Ferguson, Missouri

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Ferguson Judge Behind Fines Scheme Owes $170K

Ronald Brockmeyer, 70, is also accused of fixing tickets

(Newser) - A Ferguson, Missouri judge first got in hot water when the Justice Dept. accused him of fixing traffic tickets and unfairly punishing residents over unpaid fees. But 70-year-old Ronald Brockmeyer has another problem: more than $170,000 in outstanding taxes, the Guardian reports. According to tax liens filed by the...

Michael Brown's Parents Filing Civil Suit

City of Ferguson will also be named

(Newser) - A day after the Department of Justice cleared Darren Wilson in Michael Brown's shooting death, Brown's parents announced today that they'll be filing a civil suit, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . The former Ferguson police officer and the city of Ferguson will be named in the wrongful...

Mayor: Ferguson Cop Fired Over Racist Emails

He says changes underway after DOJ report

(Newser) - The mayor of Ferguson, Mo., says big changes are already underway after the release of a scathing Department of Justice report on the city's police force. Mayor James Knowles says one police official involved in sending racist emails has been fired and two more have been suspended pending an...

Feds Clear Darren Wilson in Death of Michael Brown

But DoJ report slams racial bias on Ferguson police force

(Newser) - Former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson won't face federal charges in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the Department of Justice announced today, ending what the New York Times calls a "lengthy investigation" since the teen's death in August with an expected outcome . In so doing, federal...

2 Racist Jokes Cited in Ferguson Investigation

Justice Department will release findings about bias this week

(Newser) - The Justice Department is expected to release a report this week that will accuse Ferguson police of bias against black residents . Among the details trickling out in advance is the discovery of two racist jokes in emails written by Ferguson cops and municipal court officials, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch...

Ferguson Traffic Stops Target Blacks: DoJ Report

Findings expected to show rampant discrimination that fomented tension

(Newser) - Black drivers in Ferguson, Mo., are pulled over much more for traffic stops than white drivers—and this imbalance is the crux of a forthcoming and damning Justice Department report, the New York Times reports. The nearly finished findings, according to law enforcement officials who say they've been briefed...

No Civil Rights Charges for Zimmerman in Trayvon Case

Justice Department concludes there isn't enough evidence

(Newser) - George Zimmerman continues to get into minor scrapes with the law, but he's going to avoid a major one: The Justice Department has decided not to bring civil rights charges against him in the death of Trayvon Martin, reports AP . It's not a huge surprise given that the...

Police Killing in Wash. State Raises Specter of Ferguson

Death of Antonio Zambrano-Montes was 3rd police killing in less than a year

(Newser) - Police in Pasco, Wash., are facing international scrutiny in the shooting of a Latino man who had been throwing rocks at officers. Video of the incident shows Antonio Zambrano-Montes fleeing from officers before being shot dead, and the event has prompted protests and reminders of Ferguson, the New York Times...

Ferguson Sued Over 'Debtors Prisons'

Suit says city routinely locks up people too poor to pay fines

(Newser) - Debtors prisons vanished from most of the US in the 1830s, but Ferguson, Mo., is still routinely locking up people who can't afford to pay fines, according to a group of civil rights lawyers suing the city. A pair of lawsuits accuses Ferguson and Jennings, another St. Louis suburb,...

Report: FBI Finishes Inquiry, Won't Charge Ferguson Cop

Justice Department working on memo saying Darren Wilson is in the clear, says NY Times

(Newser) - As the FBI investigation into the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, was unfolding, both the New York Times and Washington Post reported that federal charges against officer Darren Wilson were unlikely. The investigation is now over, and it doesn't look like much has changed: The "Justice...

Member of Darren Wilson Grand Jury Wants to Talk

'Grand Juror Doe' sues St. Louis prosecutor

(Newser) - Those wondering what exactly happened behind the scenes of the grand jury that declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown may finally get to hear the inside scoop. A member of that jury, identified as "Grand Juror Doe" in court documents, filed a...

Ferguson Cop Suspended for Calling Memorial 'Trash'

He dismissed destruction of Michael Brown tribute

(Newser) - More bad public relations for the Ferguson police department, this time from its PR officer: The force's chief spokesman has been suspended indefinitely without pay after calling a memorial to slain teenager Michael Brown "trash," reports KMOV . The memorial, in the middle of the street where Brown...

Mo. Police Chief: Dead Teen Drew Gun First

Surveillance footage released by police

(Newser) - "Bad choices were made," said St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar in a morning press conference following last night's police shooting of a teen in Berkeley, Mo., a town bordering Ferguson. "This individual could have complied, he could have ran away, he could have dropped...

Ferguson Prosecutor: Grand Jury Witnesses Lied

Bob McCulloch says he does not plan to pursue perjury charges

(Newser) - St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has offered some surprising revelations to radio station KTRS about the grand jury proceedings in the Michael Brown case —namely that he knows some of the witnesses he put on the stand lied. "Clearly, some were not telling the truth," he...

'Sweet Home Alabama' Gets Cop in Trouble at Chicago Protest

Officer played song at demonstration against police tactics

(Newser) - The Chicago Police Department says it will discipline an officer who played "Sweet Home Alabama" over a police-cruiser loudspeaker during a march protesting police treatment of African Americans. The song is considered an anthem to Southern pride. Some interpreted his playing of the song during last week's march...

Feds' Autopsy of Michael Brown: 'Severe Injuries of Skull'

3rd set of results released yesterday with other grand jury documents

(Newser) - More documents previously held back , including a Justice Department-mandated autopsy, trickled out yesterday from the grand jury that declined to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the AP reports. The autopsy conducted by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System had similar findings to both the private...

Some Ferguson Grand-Jury Records Were Kept Secret

Certain witness interviews withheld from public as feds continue investigation

(Newser) - "As I have promised, the evidence presented to the grand jury, with some exceptions, and the testimony of the witnesses called to the grand jury will be released at the conclusion of this statement." Those were St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch's words at the Nov. 24 press...

Michael Brown's Stepdad: Sorry for Post-Verdict Shouts

But Louis Head says he shouldn't be blamed for what happened next

(Newser) - Michael Brown's stepfather has apologized after he was caught on tape calling on crowds to 'burn this b——- down" amid Ferguson protests. Louis Head shouted the words after a grand jury decided not to indict Darren Wilson, but he tells CNN that to blame him for...

Feds: Man Made Facebook Threats to Kill Darren Wilson

Washington man charged with making interstate threats

(Newser) - A Washington state man was arrested by a SWAT team at his home early yesterday for comments he allegedly made on Facebook about Ferguson, Mo. Federal authorities say that over several months, Jaleel Tariq Abdul-Jabbaar made repeated threats to kill Darren Wilson , members of his family, and "anything that...

Cops Now Investigating Michael Brown's Stepdad

Investigation into Louis Head's actions the night of Nov. 24 under way: police chief

(Newser) - As President Obama urged peace in the moments after it was announced Darren Wilson wouldn't be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown, chaos broke out in Ferguson—and now police there are investigating whether Brown's stepfather meant to start a riot himself. Louis Head was seen...

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