cell phones

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Court: Cops Can Read Your Texts Without a Warrant

Calif. court decides suspects' cell phones can be searched after arrest

(Newser) - Police in California don't need a warrant to check messages on suspects' cell phones, the state's Supreme Court decided yesterday. The court decided 5-2 that cell phones, like clothing, can be subjected to warrantless searches after a suspect is arrested, AP reports.The two dissenting justices argued that US Supreme...

Guy on Plane Decks Kid Who Wouldn't Turn Off Phone
Guy on Plane Decks Kid
Who Wouldn't Turn Off Phone

Guy on Plane Decks Kid Who Wouldn't Turn Off Phone

The 68-year-old 'felt he was protecting the entire plane'

(Newser) - Next time the flight attendants ask you to turn off your cell phone before takeoff, you better do it … because if you don’t, the 68-year-old guy sitting next to you just might punch you. Russell Miller, accused of doing just that, was arrested upon landing last week and...

2010: The Year We Stopped Talking to Each Other

Being in the room with someone doesn't mean they have your attention

(Newser) - In the seemingly unending onslaught of "best" and "worst" of 2010 stories, a declaration that's a mix. Writing for USA Today , Sharon Jayson dubs 2010 "the Year We Stopped Talking to One Another." The upside: We're Facebook BFFs with Kimmy from high school. The downside: We...

Pregnant Cell Phone Gabbers Have Kids Who Misbehave

It's bad enough if pregnant mom uses phone, worse if child does

(Newser) - You probably already knew that cell phones might cause cancer —but did you know they also might cause your unborn child to act up? New research shows that women who used cell phones regularly while pregnant were 40% more likely to have children with behavioral problems, Reuters reports. The...

Cell Phone Risks Tough to Ignore
 Cell Phone Risks 
 Tough to Ignore 
book review

Cell Phone Risks Tough to Ignore

Review: Two new books don't settle the issue, but raise serious questions

(Newser) - The Washington Post's environmental reporter takes a look at two books (Ann Louise Gittleman's Zapped and Devra Davis' Disconnect) that cover familiar ground on the potential dangers of cell phones. Neither comes close to settling the issue, writes Juliet Eilperin, but "they raise significant questions about our constant exposure...

Charles Manson Caught With Cell Phone

Calif. prison phone problem out of control, lawmakers say

(Newser) - California prison authorities are having a hard time keeping cell phones out of the hands of even the most notorious inmates. The number of phones confiscated in the state since officials started keeping track has jumped from 1,400 in 2007 to 8,675 so far this year, and prisoners...

Indian Town Outlaws Cell Phones for Single Women

... To stop them from eloping

(Newser) - A council in northern India has forbidden all unmarried women from carrying cell phones, in an effort to prevent them from eloping with people of different castes. At least 23 young couples ran off and got married without their parents’ consent last year in Uttar Pradesh state, the AFP explains....

Today's 4G Isn't Actually 4G
 Today's 4G Isn't Actually 4G 

Today's 4G Isn't Actually 4G

Gizmodo: It's just 'marketing' noise; the real thing awaits

(Newser) - The big US carriers are making a lot of noise about their 4G networks, but Matt Buchanan of Gizmodo points out a wee problem: "None of these networks are actually 4G. Not by a long shot." There's technical standards for these things, and what's out there now or...

Horrific Cell Phone Calls Are About to Get Crystal Clear

Thanks, in part, to 4G

(Newser) - Cell phone quality keeps improving—the apps! the sleek design!—in every area except one: voice quality. For those who have been plagued by infuriating things like annoying delays that cause both people on the call to talk at the same time, take heart, writes Scott Woolley at Fortune...

Mount Everest Gets 3G Coverage

It's the highest mobile network base station

(Newser) - Can you hear me now? Ambitious climbers can now theoretically check their email from the top of the world, because new 3G mobile network service station was installed at the base of Mount Everest yesterday, CNN reports. At an altitude of 17,000 feet, it’s the highest such base...

FCC Hasn't Tested Cell Phones Kept in Pockets

Safety guidelines of 2001 are based on using holsters

(Newser) - The jury's very much out on the dangers of cell phones, and Time points out an "odd quirk" in FCC testing guidelines that doesn't help matters. When it determined safe emissions of radio-frequency levels in 2001, the agency tested phones kept in holsters. It didn't, however, test phones kept...

Cell Phones Can Be Saviors for World's Poor: UN

Report shows gadgets can lead to better livelihoods

(Newser) - For the financially comfortable, cell phones may make life a little easier—but for those in less-developed countries, the gadgets can be the difference between a life of poverty one of relative comfort, a UN report finds. “Mobiles have spawned a wealth of micro-enterprises, offering work to people with...

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones
 Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones 

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones

We use them for texting, not calling

(Newser) - The age of texting is upon us—and it’s not just for teens anymore. Sure, the average 13- to 17-year-old sends and receives an insane 3,339 texts per month, but 45- to 54-year-olds are catching up with an average of 323 per month—a 75% increase from just...

Cell Phones Squash the Guilt of Being Late

It's time people relearned some manners

(Newser) - Remember the days when you showed up on time—or, if you were late, you at least felt bad about it? Those days are long gone, thanks to cell phones and text messages. "We have so many ways to relay a message that we're going to be tardy that...

Verizon Refunding Up to $90M in Overcharges

Decision made after FCC launches investigation

(Newser) - Verizon Wireless is refunding as much as $90 million to cell phone consumers for data overcharges that occurred over the last several years. The decision was made after the FCC launched an investigation following consumer complaints. Most refunds will be between $2 and $6. “When we identify errors, we...

Why Overheard Calls Are So Annoying

Our brains hate hearing 'halfalogues'

(Newser) - Does hearing people blab away on their cell phones make you want to scream? You're not alone—and now scientists know why. Hearing someone talk on his phone is, in fact, more annoying than overhearing a conversation, according to new study published in Psychological Science . Turns out our brains can't...

Why I Love My Land Line
 Why I Love 
 My Land Line 

Why I Love My Land Line

Because I can actually talk on it

(Newser) - That smartphone can text, email, navigate, surf, organize, amuse, and waste time indefinitely. But the one thing it sucks at? Actual phone calls, writes Stephen Randall in an LA Times requiem for the land line, which "sits like a weird dusty antique on my desk. It won't let me...

Sleepy Golfer DQ'd for Missing Pro-Am Tee Time

Jim Furyk blames cellphone alarm for tardiness

(Newser) - Jim Furyk is the most newsworthy golfer of the day— sorry, Tiger —for something he didn't do: show up for his pro-am tee time. The third-ranked player's cellphone died overnight, and with it, his alarm, reports the Newark Star-Ledger . He overslept, but not by much, and was just 5...

Technology Makes Us Really Bad Campers

You'd think that GPS would help, but it may not

(Newser) - Technology appears to be making some people a lot stupider when it comes to the great outdoors. Thanks to GPS, cell phones, and emergency devices, more people are heading into the wild ill-equipped…then, at best, wasting rangers’ time with their problems—or, at worst, getting injured or killed. The...

$1,500 Device Intercepts Cell Phone Calls

Hacker worried about offering details at conference

(Newser) - A computer security researcher says he has built a device for just $1,500 that can intercept some kinds of cell phone calls and record everything that's said. Chris Paget planned to show off the device today during a talk at the DefCon hacker conference. But he was reconsidering the...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>