Justice Department

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NY Times: Impeach Gonzales
NY Times:
Impeach Gonzales

NY Times: Impeach Gonzales

Editorial board drops the 'I' bomb in call for special prosecutor

(Newser) - A scathing editorial in today's New York Times calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Alberto Gonzales' "words and deeds" and concludes with an unequivocal recommendation: "If that does not happen, Congress should impeach Mr. Gonzales." The call comes as the White House attempts...

FBI Chief's Testimony Contradicts Gonzales

Democrats demand perjury probe

(Newser) - Pressure mounted on Alberto Gonzales yesterday as FBI director Robert Mueller directly contradicted the attorney general in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Mueller and Gonzales gave dramatically different accounts about  whether the Justice department's secret eavesdropping program was the subject of the now-legendary nighttime confrontation at the hospital bedside...

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote
House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

Executive privilege battle looms in US attorney firings probe

(Newser) - Congress is speeding toward a constitutional collision with the White House over the US attorney firings, the Washington Post reports. The House Judiciary Committee votes tomorrow on contempt citations against current chief of staff Joshua Bolten and ex-counsel Harriet Miers. President Bush has said he will challenge any attempt to...

US Firms Fund Colombian Terror Groups

Multinationals' payoffs to paramilitaries run afoul of antiterror laws

(Newser) - Business as usual for US multinationals in Colombia involves paying off paramilitaries and guerrillas, a practice that offers "insurance" against violence—and violates US law. The LA Times looks at the tension between protecting economic investments and essentially if not directly foiling counterterrorism efforts, a conflict that has the...

Gonzales Alerted to FBI Misdeeds
Gonzales Alerted to
FBI Misdeeds

Gonzales Alerted to FBI Misdeeds

AG told of violations before testimony that no abuses occurred

(Newser) - The FBI alerted Alberto Gonzales that agents had violated privacy regulations at least six times in the weeks before he told a Senate committee that no abuses had occurred, the Washington Post reports. The 2005 and 2006 internal reports detailed numerous problems with FBI activities under the Patriot Act, but...

Domestic Spying Probe Reaches West Wing

Frustrated Senate committee doles out subpoenas

(Newser) - Patrick Leahy came out swinging against the Bush administration's "sweeping assertions of secrecy and privilege" today, issuing subpoenas to the White House, Dick Cheney's office, the Justice Department, and the NSC. The documents demanded by the Senate Judiciary Committee relate to the warrantless wiretapping of terrorism suspects and the...

Google Complaint Spurs Vista Revision

Microsoft responds to antitrust action with change to desktop search feature

(Newser) - Microsoft has caved in to Google's antitrust complaints and agreed to alter the search tools in its new Vista operating system by the end of the year. The move is a victory for Google, which complained to antitrust regulators that Vista's hard-drive indexing was difficult to switch off and made...

Gonzogate Trickles Down Into the Courts

Defense teams charge political motivation in broad array of cases

(Newser) - Months after the scandal over eight US Attorney firings first hit, the accusation of politically motivated justice has reached federal courtrooms around the country. Defense attorneys are invoking the controversy to call indictments into question in cases from bank fraud to child pornography, the LA Times reports.

Vote on AG Derails in Senate
Vote on AG Derails in Senate

Vote on AG Derails in Senate

Legislative maneuver comes up 7 votes short

(Newser) - A no-confidence vote on Alberto Gonzales failed to get out of the Senate today when a procedural vote to cut off debate failed by seven votes. Both sides proclaimed partial victory: Republicans had blasted the vote as a stunt, but Democrats lured seven GOP senators across party lines to support...

Report: White House Stacking Immigration Courts

Bush appointees chosen for GOP loyalty

(Newser) - The White House is illegally packing the nation's immigration courts with GOP partisans, circumventing civil service rules to appoint administration insiders and cronies, according to a Washington Post analysis of relevant records. A third of judges appointed to the immigration bench since 2004 have been party loyalists, and half had...

Elle Woods, Is That You?
Elle Woods,
Is That You?

Elle Woods, Is That You?

Slate 's legal correspondent is tougher on Dems than they were on Goodling

(Newser) - Monica Goodling cleared a very low bar in her Congressional testimony yesterday, Slate's Dahlia Lithwick argues, and she can thank the Democrats who questioned her for making her look good. The majority members of the House Judiciary Committee, "in expecting to question the Great Exploding Idiot Barbie," Lithwick...

US Attorney Scandal Widens
US Attorney Scandal Widens

US Attorney Scandal Widens

Justice Dept. considered firing 26; documents contradict Gonzales' testimony

(Newser) - The Justice Department considered firing at least 26 US attorneys, the Washington Post reports, including 13 who still have their jobs. Alberto Gonzales' office compiled the previously undisclosed lists, which appear to indicate that the AG targeted far more prosecutors than he has acknowledged. He has testified that the purge...

No. 2 at Justice to Step Down
No. 2 at Justice to Step Down

No. 2 at Justice to Step Down

(Newser) - Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty will quit the Justice Department after admitting he misled a Senate committee in its investigation into nine fired US attorneys. Three other top Justice officials have resigned in recent weeks, but McNulty, AG Alberto Gonzales' second-in-command and himself a former US attorney, is the highest-ranking...

White House Hid Rove's Role in US Attorney Hiring

Leaked emails show cover-up of meddling

(Newser) - Karl Rove finagled a U.S. attorney post for his protégé Timothy Griffin, and the White House concealed his role in the appointment, the National Journal concludes from previously unrelease e-mails leaked to them. Griffin replaced fired attorney Bud Cummins; a Justice Department letter (later retracted) assured Congress Rove...

NRA Backs Gun Sales To Terror Suspects

Opposes bill giving AG discretion to ban sales to people on terror watch lists

(Newser) - The NRA is urging the Bush administration to oppose a bill that bans suspected terrorists from buying guns. In a letter to AG Alberto Gonzales, the group's executive director objects that the bill, introduced in the Senate last week, "would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on...

Gonzales Aide Probed for Political Hiring

Goodling accused of screening prosecutors for party affiliation

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether Monoica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales recently given immunitiy to testify before Congress, illegally used party loyalty as a criteria in hiring federal prosecutors. Goodling's position involved reviewing applications for prosecutors; it's a violation of federal law to consider political affiliation in...

Gonzales Wipes Out
Wipes Out

Gonzales Wipes Out

Even Republicans turn on AG as he tries to defend US attorney decisions

(Newser) - Senate Republicans turned on Alberto Gonzales yesterday, leaving little political wiggle room for the embattled A.G. Even the most mild questions from Republicans— including traditional Bush allies—about the U.S. attorney dismissals yielded embarrassing results for Gonzales, who came across as strangely disengaged from the department he runs.

Gonzales: &quot;I Have Nothing To Hide&quot;
Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Leaked testimony insists any mistakes made weren't actionable

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales will finger chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson as the point man on the U.S. attorney firings but won't cop to any major wrongdoing, an advance copy of his congressional testimony tomorrow reveals. He admits only to lesser sins—withholding "dignified"  treatment from pink-slipped U.S. attorneys, for...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

Gonzales Gets Little Help In Fight for Job

AG preps for Senate testimony without White House, Justice Dept. aid

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales is prepping for his April 17 Senate testimony as strenuously as if it were a confirmation proceeding, the Washington Post reports, since his job clearly depends upon it. And he's going it alone: Thanks to possible obstruction of justice charges, DOJ lawyers won't let the attorney general coordinate...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>