Harlan Crow

8 Stories

Senate Panel Finds More Trips That Thomas Didn't Disclose

Harlan Crow financed the flights on private jets

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took three trips on private jets bankrolled by Harlan Crow that were not disclosed, according to information released Thursday by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The information was contained in documents the billionaire Republican donor had turned over to the committee under subpoena over seven years,...

Thomas Belatedly Reports Travel Expenses Paid by Donor

Elsewhere, Ketanji Brown Jackson receives $900K as part of upcoming book payment

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has belatedly reported travel paid for by conservative megadonor Harlan Crow in 2019. In annual reports of justices' finances released Friday, Thomas reported that Crow paid for a hotel room in Bali, Indonesia, for a single night, and food and lodging in Sonoma County, California....

Thomas Acknowledges Trips on Donor's Private Jet

Supreme Court justice reports 3 trips in new financial disclosure

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is acknowledging that he took three trips last year aboard a private plane owned by Republican megadonor Harlan Crow. It's the first time in years that Thomas has reported receiving hospitality from Crow, per the AP . In a disclosure report made public Thursday, the...

Dem Fears Grow About Impact of 'No Labels' on Election

Democrats and liberals say the group billing itself as moderate could hand election to Trump

(Newser) - The way the 2024 race is shaping up, a rematch between former President Trump and President Biden looks like a smart bet. With polls suggesting that lots of Americans aren't happy about that potential choice, a nonprofit group called No Labels continues to generate attention. As the Wall Street ...

Megadonor Turns Down Senate Request on Thomas Gifts

His lawyer argues that Judiciary Committee doesn't have authority for investigation

(Newser) - Republican donor Harlan Crow has rejected the Senate Judiciary Committee's demand for a full list of gifts he gave Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over the years. In a letter seen by CBS , Michael Bopp, one of the billionaire's lawyers, argued that the committee doesn't have the...

ProPublica Finds Another Big Gift Given to Clarence Thomas

Harlan Crow paid for boarding school for the boy the justice was raising as a son

(Newser) - ProPublica continues reporting on the gifts bestowed upon Clarence Thomas by a wealthy billionaire friend. In a new story, the outlet reports that Harlan Crow paid the tuition at two pricey boarding schools for Thomas' grandnephew. The Supreme Court justice has previously said he raised the boy, Mark Martin,...

Clarence Thomas's Wealthy Friend: It's a 'Political Hit Job'

Harlan Crow defends his friendship with Supreme Court justice to 'Dallas Morning News'

(Newser) - The other figure embroiled in a series of negative stories about Clarence Thomas is speaking up to defend his relationship with the Supreme Court justice. Real estate magnate Harlan Crow tells the Dallas Morning News in a lengthy interview that he and Thomas are the victims of a "political...

New Thomas Report Focuses on His Mother's Home
New Thomas
Report Focuses
on His Mother's

New Thomas Report Focuses on His Mother's Home

ProPublica reveals he failed to disclose real estate deal with billionaire Harlan Crow

(Newser) - A new ProPublica report about Clarence Thomas' financial relationship with real estate magnate Harlan Crow may be more troublesome for the justice than the first one . The new one reveals that Thomas failed to disclose a 2014 real estate deal in which Crow bought the home of Thomas' elderly mother...

8 Stories