bump stocks

15 Stories

GOP Senators Block Bill to Outlaw Bump Stocks

One senator called it a 'gun grabbing overreach'

(Newser) - Senate Republicans blocked bipartisan legislation Tuesday that would have outlawed bump stocks after the Supreme Court struck down a ban on the rapid-fire gun accessory used in the deadliest shooting in modern US history. Democrats tried to force a voice vote on the bill to ban bump stocks, a tactic...

Supreme Court Flips Trump-Era Ban on Bump Stocks

A 6-3 ruling on gun accessory says Trump administration didn't follow federal law

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, a gun accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns and was used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The high court found 6-3 that the Trump administration didn't follow...

Supreme Court Takes Up 2019 Ban on Bump Stocks

Case centers on whether rule is legal, not constitutional

(Newser) - The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether a Trump era-ban on bump stocks, the gun attachments that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns, violates federal law. The justices will hear arguments early next year over a regulation put in place by the Justice Department after...

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal From Gun Groups

Bump stock ban was upheld by lower courts

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal of the federal ban on bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic firearms to fire rapidly like machine guns. The justices did not comment in declining to review a lower court ruling that upheld the ban, which took effect nearly a year ago,...

Bump Stocks Destroyed as SCOTUS Again Declines to Halt Ban

Ban on the devices took effect Tuesday

(Newser) - The largest supplier of bump stocks turned in its entire remaining inventory to be destroyed—some 60,000 devices. Washington state's buyback program was so popular it ran out of money. One dealer held a "Viking funeral" for his last bump stock, pouring a can of beer on...

Supreme Court Says No on Bump Stocks

The high court refuses to impede the bump-stock ban

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is so far declining to stop the Trump administration from enforcing its ban on bump stock devices, which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire like machine guns, the AP reports. The ban took effect Tuesday. The administration is in the unusual position of arguing against gun rights groups....

To Get Rid of Bump Stocks, DOJ Redefines Them

They'll be reclassified as 'machine guns'

(Newser) - Bump stocks can turn a semiautomatic weapon into a firearm that shoots at nearly the speed of a machine gun, and a "machine gun" is what the devices will be considered going forward. NPR reports the Trump administration on Tuesday announced a ban on the attachments, a move facilitated...

Justice Department Proposes Banning Bump Stocks

It likely sets the stage for long legal battles with gun manufacturers

(Newser) - The Trump administration said Saturday it has taken the first step in the regulatory process to ban bump stocks, the AP reports. The move was expected after President Trump ordered the Justice Department to work toward a ban following the shooting deaths of 17 people at a Florida high school...

Trump Urges Justice Dept. to Ban Bump Stocks

Department says it's moving quickly with its review of the controversial devices

(Newser) - The Justice Department says it is moving quickly with its review of "bump stock" devices after President Donald Trump directed the agency to propose regulations banning them, the AP reports. The devices allow semi-automatic rifles to fire faster and were used in last year's Las Vegas massacre. The...

Maker Resumes Bump Stock Sales Month After Shooting

Fate of legislation aiming to ban or regulate devices is unclear

(Newser) - Despite a bipartisan cry to review or ban bump stocks in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, in which the rapid-fire devices were used in the slaughter of 58 people, no legislation regarding bump stocks has advanced past the proposal stage in Congress. And though a popular maker of...

In Nod to Gun Owners, GOPer Has Prize for One 'Lucky Winner'

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams is giving away a bump stock

(Newser) - Less than three weeks after Stephen Paddock used bump stocks in his massacre of 58 people in Las Vegas, a Republican running for governor in Georgia wants to give one away for free. In a statement , Georgia State Sen. Michael Williams says he'll give "a free bump stock...

Oldest Member of Senate Is Running for Re-Election

'I'm all in,' says Dianne Feinstein, 84

(Newser) - California's Dianne Feinstein has been noncommittal for weeks now on whether she would seek another six-year term as a senator. On Monday, however, she ended the speculation. "I'm all in!" she tweeted . "Lots more to do: ending gun violence, combating climate change, access to healthcare....

NRA's Concession May Not Be as Big as Thought
NRA's Concession May Not
Be as Big as Thought
the rundown

NRA's Concession May Not Be as Big as Thought

Group supports restrictions on bump stocks, but requests ATF review, not congressional ban

(Newser) - The NRA made a surprise announcement Thursday that it supported government restrictions on "bump stocks," the devices that effectively turned Stephen Paddock's semiautomatic rifles into more lethal automatic weapons. The group called on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to review its rules on the...

NRA Makes Big Move in Wake of Vegas Massacre

Calls for federal review of bump stocks

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association announced its support Thursday for regulating " bump stocks ," devices that can effectively convert semi-automatic rifles into fully automated weapons and that were apparently used in the Las Vegas massacre to lethal effect. It was a surprising shift for the leading gun industry group, which...

Lawmakers Push for Ban on Device Paddock Used

Republicans say they're willing to consider bump stock ban

(Newser) - The deadliest mass shooting in modern US history might actually result in bipartisan progress on gun control—although it involves a device many people hadn't heard of before the Las Vegas massacre. Republicans in the House and Senate say they're willing to consider banning bump stocks, a device...

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