immigrant Seeking Abortion

17-year-old Jane Doe must be allowed to have abortion, court rules

(Newser) - In a new twist in the ongoing saga of a 17-year-old's attempts to get an abortion while being held in a federal immigration shelter, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday the Trump administration must stop blocking her from the procedure, Politico reports. A three-judge panel of the...

Immigrant's 'Unusual' Reprieve After 11 Months in Hiding

Javier Flores Garcia is going home to be with his family thanks to special deferred status and visa

(Newser) - Since November, Javier Flores Garcia has been separated from his family and hunkered down in a Philly church to avoid deportation, serving as a handyman and praying. On Wednesday, per NBC Philadelphia , the undocumented immigrant finally left the Arch Street United Methodist Church where he'd found sanctuary not long...

Wife Warned He'd Be Murdered If Deported. He Was

Juan Coronilla-Guerrero's case isn't unique

(Newser) - Juan Coronilla-Guerrero's wife told a federal judge that her husband would be murdered if he was forced to return to Mexico, the birthplace he'd fled because of gang violence. And he was—perhaps by the very people he'd hoped to evade. Deported three months ago after federal...

GOP Leaders Urge Trump to Leave 'Dreamers' Alone

Ryan, Hatch, more say Congress should find a DACA solution

(Newser) - With President Trump promising a decision on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program Friday afternoon or sometime this weekend, a number of powerful Republican lawmakers—including House Speaker Paul Ryan—encouraged him not to end it. DACA—enacted by President Obama in 2012—allows immigrants brought to the US...

White House Plan Would Expand Deportations

Proposal gives Homeland Security greater powers

(Newser) - A White House plan under consideration could lead to a vast expansion of the policy to deport undocumented immigrants without a court hearing. According to a memo obtained by the Washington Post , immigrants who are detained and cannot prove they have lived in the US for more than 90 days...

New Texas Law Punishes 'Sanctuary Cities'

Big-city police chiefs strongly opposed move

(Newser) - "Sanctuary cities" will be banned and local officials who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials will be punished under a bill signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Sunday. The bill, passed by the state legislature last week, was signed in an event broadcast from the state...

Man Believed to Be First DACA Deportee Sues US

Juan Manuel Montes says he was 'scared and confused' when stopped by US officials

(Newser) - A 23-year-old man sued the federal government over his deportation to Mexico, saying he was entitled to remain in the US under a program shielding people who came to the country as young children. Juan Manuel Montes' attorneys say their client is believed to be the first known person who...

DHS Plans to Curb Illegal Immigration Revealed

New border agents could skip polygraph test: report

(Newser) - How President Trump might curtail illegal immigration is laid out in a new Department of Homeland Security memo. How he might afford it is not, reports the Washington Post . The assessment reveals plans to quickly hire 5,000 new Customs and Border Protection agents—just 500 would cost up to...

Rape Accusation at School Leads to Immigration Outcry

One of 2 teens accused in sexual assault came from Guatemala

(Newser) - A Maryland high school has been thrust into the national immigration debate after a 14-year-old student said she was raped in a bathroom there by two classmates, including one who authorities said came to the US illegally. The latest flashpoint in the immigration debate started out as a sexual assault...

DHS: 'Unprecedented' Drop in Illegal Immigrants From Mexico

40% decline in apprehensions from January to February of this year

(Newser) - There's usually a significant increase, of up to 20%, each January to February in the apprehension of illegal immigrants crossing over into the States from Mexico. But this year, a surprising development, the BBC reports: Based on figures released by Customs and Border Protection , January's number of 31,...

US Gov Considers Breaking Up Families at Border: Report

Mothers illegally entering US would be separated from their children

(Newser) - The US government is considering forcibly separating mothers found illegally entering the country from their children, according to an exclusive report. Three government officials tell Reuters the proposal is being considered by the Department of Homeland Security. Under current practice, families illegally entering the US are allowed to stay together...

Trump Might Let Undocumented Immigrants Stay in US After All

President says he's ready for compromise on immigration reform

(Newser) - Through his campaign, President Trump vowed to deport millions of undocumented immigrants; now he appears maybe ready to give millions of those immigrants a path to legal status. “The time is right for an immigration bill, as long as there is compromise on both sides,” ABC News quotes...

Trump&#39;s Immigration Plan Could Cost Billions to Enact
Trump's Immigration Plan
Could Cost Billions to Enact
The Rundown

Trump's Immigration Plan Could Cost Billions to Enact

New policy could lead to millions of deportations

(Newser) - The Trump administration's massive overhaul of how the US targets and deports undocumented immigrants is becoming clearer after two memos from Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly were released Tuesday. The policy changes in those memos could open the door to millions of deportations thanks to classifying most undocumented immigrants...

Homeland Security Plans Aggressive Stance on Illegal Immigration

Agency wants to prosecute parents who illegally bring kids to US

(Newser) - "The surge of immigration at the southern border has overwhelmed federal agencies and resources and has created a significant national security vulnerability," Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly writes in sweeping new guidelines on immigration policy. According to draft guidelines seen by the Washington Post , Kelly plans to...

Massive Immigration Raids 'Send a Message' Under Trump

Hundreds have been arrested this week in raids across at least 6 states

(Newser) - "People are panicking." That's the message from one immigration lawyer after hundreds of undocumented immigrants were rounded up this week by ICE agents in raids in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and the Carolinas, the Washington Post reports. According to NPR , the raids were the first...

She Hadn't Seen Mexico in 21 Years. Today, She Was Sent Back

Protests rage after deportation

(Newser) - The deportation of an immigrant mother in Phoenix who was granted leniency during the Obama administration provides an early example of how President Donald Trump plans to carry through on his vow to crack down on illegal immigration, the AP reports. The case of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos became a...

One Immigrant Sanctuary Ends in Face of Trump Order

Miami-Dade's jails will hold undocumented immigrants for feds

(Newser) - President Trump's threat to withhold federal money has worked on at least one "sanctuary" jurisdiction, the Miami Herald reports. On Thursday, the mayor of Florida's Miami-Dade County ended a 2013 policy that kept local jails from holding undocumented immigrants for federal immigration authorities. While Trump called the...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>