cell phones

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Don Juans Have a Secret: the 'Infidelity Phone'

Japanese cheaters stick with the Fujitsu F-Series

(Newser) - Japanese philanderers know their weak spot: the smartphone. Afraid that girlfriends and wives will spot incoming calls from certain secret someones, Lotharios in Japan are sticking with Fujitsu's old "F-Series" flip phones, the Wall Street Journal reports. The so-called "infidelity phones" can easily be programmed to conceal...

Indian Village Bans Cell Phones for Women

Council elders worry about elopements

(Newser) - A village in north India has outlawed the use of cell phones in public by women because the (male) council elders say they're leading to elopements, reports Reuters . "It always gives us a lot of embarrassment when someone asks who has eloped this time," explains the head...

McAfee: Belize PM a &#39;Dictator&#39;
 McAfee: Belize PM a 'Dictator' 

McAfee: Belize PM a 'Dictator'

Fugitive also stops by message board to ask for tech support

(Newser) - John McAfee fired back at Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow yesterday, after Barrow called the antivirus pioneer-turned-murder suspect " bonkers ." "You know, I think he himself is bonkers if he can throw away the constitution of the country and become dictator without the world catching on," McAfee...

Smartphone Thefts Soaring
 Smartphone Thefts Soaring 

Smartphone Thefts Soaring

Carriers moving to make stolen phones worthless

(Newser) - Police departments, lawmakers, and wireless companies are scrambling to tackle a crime wave veteran cops call "the new purse-snatching," the AP reports. Cell phone thefts, especially of the priciest smartphones, are soaring nationwide and now make up close to half of all robberies in cities including New York...

Cell Phone Gave Man a Brain Tumor: Court

Italy's Supreme Court stuns with 'landmark' ruling: newspaper

(Newser) - Italian businessman Innocente Marcolini developed a brain tumor after using his cell phone heavily for 12 years—and Italy's Supreme Court says that his phone is to blame, the Sun reports. Evidence from a respected oncologist and a neurosurgeon convinced the court that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones—and...

RadioShack Sells Kid, 13, Porn-Filled Cell Phone

Mom is unamused, suing RadioShack, Sprint

(Newser) - Here's today's big "oops": Marcia Jones says she visited her local RadioShack to purchase what she thought were two new cell phones for herself and her 13-year-old daughter. But upon booting up the phones, they found pornographic images uploaded from the phones' previous owners, reports the Atlanta ...

WiFi? Phhhh. Try Sending Data by a Light Bulb

Physicist Herald Haas calls it 'Visible Light Communication'

(Newser) - Think WiFi is amazing? How about LiFi, a technology in the works that could transmit data at amazingly high speeds from everyday light bulbs, CNN reports. German physicist Herald Haas is working on the process that could revolutionize movie downloads, cell phone calls, and anything that uses radio wave signals...

Yes, Cellphone Addiction Is a Real Thing

And should be taken as seriously as other addictions: Dr. Keith Ablow

(Newser) - If you heard that someone was being treated for nomophobia—basically, the fear of being without their mobile device—you might be tempted to laugh. But you shouldn't, writes Dr. Keith Ablow on Fox News . A cellphone addiction is just like an addiction to drugs or alcohol and should...

Man Gets Ebola... From Phone He Stole
 Man Gets Ebola ... 
 From Phone 
 He Stole 
in case you missed it

Man Gets Ebola ... From Phone He Stole

And it was worth just $24

(Newser) - A Ugandan thief got a serious lesson in why you shouldn't steal, particularly from people with deadly diseases. After breaking into a hospital isolation ward earlier this month and stealing a cell phone from an Ebola patient, the suspect came down with Ebola himself. The patient, who later died,...

Restaurant Will Pay Patrons Who Ditch Phones at Door

Customers get 5% discount for not using cell phones

(Newser) - A Los Angeles restaurant owner is sick of seeing customers spend more time with their cell phones than their dinner companions … so he's offering a cheaper meal to anyone willing to put the phone down. Patrons who check their phones at the door of Eva Restaurant get a...

