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Prosecutors Near Charges for Boeing's Top 737 Max Pilot

Details on tricky flight-control system were left out of pilot manual

(Newser) - Federal investigators are close to charging a former pilot for Boeing with misleading the FAA about problems tied to two fatal crashes of the 737 Max. Mark Forkner, who was the company's chief technical pilot when the plane was developed, would be the first Boeing employee prosecuted over the...

FAA Issues Warning About Unruly Passengers

Incidents are up—a lot, agency says

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration has had it up to here with unruly airplane passengers. In a public service announcement released Tuesday letting everyone know that "unruly behavior doesn't fly," the FAA announced that since 2021 began, there have been 3,988 reports of unruly passengers, 2,928...

FAA Makes Big Ask of Airports to Control Unruly Travelers

Agency wants bars, restaurants to nix booze 'to go,' as passengers try to bring those drinks on board

(Newser) - Multiple airlines have already cut back on serving alcohol in the air, due to a spike in incidents involving out-of-control passengers, and now the Federal Aviation Administration is appealing to airports to do their part. Per NBC News , FAA chief Steve Dickson's letter to airport managers on Tuesday noted...

Aircraft Entered 'Keep Out Zone,' and Musk Is Pissed

Says space regulations aren't keeping up with the times

(Newser) - A Tuesday SpaceX launched ended up being scrubbed 11 seconds prior to liftoff due to a wayward helicopter, and Elon Musk is displeased. "An aircraft entered the 'keep out zone', which is unreasonably gigantic," he tweeted after the snafu. "There is simply no way that humanity...

FAA Has 2.5K Reports of Unruly Fliers This Year

Number of cases is way up this year, and air travel is getting busier

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday that mask violations account for about 1,900 of the 2,500 unruly passenger reports it has received this year. The agency usually handles 100 to 150 formal cases in a year. The FAA is weighing the allegations, Reuters reports, and said 395 of...

Unruly Plane Passenger Is Fined $32K
Unruly Plane Passenger
Is Fined $32K

Unruly Plane Passenger Is Fined $32K

FAA attaches some big numbers to its zero-tolerance policy

(Newser) - The FAA has had enough of unruly passengers. In early 2021, the agency announced a zero-tolerance policy , and in a press release last week they explained just what they mean. No more warnings and no more counseling—the maskless and unruly are facing stiff fines. The FAA isn’t naming...

FAA: Told to Mask Up, Passengers Got Physical

Agency issues 4 fines totalling more than $67K

(Newser) - Two travelers are facing a combined $50,000 in fines from the FAA, and not just for their lack of masks. Both are accused of assaulting flight attendants who called them out for their rule-breaking, per the Hill . A female passenger told to don a mask on a Feb. 7...

NTSB: Skydiving Plane That Crashed Wasn't 'Airworthy'

Aircraft was damaged before pilot pushed it on takeoff, leading to 11 deaths

(Newser) - A pilot's aggressive takeoff led to an aerodynamic stall, causing the 2019 crash of a skydiving plane in Hawaii that killed all 11 people on board, government safety investigators have determined. The National Transportation Safety Board said the stall caused a loss of control at an altitude that was...

Hot Mic Picks Up Pilot Ranting Against Liberals

And Hyundais, in Southwest Airlines audio caught on air traffic control scanner

(Newser) - Rule No. 1 of wearing a microphone: Always assume it's a hot one. A Southwest Airlines pilot found that out the hard way after his rant against liberals and a certain car manufacturer got picked up by air traffic control. Per travel site One Mile at a Time , the...

FAA Plans $27K Fine, Saying Passenger Hit Flight Attendant

Agency eliminated requirement to issue a warning before issuing penalty

(Newser) - An airline passenger has 30 days to explain why he shouldn't be fined $27,500 for hitting a flight attendant in the face. The Federal Aviation Administration announced its proposed penalty Friday, USA Today reports. The passenger was traveling with someone who refused to wear a mask on a...

