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Convicted Felons Launch Lobbying Firm With Fake Names

Pair have tried to frame government officials, spread far-right conspiracy theories

(Newser) - Jay Klein and Bill Sanders founded a startup last year to meld artificial intelligence with Washington lobbying, quickly attracting big-name clients including Toyota. Along the way, several employees became suspicious of their bosses and discovered they're actually Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, a couple of convicted felons and far-right...

Another Member of the Squad Faces AIPAC's Ire
Another Squad Member
Goes Down in Primary

Another Squad Member Goes Down in Primary

Rep. Cori Bush is out in Missouri after AIPAC campaign against her

(Newser) - Another member of Congress' "squad" has been voted out. Rep. Cori Bush lost her primary in Missouri on Tuesday, the Hill reports. Her opponent, St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, had 51.2% of the vote to Bush's 45.6% with 96% of results in. He is expected...

Actor Won't Have Her Oscar Nom Stripped

Academy: Andrea Riseborough stays a contender for 'To Leslie,' despite aggressive lobbying

(Newser) - Andrea Riseborough will hear her name called out at the Dolby Theatre on March 12 after all. The actor who received an Oscar nod for her turn as a former lottery winner fighting addiction in the not-widely-viewed indie film To Leslie won't have that nomination stripped, reports the New ...

Chair of Trump's Inauguration Committee Arrested

Tom Barrack accused of acting as agent for UAE

(Newser) - Tom Barrack, the longtime friend of Donald Trump who advised the former president's 2016 campaign and led his inaugural committee, was a better friend to the United Arab Emirates, prosecutors say. The 74-year-old was arrested Tuesday and charged with secretly acting as an agent for the UAE, Politico reports....

Turkish Advocacy Puts Giuliani Under Investigation

This case, over pressure placed on Trump, isn't criminal

(Newser) - The Justice Department is looking into whether Rudy Giuliani conducted lobbying for Turkey. Giuliani's activities involving Ukraine already are being investigated; that case is being handled separately, ABC reports. There was no comment yet from Giuliani or his lawyer, but the former personal lawyer for former President Trump has...

Everybody Would Like a Word With Joe Manchin

Lobbyists look for ways to win Senate swing vote

(Newser) - His opposition to President Biden's choice as budget director probably will be the end of her nomination. He may well decide whether a $15-an-hour minimum wage, or a smaller one, becomes law. Everybody in Washington wants Sen. Joe Manchin's vote, but first, every lobbyist would like a moment...

Dave Matthews, Fellow Musicians Form Their Own Lobbying Group

'Artists don’t really have a seat at any table'

(Newser) - "Artists don’t really have a seat at any table" when it comes to political lobbying, manager Irving Azoff says—but that's about to change thanks to the Music Artists Coalition, a new lobbying group for recording artists that's been formed by Azoff and a group including...

Cruz Surprises: 'I AGREE WITH AOC'
Cruz Surprises:

Cruz Surprises: 'I AGREE WITH AOC'

Pair agree to partner on anti-lobbying bill

(Newser) - It's an unlikely pairing: a self-described democratic socialist and a Republican who once mocked her logic . Yet New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz found common ground Thursday, agreeing to put their heads together on a bill that would impose a lifetime ban on former members...

Secretly Recorded Lobbyist: I'm in 'Endless War'

Richard Berman tells execs to 'win ugly or lose pretty'

(Newser) - If Richard Berman likes keeping his tactics from the press, he won't like this. The corporate lobbyist was secretly recorded at a June event telling company executives how he "play[s] dirty" by publicizing embarrassing factoids about liberal celebrities and green activists, the New York Times reports via AllGov...

Why Dentists Are Helping This Guy Get Re-Elected

Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho is one of 2 in Congress

(Newser) - As Rep. Mike Simpson braces for a tough re-election battle, he has some allies most members of Congress can't claim: dentists. Simpson is one of just two dentists in Congress; he even continued to practice in Idaho while serving in the Statehouse. This year he's trying to fend...

