Gavin Grimm

7 Stories

Va. School Board to Pay Trans Student $1.3M

The settlement will cover Gavin Grimm's six years worth of attorney's fees and costs

(Newser) - The Virginia school board that fought a former student for years has finally agreed to settle. The Gloucester County School Board will turn over $1.3 million to cover attorney's fees after effectively losing their case when the Supreme Court declined to hear it, the Washington Post reports. Gavin...

Supreme Court Move Is a Win for Trans Student

Justices decide not to wade in on issue of school bathrooms in case of Gavin Grimm

(Newser) - The Supreme Court said Monday that it wouldn't weigh in on the thorny question of transgender students and school bathrooms. That inaction amounts to a victory for transgender student Gavin Grimm , whose high school in Virginia wouldn't allow him to use the boys bathroom, reports USA Today . A...

Court: This School Policy Violated the Constitution

Judges rule in favor of transgender rights advocates and Gavin Grimm

(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that a Virginia school board's transgender bathroom ban is unconstitutional and discriminated against a transgender male student who was barred from using the boys bathrooms in his high school, the AP reports. The ruling is a victory for transgender rights advocates and Gavin...

Transgender Teen Still Fighting High School Over Transcript

Transgender bathroom ban may end at Va. school, but Gavin Grimm still listed as female on transcript

(Newser) - For nearly four years, Gavin Grimm has been suing his former school district after it banned him from using the boys bathrooms in high school. The school board in Virginia will finally hold a public hearing Tuesday to discuss allowing transgender students to use restrooms that correspond with their gender...

Judge Sides With Transgender Teen in School Bathroom Case

Gavin Grimm wins after long legal battle

(Newser) - A federal judge in Virginia has sided with a transgender teen who claims a school board's bathroom policies discriminated against him, the AP reports. US District Court Judge Arenda Wright Allen on Tuesday declined the Gloucester County School Board's request to dismiss the case. Allen found that federal...

Supreme Court Won't Hear Transgender Teen's Case

It sends it back to a lower court

(Newser) - A big showdown in the Supreme Court over transgender rights just got pushed off the docket. The court instead has handed a transgender teen's high-profile case back to a lower court, reports the AP . The justices said Monday they have opted not to decide whether a federal anti-discrimination law...

DeVos 'Resisted Trump on Transgender Move'
DeVos, Sessions Clashed
Over Transgender Decision

DeVos, Sessions Clashed Over Transgender Decision

Jackie Evancho asks for Trump meeting

(Newser) - President Trump's reversal of former President Obama's directive on bathroom use for transgender students caused a clash inside his administration, sources say. GOP insiders tell the New York Times that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos clashed with Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the issue and told Trump she opposed...

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