Ferguson, Missouri

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Online Fundraisers for Ferguson Cop Shuttered

Tax experts reportedly trying to handle flood of Darren Wilson donations

(Newser) - Two websites raising money for the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown abruptly shut down over the weekend after raising more than $430,000. But the Support Officer Darren Wilson and Support Officer Wilson pages, two separate pages on the crowdsourcing site GoFundMe, weren't closed by...

Ferguson Police Now Sporting Body Cameras

Devices meant to offer transparency; critics say they're an invasion of privacy

(Newser) - The Ferguson police got to test-drive a new device over the weekend: body cameras, which officials hope will show a clearer picture of what happens during police incidents like the ones that occurred during the Ferguson protests . About 50 cameras, which are positioned on officers' uniforms to enable up-close audio...

$40M Suit Claims Brutality by Cops in Ferguson

Lawsuit alleges 'wanton and excessive force' used against plaintiffs

(Newser) - A Missouri man who says he was just trying to get to his mom's house and a woman who says she was waiting for a ride and a sundae at McDonald's with her teenage son are among the five plaintiffs who have filed a $40 million lawsuit against...

Hillary Clinton Speaks Out on Ferguson

'We are better than that,' she says

(Newser) - "We don't want to see our streets look like a war zone. Not in America. We are better than that," Hillary Clinton told a tech conference in San Francisco yesterday in her first public remarks on events in Ferguson, Mo . Clinton praised "decent and respectful law...

Supreme Court Helps Cops Stay Unaccountable
Supreme Court Helps Cops Stay Unaccountable

Supreme Court Helps Cops Stay Unaccountable

Law professor: Series of decisions makes it all but impossible to convict

(Newser) - It's possible that a grand jury will find enough evidence to conclude that Officer Darren Wilson should go on trial for the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. But even if that happens, don't expect Wilson to be found guilty of excessive use of force, writes law...

CNN Posts Possible Audio of Michael Brown Shooting

Man records alleged gunshots during video chat with friend

(Newser) - Might these be the gunshots that killed Michael Brown? CNN has posted audio inadvertently recorded around the time of his shooting by a Ferguson man who was video chatting with a friend. A forensic audio expert tells the network that he hears a succession of six shots, then a pause,...

Mourners Hail 'Gentle' Brown as Sharpton Urges 'Change'

Big names come out as Michael Brown laid to rest

(Newser) - More than 2,500 mourners crowded Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis this morning to lay Michael Brown to rest, reports the AP , with another 2,000 in overflow seating and national television carrying the 18-year-old's funeral. Brown's casket was closed, with a St. Louis Cardinals...

Michael Brown Was 'No Angel'? Come On.

New York Times phrasing rankles a few readers

(Newser) - Michael Brown "was no angel," according to a New York Times piece by John Eligon—and the phrasing hasn't gone unnoticed. At Vox , Matthew Yglesias recalls that he himself was hardly a model teen, but "you don't need to be one to survive into adulthood....

Ferguson Officer Accused of Hog-Tying Boy, 12

Boy's lawyer says trial date expected early 2015

(Newser) - The latest Ferguson, Mo., police officer to come under scrutiny in the wake of Michael Brown's shooting is Justin Cosma, who stands accused of hog-tying a 12-year-old boy in 2010 when Cosma was a sheriff's deputy in a neighboring county, the Huffington Post reports. A civil rights lawsuit...

Obama Calls for Review of Police Gear

Ferguson puts spotlight on use of military equipment

(Newser) - Amid the uproar in Ferguson, President Obama is addressing concerns over military-grade equipment's availability to local police, officials tell the New York Times and CNN . Obama has ordered a review of policies surrounding the gear's use, questioning whether police are properly trained to use it as well as...

St. Louis County Cop Suspended Over Video

Veteran officer railed against 'undocumented' Obama, Muslims, and more

(Newser) - A St. Louis County police officer has been put on administrative leave after a video emerged of him giving a speech in which he complains about our "undocumented president," hate-crime laws, the Supreme Court, and Muslims, and boasts about his prowess as a killer, reports USA Today . Police...

Teacher Suspended Over Ferguson Shooting 'Skit'

Unknown teacher first had students research Michael Brown shooting

(Newser) - An Alabama teacher has been suspended without pay after a lesson this week that had parents fuming. An unidentified female teacher at Selma's Brantley Elementary was discussing current affairs with her sixth-grade class when a student brought up the Michael Brown shooting, the superintendent tells the Selma-Times Journal . That'...

Ferguson Cop Manages to Lie Low Amid Furor

Conflicting reports emerge about Darren Wilson's injuries

(Newser) - The police officer in Ferguson, Mo., who shot Michael Brown has gone underground, in a big, big way. The media usually dig up information on major news figures via social media, or family and friends—but any social media accounts Darren Wilson had were scrapped before the police divulged his...

Missouri Governor Calls Off National Guard

Jay Nixon orders withdrawal from Ferguson

(Newser) - With the violence in Ferguson seemingly winding down, Missouri's governor has told the state's National Guard to go home, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . Jay Nixon made the controversial move to deploy the Guard earlier this week , but his office said today that "the situation has greatly...

Obama's Ferguson Critics Are Off Base

Criticism that he's too wishy-washy about shooting is misguided: pundits

(Newser) - In the wake of the Michael Brown shooting , President Obama has taken flak for not speaking more forcefully—or more personally—about it. (Eric Holder, for instance, has recounted his own troubles with police as a black man in America.) Well, the president's critics are wrong, writes Charles...

Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'

In Ferguson, he says we need 'concrete action' on race, not just talk

(Newser) - In his visit to Ferguson, Mo., yesterday, Eric Holder told residents that he understands their frustration about police. "I am the attorney general of the United States," he said. "But I am also a black man,” Holder recounted being stopped by police on a Washington street...

Cop Who Pointed Gun at Protesters Is Suspended

Officer in Ferguson also threatened to kill one of them

(Newser) - Officials say a police officer who was part of the effort to keep peace during protests in Ferguson, Mo., has been suspended indefinitely for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them. A St. Louis County police spokesman says the incident involving...

Cop: Do What I Say and You Won't Get Shot

Sunil Dutta's piece sparks anger

(Newser) - As the crisis in Ferguson rages on , Los Angeles police officer Sunil Dutta has penned what's proven to be an inflammatory essay in the Washington Post . His message: "In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is not the cops, but the people they stop, who can prevent detentions...

Ferguson&#39;s New Plan: Police Cameras
Ferguson's New Plan:
Police Cameras

Ferguson's New Plan: Police Cameras

City calmer ahead of Holder visit

(Newser) - Ahead of a visit from Attorney General Eric Holder today, officials in Ferguson, Missouri, say they want to make big changes to law enforcement and end the "discord and heartbreak" that has followed the police shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. A statement released by city leaders says it...

St. Louis Cop Kills Knife-Wielding Man
St. Louis Cops Kill
Knife-Wielding Man

St. Louis Cops Kill Knife-Wielding Man

Shooting occurs a few miles from Ferguson

(Newser) - Exactly what authorities looking to calm tensions in Ferguson, Mo., didn't want to happen: Two St. Louis police officers shot and killed a man wielding a knife this afternoon, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . City police chief Sam Dotson said the man took energy drinks and pastries from a...

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