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Blogger Wins Award, Vindication
Blogger Wins Award, Vindication

Blogger Wins Award, Vindication

Talking Points Memo founder captures Polk Award

(Newser) - The blogosphere is rejoicing in the news that “local boy” Joshua Micah Marshall garnered a George Polk Award for legal reporting. Marshall's Talking Points Memo blog is the first Internet-only operation to win the award, and many bloggers see that as validation, reports the New York Times. Marshall won...

McCain's Daughter Blogs About Trail Life, Not Politics

Meghan, 23, prefers candid snapshots of the grind over policy statements

(Newser) - Potential first daughter Meghan McCain has been blogging about life on the campaign trail, focusing on Henry Kissinger’s shoes and iTunes playlists rather then the finer points of policy, the Los Angeles Times reports. Candidates’ children are often deployed to humanize their parents—in carefully choreographed ways—but McCain’...

Fashion Lovers Grow Weary of Waif Look

Internet, reality TV spark use of real people as models

(Newser) - Fashion blogs, "Ugly Betty", and other pop staples are nudging the fashion industry to use more real people as models, Newsweek reports. So are YouTube, reality TV, and a slew of designers who make affordable lines for Target and H&M. "People would like to see somebody up...

Thousands Glued to WWI Blog
Thousands Glued to WWI Blog

Thousands Glued to WWI Blog

Private Harry Lamin's letters appear in real time online

(Newser) - Does he live, or lose his life to "liquid fire and bombs"? That question is keeping tens of thousands glued to a site that is posting the letters of a World War I soldier in real time, 90 years after they were written. The soldier's grandson, who collected...

Blogging Catches On as Marketing Tool

For consultants or creative small firms, the benefits can be great

(Newser) - Blogging is finding a niche as a marketing tool for small business owners, who like its low cost and potentially high returns. Only 5% of small business have blogs, the New York Times reports, and while many more could benefit from them, a company has to be sure of the...

Google Reader Sparks Users' Anger Over Privacy

'Shared' items become visible to all contacts

(Newser) - A new Google Reader feature that centralizes a user’s favorite blog and web updates is causing an uproar, reports the San Jose Mercury News. Quietly introduced Dec. 14, the feature makes articles marked "shared" visible to all of a user’s contacts—including anyone they’ve ever spoken...

NCAA Puts Limits on Live Blog Coverage

Policy restricts number of posts per game from field, courtside

(Newser) - The NCAA has set new rules for live-blogging of sporting events, limiting the amount of times a blogger can post new information during a game in an effort to fight a perceived simulacrum of re-broadcasting, Techdirt reports. The new rules are a compromise after an incident in June when a...

Japan Blogs, But Politely
Japan Blogs, But Politely

Japan Blogs, But Politely

Also profusely, briefly, anonymously, and nonconfrontationally

(Newser) - Japan's enormous blog culture is very different from its counterpart in the English-speaking world, reports the Washington Post. Japanese blogs have more and shorter posts, and they consist mostly of anonymous musings on life and personal experiences. The relentless criticism and self-aggrandizement of American and European bloggers shock many of...

Ahmadinejad Gets a Blog, Hilarity Ensues

Iranian prez finds unexpectedly critical audience online

(Newser) - When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started his blog, he thought circumventing the media would let him present his message unadulterated to fawning supporters, free from opposition catcalls. What he found instead was a hypercritical audience typical of the online realm, the Guardian reports. Iranians, among others, are mercilessly flaming their president, criticizing...

With TV Cut Off, Pakistanis Turn to the Web

Musharraf can’t keep people offline in newly tech-savvy country

(Newser) - When Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency rule, he turned off all news outlets but his own, but couldn't stop Pakistanis from flocking to the Internet for independent news. The website of private news outfit GEO-TV was so flooded by traffic that the channel had to upgrade servers and remove non-text content... All Me All the Time All Me All the Time All Me All the Time

Extending the livecasting of daily existence from one man to many

(Newser) - In most pix of Justin Kan a small camera is perched above his left ear. He’s a livecaster who co-founded, for people like him who have the tools, and the desire, to broadcast their every waking moment on the Web. The NY Times reports that the founders...

Senate Shield Law Would Cover Bloggers

Controversial new measure defines 'journalist' broadly

(Newser) - A Senate bill that passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday would give bloggers the “reporter’s privilege” of protecting their sources. The federal shield law defines journalism broadly enough to include bloggers who write about public affairs. Critics, including US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, say the bill would undermine national security,...

Hunt's On for Burma's Hero Bloggers

Cyber dissidents on the lam

(Newser) - Burmese bloggers whose accounts and photos of the Saffron Revolution and the brutal crackdown by the military dictatorship riveted the world last week are now  being hunted by authorities, reports the Times of London. With the Internet shut down and the streets swarming with troops, the bloggers have gone underground.

Hackers Target Bloggers in Cyber-Faceoff

Viral gang sends users infected downloads in major web sweep affecting thousands

(Newser) - Hackers are attacking Google’s Blogger site and planting links to downloads potentially laden with viruses, the BBC reports. Some blogs have been updated with innocent-looking links promising news or digital greeting cards. But clicking on the links could give away users' private data or invite harmful spam messages. Google...

Multitaskers, It's All in the Bag
Multitaskers, It's All
in the Bag

Multitaskers, It's All in the Bag

Blog offers old and creative new uses for that extra paper sack

(Newser) - Paper bags are good for more than just school lunches and book covers. Check out Wise Bread's 25 tips, and you'll never hesitate again when the cashier says, "Paper or plastic?" Here are 10 to get you started:
  1. Ripen fruit.
  2. Make your own wrapping paper.
  3. Give your cat hours

Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code
Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code

Blog Leaks Facebook Source Code

Concerns persist over social site's security

(Newser) - A blog called "Facebook Secrets" posted a restricted section of the site's source code on Saturday, revealing a major security flaw in the popular social networking site. While the leak didn't  reveal any sensitive information, it does raise concerns as to whether the site's 52M users' personal data is...

Fake Steve Jobs Blogger Outed
Fake Steve Jobs Blogger Outed

Fake Steve Jobs Blogger Outed

Times tracks down Forbes editor behind popular lampoon

(Newser) - The New York Times has tracked down the identity of the mystery writer behind a popular satirical site posing as the personal blog of Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The musings of "Fake Steve" have lampooned Silicon Valley, industry bigwigs and Jobs himself. “I’m stunned that it’s...

Best of the Blogosphere: 10 to Read

PC World finds the funniest, most informative, and most esoteric sites

(Newser) - PC World chooses the best blogs in 10 categories:
  1. Technology News:  Slashdot (
  2. Specialty Tech Site: John Battele's Searchblog (
  3. Company Watcher: Microsoft Watch (
  4. Corporate Blog: The Official Google Blog (
  5. Politics and Business: Policybeta (

Corporate Blog Makes Trouble for Google

Employee's movie review draws attention to corporate communication tool

(Newser) - In case anyone missed the first apology, Google is still sorry for an employee's post on a corporate blog. Her reaction to Michael Moore's "Sicko"—a suggestion that health-care companies buy Google ads to offset his accusations and burnish their reputations—has outraged bloggers and prompted two separate...

News Anchor Shreds Script, Hailed as Hero

MSNBC journalist's refusal to read Hilton story wins cyber fan

(Newser) - Bloggers, who normally revel in afflicting TV news anchors, have made one a star. MSNBC newsreader Mika Brzezinski won legions of fans in the blogosphere when she refused, despite prodding from her co-hosts, to read a news item about Paris Hilton Wednesday morning, and then shredded the script. “I...

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