
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Entire Arctic Expedition Perished, but Not Because of Lead

Study looks at fate of crew aboard HMS Erebus and HMS Terror

(Newser) - In 1845, Sir John Franklin set sail from England in the hopes of discovering and successfully navigating the Northwest Passage. Instead, all 128 crew members aboard the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror ended up dead. Nearly all of them actually survived until April 1848, when they fled ships that had...

Hunt for MH370 Turns Up Indian Ocean's Deepest Wrecks

They're 2.3 miles below the ocean's surface

(Newser) - A four-year search of the depths of the Indian Ocean has failed to find Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. But the unprecedented sonar hunt for the missing airliner might be close to solving 19th-century mysteries—the locations of two sailing ships that vanished with cargoes of coal, reports the AP . Maritime...

Shipwreck Found in Lake Erie Might Be Oldest Ever Found There

Searchers think it's the Lake Serpent, which went down in 1829

(Newser) - Shipwreck hunters are planning to excavate around a Lake Erie wreck this summer that they think could be the remains of a schooner that went down nearly two centuries ago. Its size, design, and location point toward it being a sailing ship called the Lake Serpent, which sank in 1829,...

Famous WWII Wreck of Sullivan Brothers Discovered

USS Juneau found off the coast of the Solomon Islands by Paul Allen's crew

(Newser) - Another remarkable find for Paul Allen: The billionaire Microsoft co-founder funding the search for missing warships has discovered the USS Juneau resting 2.5 miles below the surface of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Solomon Islands, reports the Guardian . Japanese torpedoes sank the ship in November 1942...

As WWII Ships Were Cut Up, Human Remains Were Tossed in Sea

Bones found based on information from port workers

(Newser) - Indonesian authorities have started to recover the bones of World War II sailors whose metal coffins were reportedly ripped apart by salvagers hoping to make a buck. Following reports that the bones of sailors were dumped in a shallow mass grave in Indonesia, officials have begun excavating three sites, including...

Wreck of Ship Carrying Rich Southerners Possibly Found

Boiler explosion caused Pulaski to sink in 1838

(Newser) - It was "the Titanic of its time." A luxury steamboat carrying some of the wealthiest and most high-profile families in the Southeast exploded while traveling from Savannah, Ga., to Baltimore, Md. on June 13, 1838. Half of the roughly 200 people aboard the Pulaski died—including whole families...

Reporter May Have Found the Last American Slave Ship

Ben Raines of thinks he's uncovered the Clotilda in Alabama

(Newser) - Russell Ladd remembers seeing the shipwreck as a boy fishing with his father at low tide. His father told him it was the Clotilda, the last American slave ship, though Ladd wasn't sure he believed him. He might now. Using Ladd's account and historical records, including the journal...

Report: Ripped From Ships, WWII Sailors Dumped in Mass Grave

Bones believed buried in shallow grave near Brondong

(Newser) - Their metal coffins ripped apart in the ocean, World War II sailors have reportedly found a new home: a shallow mass grave. Months after reporting that metal scavengers had destroyed some 40 British, American, Australian, Dutch, and Japanese warships in the Java Sea, the Guardian now describes what happened to...

Where WWII Shipwrecks Once Sat, Now Nothing

Divers removing entire shipwrecks for their scrap metal: Guardian

(Newser) - The telling sign is a crane barge floating above. Once its divers inspect the shipwreck below, they lower explosives that rip it to shreds of steel, copper, and brass. This is how as many as 40 British, American, Australian, Dutch, and Japanese warships from World War II—which also serve...

500-Year-Old Navigational Tool Discovered in Shipwreck

Mariners used astrolabes to determine position of sun, stars

(Newser) - The world's earliest known navigational tool used by Vasco da Gama's fleet was discovered in a shipwreck off the Oman coast, NPR reports. Called a marine astrolabe, it's believed to date from 1495 to 1500. Unlike the Game of Thrones intro astrolabe, sailors used this one to...

