Bernie Sanders 2020

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Bernie Has Message for Putin After Revelation on Meddling

Briefed 'about a month ago' on interference to help him, Sanders says, 'Stay out of American elections'

(Newser) - First the Washington Post and New York Times reported Russia is interfering to help President Trump win reelection , per US intel. Now the papers are adding a new scoop: that Russia is similarly trying to help Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. Sanders told reporters Friday that he received a...

Some Democratic Candidates Are Nearly Out of Cash

Buttigieg, Warren, Biden, Klobuchar running low

(Newser) - At a time in the race when running a presidential campaign is getting more expensive, many of the Democrats remaining have less money. After being camped in Iowa for what seemed like ages, the candidates now have multiple, scattered primaries ahead. And on top of competing with Bernie Sanders' fundraising...

Winners, Losers From Democratic Debate
Debate Was a Brutal
Night for Bloomberg

Debate Was a Brutal Night for Bloomberg

Warren praised for standout performance

(Newser) - Viewers who watched the ninth Democratic presidential debate Wednesday night hoping to see fireworks would not have been disappointed. Anybody hoping for a strong performance from Michael Bloomberg, however, would probably have changed the channel before the end of the first hour. The billionaire made his presidential debate debut in...

Bloomberg a Major Target in Las Vegas Debate
Bloomberg a Major Target
in Las Vegas Debate

Bloomberg a Major Target in Las Vegas Debate

Sanders, Warren slam former mayor's record

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was on a Democratic presidential debate stage for the first time Wednesday night and he became a major target in the Las Vegas debate from the opening minutes onward—more so than frontrunner Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden, and Pete Buttigieg also took part in...

Sanders: No More Medical Records Coming

Senator says he's shared as much 'as any other candidate'

(Newser) - After suffering a heart attack in October, Bernie Sanders vowed to release his full medical records because "the people do have a right to know about the health of ... somebody who's running for president." So much for that. On Tuesday, the winner of the New Hampshire primary...

Bloomberg Has Never Debated Quite Like This Before
Has Never Debated
Quite Like This Before
the rundown

Bloomberg Has Never Debated Quite Like This Before

He last debated in 2009, and not with 5 rivals alongside him

(Newser) - Six Democratic contenders take the debate stage in Las Vegas on Wednesday night, but one will be in the spotlight like no other: Mike Bloomberg is getting behind the podium for the first time, and "he is going to have a giant target on his back from all sides,...

Buttigieg's Iowa Lead Almost Gone After Recanvassing

Sanders is now just 0.04% behind

(Newser) - The Democratic National Convention begins on July 13—and by then, a clear winner from the Iowa caucuses may have emerged. After a recanvass, the Iowa Democratic Party released results from the Feb. 3 caucuses Tuesday that reduced Pete Buttigieg's narrow lead over Bernie Sanders in state delegate equivalents...

2020 Paradox: Biden Trends Down in Polls, but Odds Go Up

538: No single candidate has been able to grab momentum yet, good news for former VP

(Newser) - Now that the dust has settled on Iowa and New Hampshire, a flurry of new polls suggests that the news for Joe Biden isn't as bleak as some think, according to an analysis at FiveThirtyEight . The reason? "They're not showing that any candidate has grabbed a ton...

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival
Bernie Gets
New Boost
From Ex-Rival

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio endorses Vermont senator for president

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders just got a high-profile endorsement from one of his former rivals for the Oval Office. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who dropped out of the presidential race himself in September, gave the Vermont senator the thumbs-up on Friday, which the New York Times notes is the...

How the Race Looks After NH
Key Takeaways From the
New Hampshire Primary

Key Takeaways From the New Hampshire Primary

'Stunning' collapse for Warren, Biden

(Newser) - As pollsters predicted, Bernie Sanders has won the New Hampshire primary for the second time in a row, giving him the first clear win of the primary season after the chaos in Iowa last week. But while Sanders' win may have been expected, the other New Hampshire results have shaken...

