Steve Bannon

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Selfie Inadvertently Reveals Bannon's 'To-Do List'

And one item may end up hurting the administration in court

(Newser) - When Steve Bannon moved into his office in the White House, he moved out bookshelves and a couch to make room for a bunch of big whiteboards, CNN reports. Thanks to "America's rabbi," we now know what's on at least one of those whiteboards. According to...

Trump on Bannon: 'Alt-Left' Strategist Gets a 'Bad Rap'

Bannon's actually a 'very decent guy,' president insists to Bloomberg

(Newser) - Just a few weeks ago, Steve Bannon was deemed a "marked man," but President Trump has a different take on him, per a Monday interview with Bloomberg . His chief strategist is a "very decent guy" who's gotten a "bad rap," Trump noted, adding that...

Former Breitbart Editor Leaving White House

Sebastian Gorka served as a national security adviser

(Newser) - Insiders say a former Breitbart editor with links to the far right will be leaving the White House in the days to come—and it isn't Steve Bannon. According to CNN 's sources, former Breitbart national security editor Sebastian Gorka, who has been serving as a national security...

Steve Bannon: the Hollywood Bigwig Who Wasn&#39;t?

Steve Bannon:
the Hollywood
Bigwig Who

Steve Bannon: the Hollywood Bigwig Who Wasn't?

Trump's strategist brags about his time in Tinseltown, but others' memories are murky

(Newser) - Over the past eight months, Steve Bannon has worked his way into the general US consciousness, first as an ex-Breitbart exec tapped as Trump's new campaign chief , next as a "terrifying man" who wanted to set the DC establishment ablaze, and finally, as a White House fixture . But...

Bannon 'Comeback' Involves Steel, Canada, Dairy 'Disgrace'

Nationalist views on trade win out over globalist ones—or so it seems for now

(Newser) - President Trump has been pushing hard to bring his "Buy American, Hire American" mantra to fruition, including with an executive order meant to prevent "foreign cheaters" from taking US jobs and infringing on our steel production, a senior administration official said Monday, per Politico . The New York Times ...

Another Name Rising as Bannon's Falls: Gary Cohn

He's a former Goldman Sachs exec and a registered Democrat

(Newser) - The short version of the White House political calculus is that as Steve Bannon's political fortunes fall , Jared Kushner's rise. But another name is being increasingly mentioned along with Kushner's, that of National Economic Council director Gary Cohn. In a profile of Cohn, the Washington Post says...

Is Bannon a Dead Man Walking? And Does It Matter?
Is Bannon a
Dead Man Walking?
And Does It Matter?
the rundown

Is Bannon a Dead Man Walking? And Does It Matter?

After President Trump's comments, the media scrambles for answers

(Newser) - President Trump's brief but chilly comments to the New York Post about Steve Bannon had the media scrambling to find sources willing to weigh in on one big question: Is Bannon in or out? The Washington Post spoke with 21 of the president's "aides, confidants, and allies"...

Trump, Asked About Bannon, Has Chilly Reply

He declines to say he has full confidence in his chief strategist

(Newser) - President Trump's comments were brief—just four sentences quoted by New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who asked Trump about his confidence level in Steve Bannon. But they're being read as a distancing from the chief strategist amidst a reported feud with senior adviser Jared Kushner that Trump...

Trump Tells Bannon to 'Work This Out' Regarding Kushner

A make-up meeting between Kushner and Bannon was held Friday

(Newser) - "Work this out," the New York Times quotes President Trump as saying to Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus regarding the highly publicized feud between Bannon and Jared Kushner. So on Friday, Priebus oversaw a meeting between Bannon and Kushner at Mar-a-Lago to "smooth things over," Fox...

What&#39;s a &#39;Cuck?&#39; A Look at the Bannon-Kushner Fight
What's a 'Cuck'? A Look
at the Bannon-Kushner Fight
the rundown

What's a 'Cuck'? A Look at the Bannon-Kushner Fight

In the White House, it's the moderates against the nationalists

(Newser) - Steve Bannon's exit from the National Security Council this week has led to a slew of headlines about a rift in the White House between him and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. One main theme in coverage suggests that Kushner's moderate views are beginning to triumph over Bannon's...

