Richard Dreyfuss

4 Stories

Richard Dreyfuss Reportedly Went Off the Rails at Jaws Event

Actor accused of going on sexist, transphobic rant

(Newser) - Richard Dreyfuss is once again saying controversial things , this time at a Jaws screening and Q&A with the actor held at a Massachusetts theater Saturday. Rather than the behind-the-scenes stories the audience was likely expecting, Dreyfuss went on what the Hollywood Reporter refers to as a "free-form rant....

Richard Dreyfuss: Oscars' Inclusion Rules 'Make Me Vomit'

'Am I being told that I will never have a chance to play a Black man?'

(Newser) - Richard Dreyfuss has been strangely outspoken in recent weeks, and his most recent remarks to make headlines came during a Friday interview on PBS' Firing Line. The actor said the Academy Awards' new diversity and inclusion rules, which take effect next year, "make me vomit," CNN reports. The...

Takei, Dreyfuss Are Latest to Be Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Takei accused of groping model, Dreyfuss accused of exposing himself to writer

(Newser) - George Takei and Richard Dreyfuss are the latest stars to be accused in Hollywood's sexual harassment scandal:
  • Scott R. Brunton, a former model and actor, says when he was 23 and living in Hollywood in 1981 he met Takei at a bar. They exchanged numbers and spoke here and

Actor Harry Dreyfuss Says Kevin Spacey Groped Him

The incident took place in London in 2008

(Newser) - On Saturday, Harry Dreyfuss, son of actor Richard Dreyfuss, became the latest man to accuse Kevin Spacey of sexual assault. In a long essay on BuzzFeed , Dreyfuss writes that when he was 18 years old, in 2008, Spacey groped him in the actor's apartment in London. Dreyfuss was there...

4 Stories