Luke Somers

4 Stories

US 'Unaware' of Other Hostage in Failed Raid

Locals say civilian boy also killed in Yemen raid

(Newser) - The US had no idea that South African Pierre Korkie was being held with American Luke Somers before the raid that both men died in , officials say. A US official tells the BBC that special forces were "unaware" of the identity of the other hostage being held with Somers...

Dog Bark May Have Foiled Hostage Rescue

Commandos got close to Yemen compound before noise alerted militants

(Newser) - The US commandos who tried to rescue American Luke Somers in Yemen came agonizingly close to doing so, according to an account in the Wall Street Journal . It says that about 40 special-ops troops got to within 100 yards of the walled compound in silence about 1am local time. Then,...

US Hostage Killed in Rescue Attempt

Pentagon: Luke Somers was shot by al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American photojournalist Luke Somers is dead after a rescue attempt by American forces in Yemen, reports the Washington Post . Defense chief Chuck Hagel says that US troops tried to free the 33-year-old Somers because his execution was "imminent," but that his al-Qaeda keepers killed him during the raid....

US: Yemen Raid Missed American Hostage

Luke Somers 'not present' during attempted rescue last month

(Newser) - The Pentagon and White House acknowledged today that the US tried last month to rescue a 33-year-old American journalist, Luke Somers, who is being held by al-Qaeda in Yemen, but "regrettably, Luke was not present," per a National Security Council spokeswoman. A video of Somers pleading for help...

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