electoral college

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Yes, Biden Leads Polls, but Another Stat Is Key

Nate Silver: Swing-state margins suggest Trump could win Electoral College, if polls tighten

(Newser) - The respected stats site FiveThirtyEight.com is out with its first batch of polling averages for the presidential election, and it's good news for Joe Biden—at least on the surface. Biden is up 50.5% to 41.3% nationally, and he also leads in nearly all the swing...

High Court to Decide Electoral College Rule

Justices will make their call on leeway for electors in time for 2020 vote

(Newser) - The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide ahead of the 2020 election whether presidential electors are bound to support the popular vote winner in their states or can opt for someone else. Advocates for the court's intervention say the issue needs urgent resolution in an era of intense...

Trump: Winning Popular Vote Is the Easy Way

He praises Electoral College 'marathon'

(Newser) - President Trump has changed his mind on the importance of the Electoral College versus the popular vote, for reasons that may be connected to his winning the Electoral College and losing the popular vote in 2016. "I used to like the idea of the Popular Vote, but now realize...

Warren Calls for Fundamental Change to American Voting

2020 candidate says it's time to abolish the electoral college

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren conducted a town hall meeting in Mississippi on Monday night, and one big takeaway is her call to eliminate the Electoral College. The Massachusetts senator complained that candidates often skip states such as Mississippi, her own home state, and larger ones such as California because they're not...

It&#39;s Long Overdue: Electoral College Must Go
It's Long Overdue:
Electoral College Must Go

It's Long Overdue: Electoral College Must Go

Jamelle Bouie makes his case in the New York Times

(Newser) - Earlier this week, former Attorney General Eric Holder called for the abolition of the electoral college because it is "undemocratic" and "forces candidates to ignore majority of the voters and campaign in a small number of states." In a New York Times op-ed, columnist Jamelle Bouie echoes...

Connecticut Wants to Change How Presidents Are Elected

The Nutmeg State has joined a multi-state pledge to award electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote

(Newser) - A newly passed Connecticut law places the Nutmeg State among a growing group of US states that aim to change the way America chooses its president. Per NPR , the state's legislature voted over the weekend to send a bill to Gov. Dannel Malloy that ensures Connecticut's seven electoral...

Meet the First Native American to Win an Electoral Vote

Environmental activist Faith Spotted Eagle got one in Washington state

(Newser) - When Washington state's 12 electors cast their presidential votes this week, four of them defied their state's popular vote and ditched Hillary Clinton. Three of those dissenting votes went to Colin Powell and the fourth went to Faith Spotted Eagle. If that name has you wondering who on...

Texas Moves to Ban 'Faithless Electors'

Across the US, there were a record 7 this year

(Newser) - Only two Republican electors voted against Donald Trump in the Electoral College Monday—but that was two too many for leading Republicans in Texas, where both of the "faithless" GOP electors hail from. The Hill reports that moments after the vote, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted that he was...

The Electoral College Has Spoken: It&#39;s Trump
The Electoral College
Has Spoken: It's Trump

The Electoral College Has Spoken: It's Trump

He walks with 304 of the expected 306 electoral votes

(Newser) - The revolt was infinitesimal: Of the 306 electors pledged to vote for Donald Trump, 304 did, officially giving him more than the 270 electoral votes needed to become president. Politico reports the two who opted for someone other than Trump were both from Texas: One cast a ballot for John...

Here&#39;s What to Know About Monday&#39;s Electoral College Vote
What to Know About Monday's
Electoral College Vote

What to Know About Monday's Electoral College Vote

Votes are tallied at Jan. 6 joint session of Congress

(Newser) - Donald Trump will be officially elected president of the United States on Monday unless the Electoral College does something unprecedented—and leaves him " unpresidented ." Some 538 electors will meet across the country and 306 of them are supposed to vote for Trump, reflecting the election outcomes in their...

How 270 Electors Could &#39;Blow Up the System&#39;
How 270 Electors
Could 'Blow Up
the System'

How 270 Electors Could 'Blow Up the System'

Such an insane scenario is still possible

(Newser) - With days to go until 538 electors officially decide on the next US president, the "faithless" are hard at work to ensure that person is not Donald Trump. Activists need to convince 232 Democratic electors plus 38 Republican electors to vote for someone else. That person would presumably be...

9/11 Firefighter: I Won't Cast Electoral Vote for Trump

'I watch Mr. Trump fail to unite America and drive a wedge between us': Texas GOPer Christopher Suprun

(Newser) - Consider him one of the faithless . Texas Republican Christopher Suprun, one of the 538 electors set to cast a ballot for the next president on Dec. 19, won't be voting for Donald Trump, and he explains his position in an opinion piece for the New York Times . He says...

'Faithless' Electors Push Non-Trump GOP Candidate

They need to convince 37 Republican Electoral College members to join them

(Newser) - The small group of Electoral College members attempting an "unlikely, last-ditch effort" to stop a Trump presidency by convincing their peers to vote for a compromise Republican candidate—called "Hamilton Electors"—have now formed a nonprofit for that purpose, the Denver Post reports. So far all seven...

Al Gore Changes His Mind About Electoral College

Get rid of it, he says

(Newser) - The man who would have been the 43rd president if the Electoral College weren't in place thinks it's time to ditch it. Al Gore, who won the popular vote but lost the presidency to George W. Bush in 2000, tells NBC News that he's changed his mind...

GOP Elector Quits, Says Trump Not 'Biblically Qualified'

Art Sisneros of Texas says he felt he had no choice but to step down

(Newser) - There's been talk of "faithless electors" trying to overturn the Electoral College vote on Dec. 19 that presumably will fall in Donald Trump's favor, but one Texas elector has so much faith that he's taking a different route, per the Houston Chronicle : He's resigning his...

Trump Says He Actually Won the Popular Vote

'If you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,' per Trump

(Newser) - Donald Trump doesn't seem pleased about Jill Stein's efforts to raise funds for an election recount in three battleground states, and he's also apparently not happy about reports that Hillary Clinton is crushing him in the popular vote (at last count, she was up by some 2....

'Long Shot' Effort to Dump Trump Underway

'Faithless electors' are lobbying GOPers to renege on their Electoral College pledges

(Newser) - A Change.org petition lobbying the Electoral College's electors to make Hillary Clinton president based on her winning the popular vote is indeed a long shot—but the petition has more than 4.5 million signatures, and a plan is now being floated by a handful of electors to...

Clinton Is Winning Popular Vote by More Than 1M

Sen. Boxer brings in bill to scrap Electoral College

(Newser) - In news unlikely to bring much cheer to the Clinton household, Hillary Clinton is now the winningest loser in the history of American presidential elections. According to the Cook Political Report election tracker, Clinton's lead in the popular vote has grown to more than 1 million, with 62,403,...

Clinton Could Be the 5th Person to Ever Lose Like This

There's a real chance she'll take the popular vote

(Newser) - It may be deja vu all over again for Democrats, with the very real possibility emerging that Hillary Clinton will be the second candidate in 16 years to win the popular vote but lose the Electoral College. As of 8am ET, Clinton had pulled ahead of President-elect Donald Trump by...

Think Trump Can&#39;t Win? Think Again
Think Trump Can't
Win? Think Again

Think Trump Can't Win? Think Again

FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver lays out the scenarios—and Trump's 'no longer really a long shot'

(Newser) - A national poll showed Donald Trump slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, though, as Nate Silver points out at FiveThirtyEight , cherry-picking polls isn't necessarily indicative of an overall trend: Per the FiveThirtyEight model that analyzed a whole slew of surveys, Clinton appears to still be in the lead...

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