Mohammed bin Salman

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Young Saudi Prince Begins US &#39;Charm Offensive&#39;
Young Saudi
Prince Begins
US 'Charm
the rundown

Young Saudi Prince Begins US 'Charm Offensive'

Mohammed bin Salman will meet with Trump, Silicon Valley execs on 3-week tour

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia's young crown prince arrives in the US on Monday for a three-week tour. Mohammed bin Salman, seen as his nation's de facto ruler, is expected to receive a warm welcome at the White House on Tuesday from President Trump, but diplomacy is not his only focus....

Report: One of the Saudis Held at Ritz Didn't Leave It Alive

New York Times' sources allege physical abuse occurred

(Newser) - It's a battle over an inheritance that goes well beyond the normal family drama: The New York Times takes a deep dive into Saudi Arabia's sweeping November roundup of businessmen and elites accused of wrongdoing, who were held at the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton until reportedly settling with the government...

Amid a 'Ruinous' War, Big Changes in Saudi Arabia

Kingdom abruptly replaces military chiefs as stalemate with Yemen continues

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia replaced its military chief of staff and other defense officials early Tuesday in a shake-up apparently aimed at overhauling its Defense Ministry during the stalemated and ruinous war in Yemen, the AP reports. The kingdom also announced a new female deputy minister of labor and social development as...

Prince Is Free Again, but It May Have Cost a Fortune

Saudi billionaire Prince al-Waleed bin Talal is released after corruption bust

(Newser) - One of the richest men in the world is once again a free man, but it may have cost him a fortune. Saudi billionaire Prince al-Waleed bin Talal walked out of prison Saturday after being arrested on corruption charges as part of a sweeping roundup in November, reports Reuters . More...

Saudis Bust an Unusual Sit-In: Princes Mad Over Yanked Perks

11 upset royals currently cooling their heels in prison

(Newser) - A group of 11 Saudi princes is apparently mad as hell over slashed perks and not going to take it anymore. Or rather, as CNN reports, they're going to take it from the comfort of a Riyadh prison. How it went down: A recent royal decree, stemming from Crown...

Saudi Arabia Seeks Staggering Amount to Free Prince: Report

Prince al-Waleed bin Talal was arrested in November along with many others

(Newser) - One of the world's richest men is being asked to pay a staggering amount to secure his freedom, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal . Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal—who owns stakes in Twitter and other Western companies and has an estimated worth of $18.7...

NYT Unmasks Man Who Bought $300M Home in 2015

Saudi prince's French mansion is world's most expensive

(Newser) - What do you call somebody who publicly leads a campaign against corruption while privately buying the most expensive things in the world for himself? In Saudi Arabia, the answer to that question is Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, per a New York Times investigation that exposes the 32-year-old king-in-waiting as...

Mystery Buyer of $450M da Vinci Revealed

Painting is headed for Abu Dhabi's Louvre

(Newser) - The mystery buyer who shattered art auction records by paying $450 million for a Leonardo da Vinci painting last month has been revealed as an obscure Saudi prince not previously known for collecting art—or for being incredibly wealthy. Bader bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud—identified by the...

Time Names Short List for Person of the Year

Trump, Kim Jong Un, Patty Jenkins, and Jeff Bezos are among those in the final 10

(Newser) - President Trump? Kim Jong Un? Or perhaps Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins? All three are on the short list to be Time magazine's Person of the Year. The magazine released a list of 10 names on the Today show Monday morning, in advance of the final pick Wednesday morning....

Saudi Crown Prince Blasts 'the New Hitler'

Mohammed bin Salman says Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's influence must be curtailed

(Newser) - Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are creeping ever higher, with the Saudi crown prince referring to Iran's supreme leader as "the new Hitler" in an interview with the New York Times . Mohammed bin Salman also suggested Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's influence in the Middle East needed to...

What Just Happened in Saudi Arabia?
What Just Happened
in Saudi Arabia?
the rundown

What Just Happened in Saudi Arabia?

Crown prince 'MBS' makes a risky move in an apparent bid to consolidate power

(Newser) - The heir to the throne in Saudi Arabia ordered a series of stunning, high-profile arrests over the weekend. The upshot? Only what appears to be "the most sweeping transformation in the kingdom’s governance for more than eight decades," writes David Kirkpatrick in the New York Times . Crown...

Saudis Bust Dozens of Princes, Bigwigs in Corruption Sweep

Dramatic move seen as power play by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has arrested dozens of princes and former officials, including a well-known billionaire with extensive holdings in Western companies, as part of a sweeping anti-corruption probe that further cements control in its young crown prince. A high-level employee at Prince Alwaleed bin Talal's Kingdom Holding Co. told the...

Saudi Prince to Open Sports Stadiums to Women

'What’s next? Night clubs?' one critic tweeted

(Newser) - First came driving , now Saudi women will be allowed in sports stadiums. Saudi authorities on Sunday tweeted that stadiums in three cities—Riyadh, Jeddah, and Damman—"will be ready to accommodate families from early 2018," AFP reports. The move was the latest effort by 32-year-old Crown Prince...

Crown Prince to Open Saudi Arabia 'to the World'

He says move to 'moderate Islam' will better the country

(Newser) - Prince Mohammed bin Salman, heir to Saudi Arabia's throne, wants to move the hardline kingdom toward "a moderate Islam open to the world and all religions." In an interview with the Guardian , Prince Mohammed says past leaders instituted strict rules on behavior and dress in response to...

Inside the Saudi Shakeup: Pain Pills, a Young Prince's Plot

Sources tell 'New York Times,' Reuters that the ouster is more than it seems

(Newser) - Late June brought a shocker in the Middle East: a shake-up in Saudi Arabia's line of succession , with King Salman's nephew stripped of his next-in-line status and the title of crown prince handed to Salman's 31-year-old son, Mohammed bin Salman . Now, a second jolt via a New ...

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