Sonora Desert

4 Stories

This Toad's Poison Could Kill a Dog—or Get You High

The 'New York Times' takes a look at the Sonoran desert toad

(Newser) - When threatened, the Sonoran desert toad secretes poison strong enough to kill a full-grown dog, writes Simon Romero for the New York Times. The poison can also be harvested, dried, and smoked, inducing feelings of euphoria intense enough to inspire the nickname "God molecule." And as Romero explains,...

Obama Grants Protection to 1.8M Acres of California Desert

He's now protected more land and water than any other president

(Newser) - A huge swath of breathtaking California desert just got federal protection courtesy of President Obama. The Los Angeles Times reports Obama named three new national monuments—Mojave Trails, Sand to Snow, and Castle Mountains—Thursday using a 1906 law letting presidents create such monuments to protect "objects of historic...

Cartel Shootout Kills 21 Just 12 Miles From Arizona Border

Gangs clashed over control of smuggling corridor

(Newser) - A massive shootout between rival drug and people-smuggling gangs left 21 people dead just 12 miles south of the border with Arizona, Mexican authorities say. The clash erupted in a remote area along a prime smuggling corridor in Sonora state, AP reports. All the dead are believed to be gang...

Mexico Calls for Eco-Friendly Border Fence

Environment minister warns US against proceeding with plan

(Newser) - Citing environmental concerns, Mexico is calling on the US to revise its plan to expand border fences. The current layout threatens fragile ecosystems in the Sonora Desert area and could wipe out endangered species like the Mexican black bear, a new report shows. Mexico is ready to take the US...

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