electoral college

Stories 61 - 71 | << Prev 

Rove: Obama Wins if Vote Were Today

Republican strategist calls some close states for the Democrat

(Newser) - Karl Rove isn't seeing red when he looks at his crystal electoral map, reports Politico, and is seeing enough blue to propel Barack Obama into the White House if the vote were held today. The GOP strategist has moved Minnesota and New Hampshire into the Democratic column, but cautions that...

Dire Economy Boosts Obama in Swing States

GOP has hard time making case to worried voters for 4 more years

(Newser) - As voters turn green over the shaky economy, the electoral map is turning blue, according to a New York Times tally. Barack Obama is hitting hard in nine states that George Bush took in 2004 and weren’t expected to be tossups this close to November—forcing John McCain to...

Oh, No: They Could Tie
 Oh, No: They Could Tie 

Oh, No: They Could Tie

The 1% chance of Obama and McCain fighting to a draw has web humming

(Newser) - It’s not inconceivable that the 2008 election could end in an electoral tie. OK, granted, the odds are roughly 99-1, but that 1% chance is enough to send politics geeks flocking to sites such as FiveThirtyEight.com, which conduct complex electoral simulations based on the latest polling, the Wall ...

Alaska Turning Purple as Election Nears

Obama leads in poll; Democrat hasn't taken state since 1964

(Newser) - The cold, snowy tundras of Alaska may transform into a battleground this November as Barack Obama and John McCain vie for the Land of the Midnight Sun's three electoral votes. Alaska hasn't gone blue since 1964, when LBJ won in a landslide, but an Anchorage-based poll currently has Obama leading...

Perennial Swing State Ohio Looks Blue

Rejuvenated local Dems bode well for Obama campaign

(Newser) - Ohio is the ultimate swing state: Since 1960 no president has been elected without winning its electoral votes, and in 2004, by the narrowest of margins, it delivered George W. Bush a second term. But this time around, Democrats are confident of their chances, the Economist reports. The state party...

How Obama Could Get Gored
 How Obama Could Get Gored 

How Obama Could Get Gored

As in 2000, Dem could win popular vote, lose Electoral College to Republican

(Newser) - Observers are speculating about a split decision in November, with John McCain winning the presidency while Barack Obama takes the popular vote—and Harry Siegel, in Politico, says the chances might not be that slim. Obama looks likely to build massive margins in coastal states (already safely Democratic) while making...

Obama's Electoral Math: Win Without Ohio, Fla.

Dem aims to keep Kerry states, add Virginia, Georgia, in Mountain West

(Newser) - Barack Obama is hardly giving up on Florida and Ohio, but campaign manager David Plouffe thinks the Democrat can win without them. “You have a lot of ways to get to 270,” Plouffe says. “Our goal is not to be reliant on one state on Nov. 4....

Could McCain Win Big?
 Could McCain 
 Win Big? 

Could McCain Win Big?

GOP strategists say cards stacked for big electoral victory

(Newser) - Despite the odds stacked against Republicans, GOP analysts are cautiously saying that John McCain will not only win, but he might do so by a comfortable margin, Politico reports. When Obama’s specific and geographical weaknesses are played against McCain’s strengths, the result adds up to a win of...

Boot the Electoral College: Salon
Boot the Electoral College: Salon

Boot the Electoral College: Salon

System is an undemocratic throwback, writes Garrett Epps

(Newser) - The Electoral College is "a loaded gun pointed directly at the heart of our democracy," writes Garrett Epps in Salon, and it's high time to get rid of the throwback designed to protect slave ownership. No part of the Constitution has failed more, he argues, citing the 1824,...

India Elects First Female Prez
India Elects First Female Prez

India Elects First Female Prez

Patil to take office amidst scandals

(Newser) - India elected its first woman to the largely ceremonial office of president today, in a landslide vote among parliament and state politicians. Pratibha Patil's supporters hail her victory as a breakthrough for women's rights in the country, while critics assert her reputation is already marred by a slew of personal...

Let Citizens Elect The President
Let Citizens Elect The President

Let Citizens Elect The President

A state-by-state strategy to abolish the electoral college

(Newser) - E.J. Dionne wants electoral college reform, and now he's got a model to offer—a new Maryland law that requires the state's electors to support the winner of the nationwide popular vote. The law wouldn't take effect unless other states follow suit, creating "a compact among states genuinely...

Stories 61 - 71 | << Prev