Humza Yousaf

2 Stories

Lacking a Single Vote, Scotland's Leader Quits Before He's Ousted

First Minister Humza Yousaf faced no-confidence vote after he torpedoed coalition with Green Party

(Newser) - Scotland's first minister, Humza Yousaf, resigned on Monday rather than face a no-confidence vote just days after he torpedoed a coalition with the Green Party by ditching a target for fighting climate change. Yousaf, whose Scottish National Party has been weakened by a campaign finance scandal and divisions over...

Nicola Sturgeon Has a Successor
Nicola Sturgeon
Has a Successor

Nicola Sturgeon Has a Successor

Humza Yousaf will succeed her as SNP leader

(Newser) - Nearly six weeks after Nicola Sturgeon stunned Scotland with her decision to step down as first minister, the Scottish National Party has elected her replacement: Health Secretary Humza Yousaf will take the party's reins, and is virtually assured of being elected the nation's sixth first minister in a...

2 Stories
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