William Barr

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Stone's Sentencing Will Proceed, but There's a Catch

He won't start serving time until judge considers request for new trial

(Newser) - Roger Stone will learn his fate as scheduled on Thursday. The federal judge in his case on Tuesday refused to delay sentencing on his conviction for lying to Congress and witness tampering, reports NBC News . However, Judge Amy Berman Jackson said the longtime Trump ally would not have to start...

Heat on Barr Grows as Judges Call Special Meeting
Heat on Barr
Grows as
Judges Call
Special Meeting
the rundown

Heat on Barr Grows as Judges Call Special Meeting

National association of federal judges is worried about intervention in political cases

(Newser) - The pressure continues to be turned up on Attorney General William Barr. The independent Federal Judges Association is convening an emergency meeting Tuesday to address concerns about how the Justice Department and President Trump have intervened in high-profile political cases, reports USA Today . (Two recent examples were the cases of...

More Than 1.1K 'DOJ Alumni' Say Barr Must Resign

Though they have no confidence attorney general will actually do so

(Newser) - More than 1,100 former Department of Justice officials have signed an online statement calling for Attorney General William Barr to resign. Barr may insist he's not working at the president's behest, but his "actions in doing the President’s personal bidding unfortunately speak louder than his...

Barr Makes 'Highly Unusual' Legal Move

Attorney general orders review of sensitive cases, including Michael Flynn's

(Newser) - The news involving Attorney General William Barr and his Justice Department just keeps coming. The latest is a front-page story in the New York Times saying that Barr has appointed an outside prosecutor to review sensitive cases, including that of Michael Flynn. "The review is highly unusual and could...

Trump Responds After Barr&#39;s Surprise Criticism
Trump Responds After
Barr's Surprise Criticism
the rundown

Trump Responds After Barr's Surprise Criticism

President declares the legal right to direct attorney general how to handle cases

(Newser) - Attorney General William Barr made big headlines Thursday when he slammed President Trump for tweeting so much about the Justice Department. Barr said those tweets—including the president's criticism of the department over the sentencing recommendation for Trump ally Roger Stone—made it "impossible" for him to do...

Barr Has a Problem With Trump Tweets

'I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases'

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted "congratulations" to Attorney General William Barr Wednesday after the Justice Department got involved with the Roger Stone case , causing many to wonder whether Barr was acting at Trump's request on behalf of the president's longtime confidant. Now, Barr himself tells ABC News he was...

As Roger Stone Questions Swirl, Barr Agrees to Testify

Attorney general will appear before House Judiciary Committee March 31

(Newser) - Attorney General William Barr has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee next month, appearing for the first time before the panel as questions swirl about whether he intervened in the case of a longtime ally of President Trump. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler released a letter Wednesday...

Trump Tweets About Stone Case, Praises Barr

President congratulates the AG for 'taking charge'

(Newser) - President Trump began his Wednesday with words of praise for Attorney General Bill Barr, tweeting his "congratulations" to Barr "for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought." He's referring to the Roger Stone case,...

DOJ: Equifax Hack Engineered by Members of Chinese Military

Data of tens of millions of Americans was reportedly stolen

(Newser) - Four Chinese military hackers have been charged with breaking into the computer networks of the Equifax credit reporting agency and stealing the personal information of tens of millions of Americans, the Justice Department announced Monday. The four are also accused of stealing the company's trade secrets, law enforcement officials...

Apple Won't Unlock Mass Shooter's iPhones

The California company refuses to fully unlock iPhones

(Newser) - Should federal agents be hacking into iPhones? The issue came up before in a mass shooting case, and now, with the Pensacola shooting under investigation, it's back in the headlines. Attorney General William Barr asked Apple to help unlock two iPhones used by terrorist suspect Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani—who...

Trump and Barr Threaten FBI, as Well as the Rule of Law

William Webster, former CIA and FBI director, defends agencies' independence

(Newser) - Having served as director of the FBI and CIA, the only person to hold both jobs, William Webster says he has a unique perspective. And from his perspective, the rule of law in this country "faces a dire threat." Webster made his case in an op-ed piece Monday...

Former AG Holder on Bill Barr: 'Unfit' to Serve

Holder calls Barr's conduct 'nakedly partisan,' 'deeply inappropriate' in 'WaPo' op-ed

(Newser) - Past administration officials are often reluctant to take swipes at their successors, and Eric Holder is no exception—but the former attorney general is now speaking up. In a Wednesday op-ed in the Washington Post , Holder blasts AG Bill Barr for "a series of public statements and taken actions...

Trump, FBI Director Clash on Watchdog Report

'With that kind of attitude, he will never be able to fix the FBI': Trump

(Newser) - President Trump seems to be ignoring the facts laid out in Monday's Justice Department inspector general's report , which disputed his claim that the FBI probe into possible collusion between his 2016 campaign and Russia was illegal and motivated by political bias. The report's findings are "far...

Big Clash Looms Over Upcoming Report

Attorney general disagrees with finding that FBI probe of Trump campaign was justified

(Newser) - It looks like Attorney General William Barr is going to disagree with a fundamental finding of his department's inspector general on a hot-button issue. Next week, the inspector general is expected to release a report in which he'll state that the FBI had enough information to justify opening...

Epstein's Guards Were Allegedly Shopping, Sleeping

AG Barr describes 'perfect storm of screw-ups'

(Newser) - Enough with the conspiracy theories, says Attorney General William Barr, asserting that a "series" of mistakes allowed Jeffrey Epstein to take his own life at a Manhattan jail in August. "I can understand people … whose minds went to sort of the worst-case scenario because it was a...

Judge Halts Federal Executions
Judge Halts
Federal Executions

Judge Halts Federal Executions

4 men were set to be executed in Indiana in December and January

(Newser) - The cases of four men set to be put to death in Indiana over the next couple of months have spurred a nationwide reprieve. On Wednesday, District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan halted those executions, effectively stopping all federal executions across the US, Politico reports. A fifth execution in Indiana set...

WaPo: Barr Turned Down Trump Press Conference Request

Sources say president asked Barr to declare no laws were broken in Ukraine call

(Newser) - As the controversy over President Trump's phone call with Ukraine's president deepened, Trump found out that there was something Attorney General William Barr wouldn't do for him, insiders say. The Washington Post , citing "people familiar with the matter," reports that Trump asked Barr to hold...

Report: Probe of Mueller Probe Is Now a Criminal Investigation

Democrats say move raises 'profound concerns'

(Newser) - The Justice Department's investigation of itself is now a criminal investigation, though it's not clear what crimes are suspected, sources say. An insider tells Politico that the investigation of the probe into Russian election interference in 2016—which became the Robert Mueller investigation—has been "escalated" from...

Trump Pushed a PM to Help Mueller Probe

Italy, other nations are being asked to assist with Barr's inquiry

(Newser) - In May, Attorney General William Barr asked a US attorney to run an inquiry into the roots of the Russia election interference investigation. Sometime later, NBC reports, Barr decided other countries might be able to help, and he suggested that President Trump call Australia, US officials say. So the president...

In the Impeachment Hot Seat: William Barr
In the Hot Seat: William Barr

In the Hot Seat: William Barr

Barr was 'surprised and angry' that President Trump had dragged him into this

(Newser) - As Washington plunges into impeachment, Attorney General William Barr finds himself engulfed in the political firestorm, facing questions about his role in President Trump's outreach to Ukraine and the administration's attempts to keep a whistleblower complaint from Congress, the AP reports. Trump repeatedly told Ukraine's president in...

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