carbon capture

6 Stories

Critics See Danger in CO2 Pipelines: 'Zombie' Leaks

'The Lever' looks at safety concerns after two leaks led to scary symptoms for residents

(Newser) - Part of the White House plan to fight climate change involves the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines across the country—part of an experimental "carbon capture and storage" strategy. In short, the idea is "aimed at sequestering carbon emissions from power plants, sending it through pipelines, and injecting...

Administration Invests in Carbon Capture Projects

New funding increases pressure on industry

(Newser) - The Biden administration on Wednesday announced $251 million in funding for carbon capture and storage projects in seven states, aiming to reduce planet-warming pollution from power plants and other industrial facilities. The announcement represents a vote of confidence by the government in the nascent technology, which proponents—often from oil...

Carbon Capture Plant Celebrates a Big Milestone

Climeworks has pulled carbon from the air, stashed it underground, on behalf of paying customers

(Newser) - A carbon capture company says it has passed what could be a very important milestone in the fight against climate change. Climeworks says it has successfully pulled carbon dioxide from the air and stored it underground, where it will turn to rock, NBC News reports. While other firms are working...

Facility in Iceland Is Now Sucking CO2 From the Air

It's the world's biggest carbon capture plant

(Newser) - The world's biggest carbon capture plant is now sucking CO2 from the air in Iceland—and while the amounts involved are relatively tiny compared to the massive scale of the world's emissions problem, its builder says it is a step in the right direction. The plant, built on...

Why You Should Care About a Huge Peatland in Africa
It Turns Out Peat Is Way, Way
More Important Than You Knew

It Turns Out Peat Is Way, Way More Important Than You Knew

If peatlands burn, the planet will suffer greatly

(Newser) - If you've never thought much about peat, that's understandable. An accumulation of partially decayed vegetation that can develop into a material more than 20 feet deep, peat covers just 3% of the Earth. But a lengthy article from National Geographic makes clear it's a powerhouse thanks to...

Scientists Pump CO2 Into the Earth, Turn It Into Stone

They managed to convert 95% of the CO2 in just 2 years

(Newser) - Here's an idea for dealing with carbon dioxide: Turn it into stone. Scientists in Iceland say they have managed the feat at the world's largest geothermal power plant, an accomplishment the Guardian says could have big implications for climate change. As they explain in Science , researchers with the...

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