Queen Camilla

4 Stories

You Are Not to Touch the Royal Hand, Brigitte Macron

France's first lady tried to hold the queen's hand Thursday before taking a hint

(Newser) - It's always awkward when you reach for someone's hand and they refuse to give it. But it's far worse when that person is the Queen. French First Lady Brigitte Macron reached for Queen Camilla's hand during a D-Day memorial service in France on Thursday and was...

Queen Camilla Proves Table Tennis Isn't Her Thing

French first lady Brigitte Macron didn't do too well, either, in her match against King Charles III's wife

(Newser) - The British royals have historically been known for their hunting, polo, and horseback-riding skills. Not typically on that list of specialties: table tennis, though Queen Camilla did her darnedest Thursday as she faced off against France's first lady. The Guardian notes that Camilla and her husband, King Charles III,...

American Idol Gets a Royal Surprise
American Idol
Gets a Royal Surprise

American Idol Gets a Royal Surprise

King Charles and Queen Camilla join live show by videoconference with judges Perry, Richie

(Newser) - American Idol was live on Sunday night as the singing competition reality show kicks into high gear, though two of the regular judges played their part from across the pond. Katy Perry and Lionel Riche videoconferenced in from England's Windsor Castle, where they'd just performed at the coronation...

King Charles III Notches a First at Coronation

No other UK monarch has prayed aloud at their own crowning ceremony before

(Newser) - It was an event decades in the making. King Charles III was crowned Saturday in a ceremony rife with pageantry, using a blueprint that "has stayed much the same for more than 1,000 years," notes CNN . After a procession in a golden carriage to Westminster Abbey, the...

4 Stories