Great Mystery of the Great Lakes Is Solved
Great Mystery of the
Great Lakes Is Solved

Great Mystery of the Great Lakes Is Solved

SS Clifton found 100 miles south of last known location in Lake Huron

(Newser) - "Of the remaining shipwrecks left to find in the Great Lakes, the Clifton would easily be number one," says shipwreck hunter David Trotter. That's because the disappearance of the SS Clifton in 1924 is "one of the Great Lakes' greatest mysteries"—and one that Trotter...

Lake Huron Spits Out Not One, but 2 Century-Old Shipwrecks

Researchers say they've located the Ohio and the Choctaw off Michigan's Presque Isle

(Newser) - Two shipwrecks more than a century old have been found in the deep waters of Lake Huron, maritime archaeologists announced Friday. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary officials say they recently confirmed the identities of the wooden freighter Ohio and steel-hulled steamer Choctaw, per the AP . Researchers from the federal sanctuary...

Search Is On for Caligula&#39;s 2K-Year-Old Orgy Boat
Search Is On for Caligula's
2K-Year-Old Orgy Boat

Search Is On for Caligula's 2K-Year-Old Orgy Boat

3rd 'party boat' perhaps missed during initial search

(Newser) - The "party boats" of Roman Emperor Caligula were so legendary that Benito Mussolini partially drained a lake in order to find two of them a century ago. But there was one Mussolini may have missed. Researchers believe a third wooden vessel on which Caligula is said to have hosted...

The Plausible Implausibility of California&#39;s Lost Treasure Ship
Legend of Lost Treasure Ship
Thrives in California Desert

Legend of Lost Treasure Ship Thrives in California Desert

Believers say it's out there, buried amid the rocks and sand

(Newser) - Alexander Nazaryan calls it "fake news for the romantic soul." Tales of a treasure-laden ship lost in the sands of California's Colorado desert that—though the details change—have persisted for at least 140 years. The Newsweek reporter takes a journey into the desert with a former...

3 Shipwrecks Sat on the Seabed. Then They Were Gone

Salvage companies eyed in Java Sea mystery

(Newser) - In 2002, divers stumbled upon the wrecks of three Dutch warships that took 900 crew members to their watery graves during World War II's Battle of the Java Sea. Finding them again has so far proved, well, impossible. Divers hoping to examine the wrecks ahead of the 75th anniversary...

Incredible Photos Emerge of WWII Ship Sunk 65 Years Ago

USS Independence is remarkably well-preserved

(Newser) - The USS Independence has remained submerged a half-mile deep off the coast of California for 65 years, out of human sight since it was purposely relegated to the bottom of the ocean by the US Navy in 1951, reportedly with a bunch of 50-gallon barrels containing radioactive waste, per the...

Wine and Stinky Shipwreck Cheese, Anyone?

Not really sure of best pairing for gooey 340-year-old 'dairy product' from Swedish warship

(Newser) - For 340 years, the Swedish ship Kronan has languished at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, the 126-gun warship's permanent resting place after it was sunk right before a 1676 skirmish with Denmark and the Netherlands, Atlas Obscura reports. It was found in 1980, and since then it's...

Explorers Find Schooner That Sank in 1868 in Lake Ontario

The Royal Albert was carrying 285 tons of railroad iron when it went down

(Newser) - A retired engineer and two buddies took his boat out on Lake Ontario a few weeks ago, with a high-res side-scan sonar to see if they could find any shipwrecks. What they stumbled across, 400 feet below the surface: the remains of the Royal Albert schooner, which sank nearly 150...

UN: Spate of Shipwrecks Kill Hundreds Off Italy

Up to 700 migrants feared drowned in deadly week

(Newser) - Over 700 migrants are feared dead in three Mediterranean Sea shipwrecks south of Italy in the last few days as they tried desperately to reach Europe in unseaworthy smuggling boats, the UN refugee agency said Sunday. UNHCR rep Carlotta Sami told the AP that an estimated 100 people are missing...

16 Divers Died at This Wreck. Now, a Different Approach

Submersible will map wreck of SS Andrea Doria

(Newser) - Divers frightened away by the many deaths at the wreck site of the SS Andrea Doria—16 people have lost their lives trying to explore it—can soon see what slumbers off Massachusetts another, safer way. Beginning June 2, ocean exploration company OceanGate plans to send a manned submersible to...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>