
12 Stories

Mysterious Monolith Removed From Colorado Dairy Farm

Strange object brought too many people to farm, owner says

(Newser) - After a mysterious monolith brought an "overwhelming influx" of looky-loos to a Colorado dairy farm, some of whom damaged the natural environment, the farm's owner has taken the strange shiny structure down, the Denver Post reports. "We took 'the Monolith' down and are keeping it safe....

Latest Mystery Monolith Turns Up in Nevada Desert
Las Vegas Police Remove
Mysterious Monolith

Las Vegas Police Remove Mysterious Monolith

Someone is apparently playing an elaborate game all over the world

(Newser) - Las Vegas police won't say where they took it, but the department announced Friday that the monolith found jutting out of the rocks in the mountains not far from the city has been removed. "It remains unknown how the item got to its location or who might be...

In Wales, a Monolith Mystery Emerges
Mystery Monolith
Emerges, 'Like
Some Sort of UFO'
in case you missed it

Mystery Monolith Emerges, 'Like Some Sort of UFO'

A 10-foot steel structure has popped up in Wales

(Newser) - As the world ponders what's going on with the Princess of Wales , another mystery has cropped up in the UK, in the form of a large metal monolith in the middle of the Welsh countryside. The Independent has footage of the odd 10-foot-tall structure, which it describes as sticking...

Monolith Briefly Baffles Turkey
Mystery Solved
on New Monolith

Mystery Solved on New Monolith

Turkey's space program announcement explains the appearance and disappearance

(Newser) - The government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may not be known as a bunch of pranksters, but it conceded Tuesday that a monolith that mysteriously appeared in a field was an official publicity stunt. The 10-foot-tall monolith was discovered Friday in a field of wheat and olive trees, the...

Got Monolith Fatigue Yet? Because Here Are 2 More

Latest structures popped up in England and Pittsburgh, the latter an admitted publicity stunt

(Newser) - Monoliths in Utah , Romania , and Atascadero, Calif. , as well as one discovered over the weekend in a Dutch nature preserve and one shown outside Joshua Tree National Park, have conspiracy theorists buzzing and everyone else scratching their heads. Now, two more to add into the mix. The first of the...

3rd Mysterious Metal Monolith Appears

This time in California

(Newser) - For the third time in a week, a mysterious metal monolith has captured the public's attention. This time, a 10-foot-tall steel obelisk was found atop Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California, reports the Guardian , which features pictures hikers have posted to social media. Unlike the monolith found in Utah, this...

We Know How That Utah Monolith Disappeared
We Know How That Utah
Monolith Disappeared
the rundown

We Know How That Utah Monolith Disappeared

4 guys dismantled it at night, a photographer tells the 'New York Times'

(Newser) - So where will a monolith turn up next? First, one popped up in the Utah desert, only to vanish . Then another turned up in Romania , but now it's gone, too. While nobody seems to know exactly what's going on, the New York Times has at least shed light...

Another Mysterious Monolith Appears

This time in Romania

(Newser) - Days after Utah's mysterious monolith disappeared , a very similar one has appeared elsewhere. This hollow, triangular, 13-foot monolith, which Sky News reports "bear[s] a close resemblance" to the one found in Utah, was found on Batca Doamnei Hill in the city of Piatra Neamt, facing a mountain known...

Monolith in Utah Desert Disappears
Monolith in
Utah Desert

Monolith in Utah Desert Disappears

Object of international curiosity and speculation was removed

(Newser) - The shiny, metal monolith that appeared in the Utah desert was already mysterious; land officials don't know how it got there. But the mystery now has deepened: The monolith is gone. Officials in the state's Bureau of Land Management say they don't know how that happened, either,...

First Visitors Arrive at Utah Monolith

Dozens, possibly hundreds of people have visited the site this week

(Newser) - The Utah Department of Public Safety would really rather you not set out for the newly discovered monolith in San Juan County. But "the genie is out of the bottle" and "it's a free country," as Corporal Andrew Battenfield tells the BBC . The outlet reports dozens,...

Online Sleuth Finds Mystery Monolith

And theories are popping up that might explain it

(Newser) - Artists? Aliens? Prop masters? A monolith discovered in the middle of the Utah desert has spawned all kinds of theories—including the notion that a film crew left it behind, the Smithsonian reports. So let's start with that one:

Mysterious Monolith Discovered in Utah

'What the heck is it?'

(Newser) - It's just "about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying," a Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter pilot tells KSL-TV : That thing is a 10- to 12-foot high metal monolith sticking up out of the ground in a...

12 Stories