tropical storms

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Flood Warnings Issued as Alberto Churns Inland

Forecasters say storm is still a potential menace

(Newser) - The soggy remnants of Alberto are spreading rain deeper into the nation's midsection after downing trees, triggering power outages, and causing scattered flooding around the South. Forecasters say what's left of the first named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season is still capable of causing flash flooding, the...

Storm Alberto Threatens Florida's Gulf Coast

Thousands evacuate ahead of Storm Alberto

(Newser) - Subtropical Storm Alberto gained the early jump on the 2018 hurricane season as it headed toward anticipated landfall sometime Monday on the northern Gulf Coast, where white sandy beaches emptied of their usual Memorial Day crowds. Though the Atlantic hurricane season doesn't officially start until Friday, Alberto has become...

120 Dead, 160 Missing Amid Tropical Storm

Philippines hit by flash floods, landslides

(Newser) - A tropical storm in the southern Philippines unleashed flash floods that swept away people and houses and set off landslides, reportedly leaving more than 120 people dead and 160 others missing, officials said Saturday. Most of the deaths from Tropical Storm Tembin were in the hard-hit provinces of Lanao del...

Storm Ophelia Could Be a Record-Breaker

By Thursday, it could be 10th consecutive storm to become hurricane

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Ophelia is becoming better organized far out in the eastern Atlantic and is expected to become a hurricane sometime Thursday, reports the AP . As the 10th consecutive storm to reach hurricane strength, it would break a record more than a century old, per the Miami Herald . The National...

Nate Weakens to Tropical Depression

No catastrophic damage reported

(Newser) - Hurricane Nate brought a burst of flooding and power outages to the US Gulf Coast before weakening rapidly Sunday, sparing the region the kind of catastrophic damage left by a series of hurricanes that hit the southern US and Caribbean in recent weeks. Nate—the first hurricane to make landfall...

Louisiana Declares State of Emergency as Nate Approaches

Tropical storm has killed 22 in Central America

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Nate roared toward Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula Friday after drenching Central America in rain that was blamed for at least 22 deaths, and forecasters said it could reach the US Gulf Coast as a hurricane over the weekend. Louisiana officials declared a state of emergency and ordered some...

Look Out, Gulf Coast, Another Hurricane May Be On the Way

New Orleans in particular is preparing for Nate

(Newser) - The Gulf Coast might get another hurricane this weekend. Tropical Storm Nate formed off the coast of Nicaragua on Thursday and was being blamed for five deaths in that country as it spun north toward a potential landfall in the US in days. The forecast track showed the storm could...

Harvey Causes Levee Breach, Overflows Dam Near Houston
Texas Officials After Levee
Breach: 'GET OUT NOW!!'
The Rundown

Texas Officials After Levee Breach: 'GET OUT NOW!!'

Harvey also overflows dam near Houston

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls it "one of the largest disasters America has ever faced," the New York Times reports. And the numbers back him up. According to USA Today , a National Weather Service gauge outside Houston measured 49.32 inches of rain—the most ever from a...

Storm Could Pinch US Gas Supplies
Slow-Moving Harvey
Is 'Virtually Stalled'

Slow-Moving Harvey Is 'Virtually Stalled'

Harvey could pinch US gas supplies

(Newser) - The tropical storm formerly known as Hurricane Harvey is continuing to cause massive flooding in Texas , and analysts say the state's oil and gas industry has been hit very hard. Almost a third of US refining capacity is in the affected coastal areas, and experts say closures due to...

Hurricane Could Hit Texas for First Time Since 2008

Tropical Storm Harvey could turn into hurricane by Friday

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Harvey could turn into a hurricane by Friday, the same day it's expected to make landfall in Corpus Christi, Texas. If it does indeed develop into a Category 1 storm, it will be the state's first hurricane since 2008, CNN reports. The National Hurricane Center is...

8 Cyclones Were Swirling at Same Time in Pacific

That hasn't happened in more than 40 years

(Newser) - The northern Pacific Ocean experienced some weather weirdness over the weekend: It had no fewer than eight tropical cyclones swirling simultaneously on Saturday, the first time that's happened since 1974, reports the Weather Channel . For the record, that encompasses tropical storms Fernanda, Greg, Noru, Kulap, and Roke, plus tropical...

'Weirdest Tropical Storm' Forms Over Florida

Meteorologists have never seen this before

(Newser) - Julia, the tropical storm expected to soak Georgia and South Carolina over the next few days, is probably the strangest storm of the year, forecasters say. Julia strengthened from a tropical system into a tropical storm a few miles west of Jacksonville, Fla., around midnight on Tuesday, marking the first...

Florida's Hurricane Drought Could Soon Be Over

Tropical Storm Hermine expected to be upgraded

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Hermine is surging toward Florida and is expected to make landfall as a hurricane by early Friday, reports USA Today . That means an 11-year streak could be broken: Florida has been hurricane-free since Hurricane Wilma claimed five lives in 2005, though it has seen 10 tropical storms since...

Tropical Storm Bonnie Forms Near the Carolinas

Heavy rains and winds are expected as the weekend continues

(Newser) - The National Hurricane Center says Tropical Storm Bonnie has formed off South Carolina, strengthening from a tropical depression. Forecasters detected 40 mph winds in the storm Saturday afternoon, making it the season's second-named tropical storm, four days before the official start of hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, the...

Hurricane Danny Weakens, but Puerto Rico Braces

It's now a category 1, expected to become tropical storm

(Newser) - The drought-stricken northern Caribbean is preparing for heavy rains and wind as a weakening Hurricane Danny approached Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Category 1 hurricane was 600 miles east of the Leeward Islands this morning, with maximum sustained winds of 90 mph. It was traveling west-northwest at...

'Surprise' Tropical Storm Hits SC, Beats Season's Start

Ana made landfall in South Carolina

(Newser) - Early surprise Tropical Storm Ana made landfall in South Carolina this morning, a full three weeks before the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. Packing slightly weakened 45mph winds, CNN reports that the storm came in just north of Myrtle Beach. The storm is set to further weaken, but...

Surprise Tropical Storm Threatens Carolinas

Ana is weeks ahead of season's start

(Newser) - Early surprise Ana muscled up to a tropical storm early today as it plodded toward the Carolinas, threatening to push dangerous surf and drenching rains up against the Southeast coast weeks ahead of the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season. Ana was centered about 115 miles south of Wilmington,...

Vanuatu: Cyclone Has Wrecked Whole Country

President says he doesn't even know if his family is safe

(Newser) - Vanuatu's president says the cyclone that hammered the tiny South Pacific archipelago over the weekend was a "monster" that destroyed or damaged 90% of the buildings in the capital and has forced the nation to start anew. Baldwin Lonsdale, who was attending a UN disaster conference in Japan...

Hawaii Hit by First Tropical Storm in 22 Years

Iselle weakens as Hurricane Julio gains strength

(Newser) - Hawaii braced overnight for its first hurricane since 1992's Iniki—but Iselle was downgraded to a tropical storm when it was a few dozen miles away from making landfall on the Big Island. It still packed quite a punch with 70 mph winds, however, and has toppled trees and...

Hurricane for the 4th? Tropical Storm Arthur Forms

Carolinas likely to be hardest hit

(Newser) - The National Hurricane Center has just officially named its first tropical storm of the season, and it threatens to dump rain on Fourth of July celebrations up much of the East Coast. Tropical Storm Arthur, which is currently about 100 miles southeast of Florida's Cape Canaveral, could even strengthen...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>