Jeremy Strong

3 Stories

Get Ready to Say Goodbye to the Roy Family

Jesse Armstrong, creator of HBO's 'Succession,' confirms upcoming 4th season will be show's last

(Newser) - When Game of Thrones ended, there was a good amount of murmuring over whether HBO could find another audience-pleasing series to latch onto as an anchor. Turns out the cable network found one such mooring in Succession, its Emmy-winning show about the conniving, back-stabbing, super-rich Roy family, starring Brian Cox...

Jeremy Strong on New Yorker Profile: 'I Felt Foolish'

'Succession' actor is speaking out on the commotion, calls article a 'profound betrayal'

(Newser) - Update: Jeremy Strong has stayed mum since last year's polarizing New Yorker profile on him, which portrayed the Succession star as an extremely serious actor considered by some to be "self-indulgent." Now, the 43-year-old actor is speaking out, telling Vanity Fair that the article "felt like...

Jeremy Strong Is a 'Careerist'? Well, So Am I
In Defense
of 'Careerist'

In Defense of 'Careerist' Jeremy Strong

Elizabeth Spiers expresses solidarity with the driven actor

(Newser) - A profile of Succession actor Jeremy Strong in the New Yorker last month caused a stir by presenting him in a largely unflattering light. Among other things, he came across as annoyingly driven and intense, and one line in particular stood out to writer and digital media strategist Elizabeth Spiers:...

3 Stories
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