Bernie Sanders Leads in New Hampshire
Bernie Sanders Takes
New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders Takes New Hampshire

Buttigieg was in second and Klobuchar third, while Warren and Biden were well back

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has won the New Hampshire primary, reports the AP , Politico , CNN , and the Washington Post . The final tally isn't yet in, but it appears Pete Buttigieg will finish in a close second and Amy Klobuchar a strong third. Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden trailed that trio by...

Democrats Hope for Reset in New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders pulls ahead in polls

(Newser) - Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg have all topped the polls in New Hampshire at various points over the last few months—but Bernie Sanders has pulled away in the home stretch, according to CNN . A tracking poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center from Feb....

Iowa Says Buttigieg Has Largest Delegate Count

Sanders campaign calls for recanvass

(Newser) - Pete Buttigieg won the Iowa caucuses, according to the state Democratic Party—but many news outlets are refusing to call a winner, citing errors and inconsistencies in the results. The Iowa Democratic Party said Sunday, almost a week after the caucuses, that Buttigieg would be awarded 14 of the state'...

Buttigieg Is a Big Target in Democratic Debate

Klobuchar earns strong reviews

(Newser) - Pete Buttigieg emerged as a major target, while Amy Klobuchar was earning high marks Friday night for a strong debate showing as seven Democrats took the stage in Manchester, New Hampshire. Specifically, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Yang, and Tom Steyer participated. Highlights follow, but also...

'I Like Bernie Just Fine': Sanders Gets Some Love

Klobuchar praises him, while Sanders downplays Hillary Clinton cricitism

(Newser) - One topic that came up during Friday's debate: Hillary Clinton's pointed criticism of Bernie Sanders in a new documentary. "Nobody likes him," she said. But when Sen. Amy Klobuchar was asked if that was true, she smiled and said, "I like Bernie just fine" and...

Where&#39;s Joe? NH Debate Could Be a Major Test
Biden's 2020
Hopes May Be
On the Line
in NH 
the rundown

Biden's 2020 Hopes May Be On the Line in NH

Friday night's debate could be critical for him to avoid a 2nd straight bad election night

(Newser) - Another debate gets rolling Friday at 8pm ET on ABC . This time, seven Democrats will be on stage in Manchester, New Hampshire—Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang. Here's a look at what's stake and what to watch for:...

At This Same Debate in 2016, One Candidate Was Devastated

Expect things to get just as 'feisty' this time around

(Newser) - The Democratic Party's seven strongest presidential contenders are preparing for what could be the fiercest debate stage clash of the 2020 primary season. Friday's debate in New Hampshire—which runs from 8-11pm ET and is hosted by ABC—comes four days before the state's primary and on...

AP: We Can&#39;t Call a Winner in Iowa
AP: We Can't Call
a Winner in Iowa

AP: We Can't Call a Winner in Iowa

There is 'evidence the party has not accurately tabulated some of its results'

(Newser) - In 2016, it took 17 hours before the AP could confirm that Hillary Clinton had narrowly beaten Bernie Sanders in Iowa's Democratic caucuses. This time around, after chaos on caucus night , the final result may not be clear until after New Hampshire votes next week. The AP said Thursday...

As Rivals Struggle, Sanders Raises $25M

Fundraising provides a clear victory as rivals cut spending

(Newser) - While Sen. Bernie Sanders remains tied, more or less, atop the Iowa caucus results, he finished January far ahead of the field in fundraising. The presidential candidate raised $25 million last month, his best so far. That's more than any of his rivals collected in a full quarter last...

97% of Precincts Are In, but Iowa Is Too Close to Call

Buttigieg's lead over Sanders has narrowed

(Newser) - More than 48 hours after the Iowa caucuses closed, no winner has been declared—and even with 97% of precincts reporting as of early Thursday, it is still too close to call. According to results released after midnight, Pete Buttigieg's lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders has narrowed, the New ...

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