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Miley Cyrus&#39; Plane Hit by Lightning
Miley Cyrus'
Plane Hit
by Lightning

Miley Cyrus' Plane Hit by Lightning

She cancels appearance at Paraguay festival

(Newser) - Miley Cyrus won't be performing at Paraguay's Asuncionico festival, but with good reason. The singer tweeted that her plane was hit by lightning while heading to that fest. "Our plane was caught in a major unexpected storm and struck by lighting," she wrote . "My crew,...

Passengers in NC Plane Landing Got a Wild Ride

No injuries after Delta Air Lines flight skidded off runway in snow, rolled right into mud

(Newser) - States in the South have been hit with some extreme winter weather of late, and the snow coming down Friday evening in North Carolina led to a scary incident for one plane arriving at Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Per NBC News , Delta Air Lines Flight 5501 had just safely touched down...

After Plane Disaster in Denver, Bad News for Boeing's 777s

Company calls for 128 planes with Pratt & Whitney engines to be grounded

(Newser) - It hasn't been a good couple of years for Boeing , but the beleaguered airplane manufacturer had just started to turn things around, getting its Boeing 737 Max back up in US skies and trying to move on from the crisis surrounding that plane model . Now, a backslide after a...

After Flight, Senator Slams Airline: 'Incredibly Irresponsible'

Trip on American spurs Jeff Merkley to introduce bill keeping middle seats from being filled in pandemic

(Newser) - Jeff Merkley flew on American Airlines last week, and he wasn't happy with how his flight went—specifically, on how crowded it was in the midst of the pandemic. "How many Americans will die bc you fill middle seats, w/ your customers shoulder to shoulder, hour after hour,...

Harrison Ford on Runway: &#39;I&#39;m Terribly Sorry&#39;
The Feds Investigate
Harrison Ford

The Feds Investigate Harrison Ford

The aviation enthusiast apparently misheard a control-tower message

(Newser) - "You know, sometimes I amaze even myself." Han Solo's iconic line didn't quite apply Friday when Harrison Ford flirted with disaster on a Southern California runway, the Daily News reports. The 77-year-old actor apparently misheard the control tower operator at Hawthorne Airport and crossed a runway...

Flying Into Boston, a 'Remarkable Delivery'

Robert Kraft sent New England Patriots plane to China to pick up 1.2M N95 masks

(Newser) - Massachusetts just saw its largest one-day spike in coronavirus cases yet: more than 1,000 reports on Wednesday, bringing the state's total to over 7,700, with more than 120 dead, per Politico . With an expected surge of cases expected in the state in mid-April, Gov. Charlie Baker has...

Cops: Teen Girl Stole Plane, Took It Out for a Joyride

17-year-old arrested at Fresno Yosemite International Airport in California after crashing

(Newser) - Teen goes for joyride, crashes into a fence—not all that odd of a story, until you consider the fact that the joyride in question was taken in an airplane. Police in Fresno, California, arrested a 17-year-old girl Wednesday morning after she crashed the plane in question into a fence...

First-Time Student to Traffic Control: My Teacher's Out Cold

Max Sylvester tries to land a Cessna two-seater in Australia

(Newser) - A flying lesson took a chilling turn Saturday when the flight instructor passed out on his student pilot in mid-air, ABC News Australia reports. "He's leaning over my shoulder, I'm trying to keep him up but he keeps falling down," Max Sylvester told traffic control at...

They Heard a 'Dog' in the Plane's Belly. Then a Voice Asked for Water

Officials bust alleged stowaway in Miami on Swift Air flight from Havana

(Newser) - It sounded like a dog in the cargo hold of the Swift Air plane from Havana that had just landed in Miami early Friday. Then: "I'm not a dog." The voice from the belly of the private charter plane, officials say, was that of a Cuban stowaway,...

'I Don't Know How a Person Can Survive a Fall Like That'

Skydiver hurt but expected to live after chute doesn't open during 5,000-foot plummet

(Newser) - She fell nearly 5,000 feet to the ground from a plane during a skydiving jump after her parachute failed to open, but by some "miracle," a 30-year-old woman in Canada is still alive, with non-life-threatening injuries. "I don't know how a person can survive a...