The Other NRA's Lobbyists Are Keeping Workers Poor

How the National Restaurant Association keeps wages down

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association has long been the biggest boogeyman on K Street. But there's another NRA that Michele Simon at al-Jazeera thinks deserves some scorn: The National Restaurant Association, which has conducted a "campaign of duplicitous lobbying and outright deception at the expense of the public interest....

Lobbyists' Lobbyists: Don't Call Us Lobbyists

New name: Association of Government Relations Professionals?

(Newser) - The American League of Lobbyists is tired of being stereotyped. "Everybody has that misconception that lobbyists are walking around with a pocketful of cash and that’s about it," says group head Monte Ward. In fact, these days, the group notes that lobbyists affect the political process in...

How Big Pharma Keeps Meth Labs Cooking

 How Big Pharma Keeps 
 Meth Labs Cooking 
in case you missed it

How Big Pharma Keeps Meth Labs Cooking

Lobbyists are battling attempts to legislate cold and allergy medicines

(Newser) - It's pretty easy to make meth at home, and Big Pharma seems intent on keeping it that way, Mother Jones reports. The so-called "one pot" method of meth production relies on pseudoephedrine , a common ingredient in medicines like Sudafed and Claritin D. So two states—Oregon and Mississippi—...

How the Pentagon Managed to Kill Sex-Assault Reform

Military's lobbying muscle is without peer

(Newser) - Publicly, the military has vowed to do everything it can to combat sexual assault. But privately, it's been in lobbying overdrive to ensure it doesn't have to do much at all, Politico reports. While federal agencies regularly lean on legislators, this push by the Pentagon has been unusually...

GOP Governors Are Coming Around on ObamaCare

How lobbying, politics are making them change their tune

(Newser) - Rick Scott's stunning about-face on expanding Medicaid in Florida made him the seventh Republican governor to back the ObamaCare provision, a trend delighting the law's supporters, the New York Times observes today. "I think this means the dominoes are falling," says the head of one consumer...

Tim Pawlenty Ditches Romney for CEO Gig

He'll head up powerful financial services lobbying group

(Newser) - Passed over for vice president , Tim Pawlenty is getting out of Team Romney altogether and cashing in: He's stepping down as co-chairman of Romney's campaign to accept a job as CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable, one of the most powerful lobbying groups in DC, the Hill...

'Pop-Up' Firms Skirt Ethics Rules, Party With Pols

Lobbyists find ways to throw convention shindigs

(Newser) - Where there's a pesky ethics rule, there's usually a way around it, and lobbyists have found a simple way to sidestep restrictions against throwing parties for lawmakers at the Republican and Democratic conventions, NBC finds. "Consulting firms" have been set up to throw parties for members of...

Lobbyists Clog White House All The Time

Despite promise to curb access, they've got plenty

(Newser) - President Obama took office as perhaps the most anti-lobbying president ever, barring lobbyists from joining his administration and advisory boards. But the Washington Post looked over the White House visitor logs, and found that lobbyists still have plenty of access to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., with what it characterized as a...

Gingrich's Freddie Mac Contract Released

Newt reported to a top lobbyist in one-year, $300K deal

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich made $25,000 a month working for Freddie Mac, where he reported to one of the company's leading lobbyists, according to his newly released contract with the mortgage giant. The 15 pages unveiled by Gingrich's former firm cover one year of his eight-year, $1.6-million relationship...

Non-Lobbyist Newt Gingrich Acted a Lot Like a Lobbyist

Ex-speaker hawked clients' products, arranged meetings

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s consulting clients all signed contracts saying that Gingrich “does not provide lobbying services of any kind,” but what he did for them looks an awful lot like lobbying to the New York Times . Gingrich actively hawked his clients’ products in his presentations to lawmakers, and...

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