Sources: Mega-Donor Convinced Bannon Not to Quit

Rebekah Mercer reportedly convinced him it's a 'long-term play'

(Newser) - Steve Bannon's team is denying reports that he threatened to quit over his removal from the National Security Council, but Politico talked to five more people—a senior administration official and others "close to the president"—who say that one of President Trump's mega-donors, who is...

NYT: Bannon Threatened to Quit Over NSC Removal

His star may be fading, insiders say

(Newser) - The White House is insisting that Steve Bannon's removal from the National Security Council is not a demotion, but it was a move the strategist strongly resisted, according to the New York Times' sources. The insiders say that at one point, Bannon said he would quit if he were...

Steve Bannon No Longer on National Security Council
What Bannon's NSC Exit
May Mean for White House
the rundown

What Bannon's NSC Exit May Mean for White House

Trump chief strategist is out of post: business as usual or a shift in power?

(Newser) - President Trump generated controversy early in his presidency when he named chief strategist Steve Bannon to a key role on National Security Council. As of this week, Bannon no longer holds the post, reports Bloomberg . Some White House officials are insisting it's not a demotion, though Bannon's critics...

Story About Dad's Nest Egg Key to Bannon's Anger

'WSJ' profiles the Trump adviser

(Newser) - If there's a political anecdote of the day, it comes courtesy of the Wall Street Journal in a story headlined "Steve Bannon and the Making of an Economic Nationalist." The anecdote, however, doesn't center on the senior adviser to President Trump, but his father, Marty Bannon,...

The World Gets a Taste of Rosie as Steve Bannon

Courtesy of Photoshop

(Newser) - Rosie O'Donnell is already posing as Steve Bannon—on Twitter. O'Donnell, who has expressed interest in playing Donald Trump's aide on Saturday Night Live, changed her profile photo on the site Thursday to a Photoshopped image of her face on Bannon's body. It was initially shared...

Is Steve Bannon&#39;s Next Fight Against Pope Francis?

Is Steve Bannon's
Next Fight
Pope Francis?
the rundown

Is Steve Bannon's Next Fight Against Pope Francis?

He's reportedly aligned with the pope's conservative critics within the church

(Newser) - A spate of headlines this week have surfaced about Trump adviser Steve Bannon and his views on Pope Francis. The stories center on allegations that Bannon, a Catholic, has joined forces with the pope's conservative critics within the church in order to torpedo the pontiff's agenda. A look...

Rosie O'Donnell to SNL: I'll Be Your Bannon

She's willing to portray top Trump aide after Spicer skit leaves White House 'rattled'

(Newser) - Sean Spicer may have laughed off Melissa McCarthy's portrayal of him on Saturday Night Live, but the White House is in fact "rattled," reports Politico , noting "it was Spicer's portrayal by a woman that was most problematic in the president's eyes." As one...

Trump May Be Reining In Power of Steve Bannon

'I call my own shots ... and everyone knows it'

(Newser) - President Trump delivered a bristling tweet Monday morning seemingly to make clear that he wields the only real power in the White House: "I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!"...

In Radio Show, Steve Bannon Sounded Out Populist Vision

'USA Today,' 'Washington Post' look back at his populist themes

(Newser) - Top Trump strategist Steve Bannon disdains the media , but he had plenty to say publicly while hosting a daily radio show for Breitbart News before joining Donald Trump's team. USA Today has listened to dozens of hours of recordings from 2015-16, and the Washington Post did a similar deep...

National Security Council Restructured to Include Bannon

While roles of the DNI, chairman of the Joint Chiefs minimized

(Newser) - Amid President Trump's flurry of actions Saturday was some restructuring at the National Security Council. White House chief strategist Steve Bannon now has a permanent seat on the principals committee of the NSC, reports the Washington Post , which notes that "the changes affirm the ascent of Bannon" in...

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