Justice Department

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White House Will Turn to Supreme Court on Abortion
to Block Texas Abortion Ban

Feds Ask SCOTUS to Block Texas Abortion Ban

Justice Department describes new law as 'clearly unconstitutional'

(Newser) - Update: The Justice Department has formally asked the Supreme Court to block a Texas law that bans almost all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The department, which described the law as "clearly unconstitutional," asked for the law to be blocked while legal challenges play out, CNN reports....

Judge Argues Claim That Rioters Are Treated Unfairly

Seeking racial justice and trying to overthrow the government aren't equivalent, judge tells court

(Newser) - A Texas man who joined the mob that stormed the US Capitol on Jan 6 was sentenced Monday to 45 days behind bars even though prosecutors weren't seeking jail time, after the judge blasted comparisons between the riot that day and the Black Lives Matter protests over racial injustice....

Alabama's Plan for $400M in COVID Relief Proves Contentious

Jerry Nadler asks Treasury to block plan to build 3 prisons, renovate 4 others

(Newser) - Alabama lawmakers plan to use almost 20% of the state's federal pandemic relief money to build three new prisons and renovate four others. Lawmakers in the state, which has the highest COVID-19 death rate in the country, initiated a special session Monday to discuss the $1.3 billion plan,...

DOJ Fires Back at Texas' 'Unprecedented Scheme'

Agency asks federal court for restraining order on abortion ban while its suit moves through courts

(Newser) - The Justice Department, which is suing Texas over its controversial abortion ban, has just made a big follow-up move. The DOJ has filed a 45-page emergency motion with a federal court, seeking a restraining order to block the ban while the agency's complaint works its way through the courts....

Garland Announces Suit to Throw Out Texas Abortion Law

New state legislation is 'in open defiance of the Constitution,' filing says

(Newser) - The Justice Department is suing Texas over its new state law prohibiting most abortions, arguing that it was enacted "in open defiance of the Constitution." The lawsuit, filed Thursday in federal court in Texas, asks a federal judge to declare that the law is invalid, "to enjoin...

US to Review Secret 9/11 Files for Possible Release
Secret 9/11 Files
May Be Coming Out

Secret 9/11 Files May Be Coming Out

Victims' families, looking for links to the Saudi government, are piling on pressure

(Newser) - Under pressure, the Biden administration plans to review classified information on the 9/11 attacks to determine what information might now, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the attacks, be safely released to the public. This comes days after more than 1,600 people affected by the attacks—survivors,...

Phoenix Police Also Are In for a Federal Investigation

Garland announces third review of a city's law enforcement activities

(Newser) - The US Justice Department is launching a widespread probe into the police force in Phoenix to examine whether officers have been using excessive force and abusing people experiencing homelessness. The investigation into the City of Phoenix and the Phoenix Police Department is the third sweeping civil investigation into a law...

DOJ: Russians Hacked Dozens of Federal Prosecutors

More than 2 dozen US attorney offices had emails breached, per Justice Department

(Newser) - The Russian hackers behind the massive SolarWinds cyberespionage campaign broke into the email accounts some of the most prominent federal prosecutors' offices around the country last year, the Justice Department said. The department noted that 80% of Microsoft email accounts used by employees in the four US attorney offices in...

DOJ to Mo Brooks: Sorry, Can't Help You on Jan. 6 Suit

Agency says Ala. congressman can be sued by colleague over pre-Capitol riot speech he made

(Newser) - If Mo Brooks was hoping to wiggle out of a lawsuit brought against him by a colleague in the House of Representatives, he's not getting any help from the Justice Department. In a court filing Tuesday, the DOJ said a complaint brought by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California...

Justice Department Sues Georgia Over Voting Laws

Merrick Garland is looking at new laws around the US

(Newser) - The Justice Department is suing Georgia over the state's voting laws , per the AP . The decision, to be announced later Friday by Attorney General Merrick Garland, comes two weeks after Garland said the Justice Department would scrutinize a wave of new laws in Republican-controlled states that tighten voting rules....

Google Delays Plan to Block Cookies
Google Delays
Plan to Ditch Cookies

Google Delays Plan to Ditch Cookies

Removal of third-party trackers from Chrome pushed back to 2023

(Newser) - Google is delaying by nearly two years a plan to remove web-tracking cookies from the world's most extensively used web browser. The plan was for Google's Chrome web browser to stop supporting third-party cookies, which track a user's web-browsing habits, by January 2022. But on Thursday, Alphabet...

The DOJ Just Yanked Dozens of Iran-Tied News Sites

Department alleges these state-linked sites are spreading disinformation

(Newser) - American authorities seized a range of Iran's state-linked news website domains they accused of spreading disinformation, the US Justice Department said Tuesday, a move that appeared to be a far-reaching crackdown on Iranian media amid heightened tensions between the two countries. The Justice Department said 33 of the seized...

Airline Industry: Prosecute Disruptive Passengers

Letter asks Justice Department to act, citing increase in cases aboard flights

(Newser) - Airlines, flight attendants, and pilots are calling for the US Justice Department to prosecute unruly and violent passengers. In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday, the trade group Airlines for America and unions for pilots and flight crew cited a " substantial increase in and growing escalation...

Justice Official Leaving Amid Records Seizure Controversy

John Demers is resigning as assistant AG for national security after Apple subpoenas

(Newser) - The Justice Department’s top national security official is resigning from his position after revelations that the department secretly seized records from Democrats and members of the media. John Demers will leave his post as assistant attorney general for national security by the end of next week, a Justice Department...

Apple Had to Hand Over Data on Sitting White House Counsel

In 2018, Justice Department issued subpoena for data of Donald McGahn

(Newser) - Apple recently revealed that then-President Trump’s Department of Justice had come to them with subpoenas for data on congressional Democrats. Now the company has revealed that it turned over data for Trump’s own White House counsel, too. The company told Donald McGahn and his wife that it...

Apple Reveals Unusual Move by Trump's White House

Justice Department subpoenaed data from at least 2 prominent Democrats

(Newser) - "Leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are!" So declared then-President Trump in 2018, notes Matt Stieb at New York . Now, a scoop by the New York Times reveals the unusual lengths to which the Trump White House went to make good on...

DOJ Report: Federal Prison Camp Security Is a Joke

Guards were fooled by dummies left in beds

(Newser) - The fact that four inmates could leave a low-security federal prison camp in Texas to pick up whisky and have their escape undetected for more than 12 hours is a sign of major flaws in the system, according to a report from the Department of Justice. The report states that...

Government Flips on Seizure of Reporters' Phone Records

It won't happen again, Justice Department says after Biden intervenes

(Newser) - After President Biden called the practice "simply wrong," the Justice Department announced Saturday that it will stop secretly seizing the records of reporters. The New York Times reported this week that it was informed by the administration this week that the phone records of four reporters were pulled...

Trump DoJ Secretly Obtained NYT Reporters' Records

They were seized during leak investigation

(Newser) - The Justice Department has informed another one of former President Trump's least favorite media outlets that it secretly seized its reporters' phone records during his administration. The New York Times says it was told by the Biden administration Wednesday that records for four reporters—Matt Apuzzo, Adam Goldman, Eric...

DOJ Secretly Obtained CNN Reporter's Records

Barbara Starr's records were obtained after Trump condemned leaks

(Newser) - CNN says it wants the Justice Department to explain why it secretly obtained the phone and email records of one of its journalists during the Trump administration, apparently as part of an effort to identify her sources. The network says it was informed in a May 13 letter from...

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