Team USA

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Lindsey Vonn Wins Gold in Downhill
 Lindsey Vonn 
 Wins Gold 
 in Downhill 

Lindsey Vonn Wins Gold in Downhill

Team USA skier isn't bothered by her bruised shin

(Newser) - So much for that injured shin. Lindsey Vonn lived up to expectations and won the Olympic downhill today. Childhood rival and American teammate Julia Mancuso took a surprise silver medal. Vonn's bruised right shin proved not to be a hindrance as she sped down Franz's Downhill in 1 minute, 44....

USA Hockey Team Wins Opener
 USA Hockey 
 Team Wins 

USA Hockey Team Wins Opener

Young squad easily handles Switzerland, 3-1

(Newser) - The US kids were all right. The youngest collection of American hockey players since the NHL began supplying the talent for the 1998 Nagano Games opened this tournament with a workmanlike 3-1 victory over Switzerland today. Bobby Ryan scored late in the first period, and David Backes and Ryan Malone...

US Paralympians Sue for Equal Treatment

Complain about disparities with able-bodied Olympians

(Newser) - When the Paralympics opened today in Beijing, American Tony Iniguez proudly wore his uniform—but he’s also suing the US Olympic Program that provided it. Iniguez, like many of his teammates, believes paralympians deserve the same benefits as their able-bodied counterparts. His suit, filed with two retired wheelchair racers,...

US Men Back on Top With Basketball Gold
 US Men Back
 on Top With
 Basketball Gold

US Men Back on Top With Basketball Gold

We're 'back on top,' boasts ecstatic LeBron James

(Newser) - The US Men's Basketball Olympic team pulled off a hard-fought victory to beat Spain 118-107 today to grab the gold medal. The US team has won gold every Olympics but three, including embarrassing defeats in 2004. "Much respect to Spain, but the US is back on top again,"...

US Finishes Strong, Sweeps 1600 Relays

(Newser) - The US men's and women's teams swept the 1600-meter relays today, ending a string of frustrations for the Americans that included dropped batons in two earlier races. For the women, Sanya Richards anchored her team in a come-from-behind victory over Russia in 3:18.54, the world's fastest time since...

US Men Take Gold in Beach Volleyball
 US Men Take Gold
 in Beach Volleyball

US Men Take Gold in Beach Volleyball

(Newser) - The weather was more like California than China, and Todd Rogers and Phil Dalhausser played like they were right at home today in the Olympic beach volleyball final. In blazing sunshine at the Beijing Games venue nowhere near a real beach, Rogers and Dalhausser won the gold medal by beating...

US Relay Teams Drop Batons
 US Relay Teams Drop Batons

US Relay Teams Drop Batons

Hand-off gaffes disqualify both men and women

(Newser) - US track and field was hit by two nearly identical disasters today, when both the men’s and women’s teams flubbed the last handoff of the preliminary 400-meter relay, the Los Angeles Times reports. A wet, slippery night in the Bird’s Nest proved tough for the relay squads,...

Japan Upsets US for Softball Gold
 Japan Upsets US
 for Softball Gold

Japan Upsets US for Softball Gold

Americans denied top prize for first time since sport's Olympic debut in 1996

(Newser) - The US softball team was denied a chance for a fourth consecutive Olympic gold medal today, beaten 3-1 by Japan in the sport's last appearance in the Olympics for at least 8 years. Japanese pitcher Yukiko Ueno shut down an American squad that ruled the sport since its Olympic debut...

Phelps Grabs Gold No. 6
 Phelps Grabs Gold No. 6

Phelps Grabs Gold No. 6

(Newser) - Six for six. Michael Phelps swam to another gold medal with an easy win in the 200 individual medley, the AP reports. Phelps, who continued his perfect streak of world records, beat Hungary's Laszlo Czeh (silver) and fellow American Ryan Lochte (bronze). He's got two races remaining to set a...

Phelps Makes History: 11 Golds
 Phelps Makes History: 11 Golds 

Phelps Makes History: 11 Golds

(Newser) - Michael Phelps now has more gold medals than any athlete who's ever competed in the Olympics. The 23-year-old American swimmer won his fourth and fifth golds of the Beijing Games with world-record victories in the 200 butterfly and the 4x200 relay. He now has 11 gold medals in his career,...

LeBron Sprain Rattles Team USA

Forward leaves Olympic practice after injuring right ankle

(Newser) - Team USA got a shock last night when LeBron James sprained his right ankle in a practice scrimmage in a high school gym, reports the Los Angeles Times. Team officials said it was a minor injury, but the star will be carefully evaluated today. His Beijing-bound teammates were optimistic James...

As LA Stalls, Kobe Fumes
As LA Stalls, Kobe Fumes

As LA Stalls, Kobe Fumes

Playing with Kidd for Team USA underscores Bryant's mediocre supporting cast

(Newser) - While Kobe Bryant has limited his public outbursts since his May 30 meltdown, Ric Bucher reports that he is angrier than ever at the Lakers, who have not made any major moves this off-season other than re-signings and bringing in an aging Derek Fisher. Bryant has been chafing over the...

Colangelo, Cuban: Picks To Buy Cubs

They' could both make long-suffering Cubs fans very happy

(Newser) - Team USA executive director Jerry Colangelo and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban are the two individuals most likely to buy the Cubs, argues Jon Heyman.  Both have track records of success, and Colangelo is a Chicago native. The zany renegade Cuban seems to be on the list beause he...

LeBron Tepid On Team USA
LeBron Tepid
On Team USA

LeBron Tepid On Team USA

He's been studying Mandarin, but may not be heading to Beijing

(Newser) - In Beijing next year, basketball's Team USA may be missing one of the sport's most familiar faces.  For flaky-sounding reasons, LeBron James has let it be known that he is "50-50" for the upcoming Tournament of the Americas, an Olympic qualifier, and Jerry Colangelo, the man putting the...

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