Nikki Haley 2024

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Takeaways From the Haley-DeSantis Debate

Neither candidate had a 'moment of authenticity'

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley faced off in the fifth GOP debate Wednesday night and while there were fewer presidential hopefuls on stage than in previous debates, the outcome was similar: Many commentators saw frontrunner Donald Trump, who once again skipped the debate, as a winner. Matt Lewis at the...

'Ballistic Podiatry:' Moments From the GOP Debate

Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley faced off in Iowa

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley got plenty of talking time in Wednesday night's GOP debate given that they were the only candidates on stage, and they largely used it to attack each other rather than frontrunner Donald Trump. (The former president again skipped the debate and instead took part...

Trump at Town Hall: 'Of Course' Political Violence Is Wrong

Elsewhere in Iowa, DeSantis and Haley trade insults in GOP debate

(Newser) - It's a strange night in the Republican race for president: In Iowa, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are facing off in a CNN debate, while Donald Trump (also in Iowa) is appearing in a town hall on Fox News. (And all this hours after Chris Christie dropped out .)...

Christie's Run Ends Awkwardly: Haley's 'Going to Get Smoked'

Trump and DeSantis post their agreement

(Newser) - Nikki Haley issued a statement shortly after Chris Christie withdrew from the race for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday, saying he has been "a friend for many years" and praising him for running "a hard-fought campaign." She politely didn't mention the prediction that her rival—...

Ramaswamy to Run Debate Ad Telling You Debate Is 'S---'

Only Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will take the stage for Wednesday night's CNN debate

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will go mano-a-mano on the CNN debate stage at 9pm ET Wednesday night. Fellow candidate Vivek Ramaswamy won't be there—and he hopes you'll stay away too. Fox News reports Ramaswamy will air an ad during the debate that calls...

Judge Judy Has Made Her 2024 Endorsement

Judith Sheindlin says former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley has her vote

(Newser) - Nikki Haley is closing what once seemed an insurmountable gap in New Hampshire between herself and former President Trump, with one poll showing her just single digits behind the former president in the race for the GOP nomination. Now, the ex-South Carolina governor has another boost—this time, from a...

Nikki Haley Trims Trump's Lead in New Hampshire

One poll has her behind by single digits, though another has the gap at 20 points

(Newser) - New Hampshire's primary is just two weeks away, and a pair of polls shows that Nikki Haley is at least chipping away at Donald Trump's lead. One even has the lead down to single digits, cementing her place as the clear No. 2 in the race, reports Politico...

Haley Steps Up Attacks on Trump
Haley Steps Up
Her Jabs at Trump

Haley Steps Up Her Jabs at Trump

But she's only going so far, as some suspect her of eyeing the role of Trump's VP

(Newser) - Nikki Haley has said the country "won't survive" another four years with Donald Trump in his old job. Yet she's refused to rule out becoming his running mate. It's all a bit wishy-washy, which has been a mark of her attitude toward Trump for years (she...

Trump Skipping Yet Another Debate
Trump Skipping
Yet Another Debate

Trump Skipping Yet Another Debate

Leaving just Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to participate

(Newser) - Another Republican debate, another event for former President Trump to skip. CNN has a primary debate scheduled for next Wednesday night in Iowa, but instead of attending that, Trump will participate in a Fox News town hall in Iowa scheduled for the same start time of 9pm Eastern, Politico reports....

Haley Says She&#39;ll Pardon Trump if Elected President
Nikki Haley: I'd Pardon Trump

Nikki Haley: I'd Pardon Trump

She says she'd do it so 'that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about him'

(Newser) - Nikki Haley says former President Trump won't have to worry about languishing in a federal prison if she's elected president. In response to a question from a 9-year-old boy at a campaign event in New Hampshire on Thursday, the Republican candidate said it would be in the "...

Nikki Haley Quickly Clarifies Civil War Answer

'Of course the Civil War was about slavery,' she says after criticism of town hall answer

(Newser) - Nikki Haley isn't wasting much time trying to blunt a wave of criticism over her comments about the Civil War on Wednesday night. "Of course the Civil War was about slavery," she told The Pulse radio show in New Hampshire Thursday morning, reports Politico . "We know...

Voter Finds Haley's Answer on Civil War Question 'Astonishing'

She discussed 'economic freedom' but made no mention of slavery

(Newser) - A voter at a town hall event in New Hampshire on Wednesday asked Nikki Haley about the cause of the Civil War—and he was not satisfied with the Republican candidate's answer, which did not mention slavery. "I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how...

In Iowa, Haley Is Knocking on the Door

Super PAC organizes effort to visit 100K homes before caucuses, hoping someone answers

(Newser) - A super PAC's plan to go door to door in Iowa to build support for Nikki Haley faces a couple of difficulties. With the caucuses less than a month away, there are fewer undecided Republican minds now, the New York Times reports. And not everyone is interested in answering...

Nikki Haley&#39;s Blunt New Ad: &#39;Biden&#39;s Too Old&#39;
Antsy About
the rundown

Obama Reportedly Antsy About 2024

Nikki Haley's new ad takes a direct shot at President Biden's age

(Newser) - The latest ad from Nikki Haley begins in blunt fashion: "I'll just say it—Biden's too old," she says of the 81-year-old president. Politico calls the spot dubbed "New Generation" by the 51-year-old Republican "one of the most direct attacks on Biden's age...

In New Hampshire, Haley Is Pulling Off the Improbable

She's getting closer to Trump, polling at 29% among likely GOP voters, to his 44%

(Newser) - A new poll has good news for Nikki Haley, at least in one early voting state. The former South Carolina governor is gaining ground on former President Trump in New Hampshire, per the CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday. If the vote were held today, Trump would win 44% of those...

Poll: Trump's Record Lead in Iowa Is Growing

He's the first choice of a record 51%

(Newser) - The shrinking of the field of Republican candidates has benefited Donald Trump more than any of his rivals in Iowa, where he holds a "commanding" lead five weeks before the caucuses, pollsters say. According to a Des Moines Register / NBC News /Mediacom poll, the former president is now...

Winners, Losers From the 4th GOP Debate

DeSantis 'didn't make it clear he can move the needle,' civility did not come out on top

(Newser) - With less than six weeks to go until the Iowa caucuses, a narrowed field of Republican candidates gathered in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on Wednesday night for the fourth and final debate on the calendar. As in the previous three debates, former President Trump, whose poll numbers remain higher than those of...

On Trump: 'Is He Fit to Be President or Isn't He?'

DeSantis says he wants a younger candidate

(Newser) - An hour into the Republican debate Thursday night, the topic turned to Donald Trump. Samples of what the candidates said:
  • Ron DeSantis: "Father time is undefeated," he said when asked whether the 77-year-old Trump was fit enough for another term. "I think we need to have somebody

Ramaswamy Uses Fat Joke Against Christie

He tells him to get out of the race and 'enjoy a nice meal'

(Newser) - After Vivek Ramaswamy, as he has in previous debates, relentlessly went after Nikki Haley early in the Republican debate (he called her "corrupt" and a "fascist" and said she couldn't name three provinces in Ukraine), Chris Christie broke in to defend her—and blast Ramaswamy "as...

DeSantis, Ramaswamy Attack Haley, and Christie Sighs

Former NJ governor says other 3 candidates are ignoring the biggest issue: Donald Trump

(Newser) - The fourth Republican debate is underway, and it began with a sharp question by Megyn Kelly of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Why, she wondered, is he faring so badly in the polls, well behind Donald Trump as well Nikki Haley in some states? DeSantis responded that he is "sick"...

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