Boeing Isn't the Only One to Blame for 737 Crashes

The FAA had surprisingly lax oversight

(Newser) - Boeing's role in adding dangerous technology to the 737 Max is well-documented —but the Federal Aviation Administration fumbled this just as badly, the New York Times reports. According to insiders, the regulatory agency was too cozy with Boeing and ultimately let the airline oversee the development of MCAS,...

The Plane Prepped for Takeoff. Then, a Man on the Wing
The Plane Prepped for Takeoff. 
Then, a Man From the Bushes
in case you missed it

The Plane Prepped for Takeoff. Then, a Man From the Bushes

Passengers on Azman Air flight in Nigeria filled with 'fear and panic' as man climbs onto wing

(Newser) - "Fear and panic" is how Africanews describes the mood in the cabin of an Azman Air flight in Nigeria on Friday, though the odd happening ended with no one getting hurt. CNN reports the incident took place in the domestic section of Murtala Muhammed International airport in the nation'...

MH370, 5 Years Later: &#39;The Riddle May Not Be Deep&#39;
MH370, 5 Years
Later: 'The Riddle
May Not Be Deep'

MH370, 5 Years Later: 'The Riddle May Not Be Deep'

'Atlantic' follows detective work of 'beachcomber' Blaine Gibson, wonders what Malaysian cops know

(Newser) - It's been more than five years since Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, and it doesn't seem we're much closer to knowing where it is now than we were immediately after the plane with 239 on board vanished on March 8,...

Passengers, Plane Crew Nearly Brawl Over Stinky Fruit

Sriwijaya Air flight in Indonesia temporarily grounded thanks to durian in cargo hold

(Newser) - The durian is known for being one of the grossest-smelling fruits in the world—think "turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock," as one food writer has described it, per Smithsonian . The late Anthony Bourdain once said after eating it, "Your breath will smell as if...

Boy With Metal Detector Hits WWII-Era Jackpot

Danish teen and dad find German WWII fighter plane, remains of pilot

(Newser) - Young boys tend not to forget fantastical stories told by their grandpas, especially if those stories involve downed World War II fighter planes. Klaus Kristiansen of Denmark apparently couldn't get the tale his own grandfather had told him out of his head—that an aircraft had crashed behind their...

Trump: OK, I Didn't See Video of Iran Money Plane

Walks back claim he saw 'military tape' of 'money pouring off a plane'

(Newser) - As the White House continued to deflect accusations from conservatives that a $400 million payment to Iran was ransom for four American detainees released earlier this year, Donald Trump twice this week claimed he had seen video of a "top secret" transaction in which the huge supposed payout was...

Selma Blair 'Very Sorry' for Plane Outburst

She says she mixed alcohol, medication

(Newser) - Mixing booze and medication on a flight was an enormous mistake, Selma Blair says in an apology for her bizarre behavior on a flight from Cancun, Mexico, to Los Angeles on Monday. "After a lovely trip with my son and his dad, I mixed alcohol with medication, and that...

Mom: As Son With Allergies Is Taken Off Plane, Cruel Clapping

Flight was delayed 90 minutes

(Newser) - The bucket list trip was all about making memories—just not the kind a Phoenix family is now stuck with. Terminal cancer patient George Alvarado brought his wife, Christina Fabian, and 7-year-old son, Giovanni, to Bellingham, Wash., to visit family. But when they boarded an Allegiant Airlines flight back to...

Finally, a Clear View of 'Flying Boat' Sunk at Pearl Harbor

US Navy seaplane had a wing span of 100 feet

(Newser) - New images of a large US Navy seaplane that sank in Hawaii waters during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor show a coral-encrusted engine and reef fish swimming in and out of a hull. The video and photos are the clearest images taken of the Catalina PBY-5 wreckage to date,...

ISIS Captures Jordan Pilot in US-Led Coalition

Jordan confirms capture of pilot

(Newser) - A warplane in the US-led coalition that is bombing ISIS in Syria went down near Raqqa today, the AP reports, and Jordan is confirming ISIS claims that one of its pilots has been captured by the militants. The pro-ISIS Raqqa Media Center published photos to Facebook showing a bleeding man...

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