Kucinich Wants Warning Labels on Cell Phones

Congressman introduces law regarding radiation dangers

(Newser) - If Dennis Kucinich has his way, your next cell phone could come with a warning label informing you that it may expose you to radiation. The congressman introduced a federal law yesterday called the Cell Phone Right to Know Act, which would require the warning labels, create a research program...

Guess How Good This Is for You
 Constantly Online? 
 Mental Problems Await 
study says

Constantly Online? Mental Problems Await

Computer, cell phone use can lead to depression

(Newser) - Reading this could be dangerous for your mental health—if you've already been online for a while. Swedish researchers studied more than 4,100 men and women in their early 20s, and found that most of the ones constantly glued to computers and cell phones were prone to depression,...

Cell Phone Surveillance Surges
 Cell Phone Surveillance Surges 

Cell Phone Surveillance Surges

Carriers got more than 1.3M demands for info last year

(Newser) - Cell phone surveillance has exploded over the last five years, and carriers received more than 1.3 million demands for information from law enforcement last year, a Congressional report reveals. The carriers are dealing with thousands of requests a day from all levels of law enforcement, but some legally questionable...

Best Buy Giving Itself an Apple Makeover
 Best Buy 
 Getting Apple 

in case you missed it

Bumbling Best Buy Getting Apple Makeover

Gadgets chain tests human focus

(Newser) - Struggling big box electronics giant Best Buy is taking a page from Apple's svelte playbook and testing a new strategy to turn its warehouse-like stores into more streamlined and intimate retail outlets, says the Wall Street Journal . A test store in Minnesota prominently features a Geek Squad-staffed Solution Central,...

Unlucky Guy Gets Zimmerman's Old Number

He receives death threats around the clock

(Newser) - Junior Alexander Guy recently got his first-ever cell phone at the age of 49, but soon wished he hadn't bothered. Over the next couple of days, he received dozens of angry phone calls, including numerous death threats. He soon realized that T-Mobile had given him George Zimmerman's old...

What a Pane: Ultra-Thin, Flexible Glass Unveiled

Corning's 'Willow Glass' could soon wrap around a flexi-cell phone

(Newser) - The sharp scientists at the Corning company have come up with a clear winner: ultra-thin glass that bends. The "Willow Glass" unveiled at an industry trade show in Boston was as thin as a piece of paper, and can be even thinner. It's designed to cover ever-skinnier gadgets...

Chief Sends 10 Cops to Find Son's iPhone

Michael Meehan says other theft victims get same treatment

(Newser) - Berkeley's police chief is in hot water for sending 10 officers to find his son's stolen phone—with four of them spending two hours each of overtime on the case. But Michael Meehan says anyone else would have received the same assistance, and anyway, it's the field...

Cell Coverage Brings Deadly Risk for Tower Climbers
 Cell Coverage 
 Brings Deadly Risk 
 for Tower Climbers 

pro publica investigation

Cell Coverage Brings Deadly Risk for Tower Climbers

50 workers died between 2003 and 2011

(Newser) - Next time someone is carping about spotty cell coverage, keep in mind this investigation by ProPublica and PBS' Frontline: Fifty tower climbers died in accidents between 2003 and 2011 as the industry raced to get everyone connected. A slew of factors contributes, from inadequate training, to shoddy equipment, to a...

Obama 2012 Makes Donors Ditch Phones at Fundraisers

Cell phones confiscated in strange practice

(Newser) - President Obama’s re-election campaign is asking donors to not only open their wallets, but fork over their cell phones before entering small fundraisers, a practice that veterans of other campaigns find very odd. The practice of turning over cell phones is common in secure spaces where state secrets would...

4.5B Spam Texts Flooded Our Phones Last Year

Consumers fume, FTC files lawsuits

(Newser) - Getting spam on your cell phone? You're not alone: Spam text messages in the US soared 45% to 4.5 billion last year, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. "I don't even get that much junk mail in my Gmail account," says a journalist in Washington, DC....

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