Passengers Arrested After Attacking Airline Agents

Clash began over size of carry-on bags

(Newser) - Two agents were injured and two passengers were arrested after a clash at Detroit Metro Airport. The agents had blocked the passengers from boarding a Sunday flight to Atlanta "without authorization," Spirit Airlines said. "This was not a fight," the airline said in a statement. "...

Security Increases for Lawmakers' Travel

Members of Congress have been harassed in airports

(Newser) - After supporters of President Trump harassed two senators at a Washington airport, security has been increased for members of Congress traveling to and from the capital. The stepped-up measures will be in effect through the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 20, Axios reports. Lawmakers were told of the...

FAA: Drone Operators Will Need to Provide Location

Requirement for most operators will go into effect in 2023

(Newser) - Your drone will soon need a license plate of sorts. The FAA issued new rules for unmanned aerial vehicles on Monday, and for the first time, specially trained operators will be allowed to fly small drones at night, so long as they're equipped with anti-collision lights that can be...

Boeing 737 Max Is Cleared for Takeoff

After fixes, issue with plane's nose 'can no longer happen'

(Newser) - Following two fatal crashes and 20 months on the ground, the Boeing 737 Max has been cleared to fly in the US. The FAA said Wednesday that a review process was complete and the plane could take to the skies—but only after necessary changes are made, pilots receive simulator...

Report on 737 Max: 'Horrific Culmination' of Missteps

'Grossly insufficient oversight' by FAA and 'lack of transparency' by Boeing cited by House committee

(Newser) - As regulators get closer to OKing recertification for Boeing's beleaguered 737 Max planes, what CNBC calls a "damning" report from a Congressional committee that took a year and a half to complete was released Wednesday, pointing to a series of fails during the development of the aircraft. The...

Amazon Gets OK for Drone Deliveries
Drones Win
FAA Approval

Amazon Drones Win FAA Approval

Certification allows for the next step in testing, with the goal of 30-minute deliveries

(Newser) - We don't know how customers will feel about having drones buzz past on their way to drop off packages, but Amazon has won an important approval. The Federal Aviation Authority has certified the Prime Air delivery fleet good to go, NBC reports, granting permission for the company's small...

Report: Kobe Bryant Pilot Had 2015 Weather- Related Infraction

Ara Zobayan had been disciplined by FAA for entering LAX airspace without the OK

(Newser) - The pilot of the helicopter that crashed in Calabasas last month, killing Kobe Bryant , his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, and seven others, took heat in 2015 from the Federal Aviation Administration for entering busy airspace near Los Angeles International Airport, even though air traffic control had warned him from doing so....

Boeing Red-Faced on 'Appalling' Messages About 737 Max

'This airplane is designed by clowns, who are in turn supervised by monkeys'

(Newser) - Lawmakers are calling newly revealed messages from Boeing employees on the company's beleaguered 737 Max—involved in two horrific crashes that killed 346 people— and the Federal Aviation Administration "astonishing," "appalling," and "incredibly damning," in what the New York Times deems the "...

Airlines Reroute Flights Away From Iran, Iraq Airspace

FAA bans US carriers from flying over area

(Newser) - Commercial airlines on Wednesday rerouted flights crossing the Middle East to avoid possible danger amid escalating tensions between the United States and Iran. The flight restrictions reflected fears that the conflict between the longtime foes could ratchet up following Iranian ballistic missile strikes Tuesday on two Iraqi bases that house...

FAA Analysis: 737 MAX Could Crash 15 More Times

That is, if Boeing didn't fix the MCAS system

(Newser) - A month after the deadly October 2018 Lion Air crash in Indonesia, the FAA completed an analysis that found it likely wouldn't be the last fatal Boeing 737 MAX crash. That analysis, released Wednesday during a House Transportation Committee hearing and reported on by the Wall Street Journal , found...

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