Justice Department

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds Hunting Wikileaker's Accomplices

They think he must have had civilian helpers

(Newser) - Federal investigators say Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning must have had civilian accomplices who helped him turn over Afghan war secrets to Wikileaks, and they've expanded their investigation to find them, reports the Daily Beast . Manning had direct access to classified documents concerning only the Iraq war, and Adrian Lamo,...

FBI Investigates BP's Ties to Regulators

Criminal probe to target Transocean, Halliburton as well

(Newser) - A team of federal investigators is gathering in New Orleans to determine, among other things, whether BP was criminally cozy with federal regulators, and whether that helped cause the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The wide-ranging criminal probe will also focus on TransOcean and Halliburton, the Washington Post reports, but there’s...

Arizona's Immigration Law Goes on Trial

Twin challenges are headed to federal court today

(Newser) - Supporters of Arizona’s controversial new immigration law head to court today, to defend it from both the Justice Department’s challenge and a separate lawsuit. Both cases will be heard by the same judge, Susan Bolton. It's unclear how she'll rule, according to CNN . Bolton heard yet another challenge...

No Criminal Charges in Firing of US Attorneys

Justice Dept. won't press Gonzales case

(Newser) - The Bush administration's Justice Department didn't commit any crimes when it fired nine federal attorneys in 2006, a two-year investigation has concluded. The internal report removes the possibility that former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned in part because of the controversy, will face prosecution. The report did fault him...

New Black Panther Case Triggers Fireworks on Fox

Righty media covering allegations against Justice Dept.

(Newser) - Allegations that the Justice Department is letting the New Black Panther Party slide on voter intimidation charges because the accused are black and the alleged victim is white continue to percolate on Fox News and in the right-leaning media in general. (The AP has a backgrounder on the case here...

US Not Giving Up on Nailing Polanski

Rape of a 13-year-old 'is not a technicality'

(Newser) - The US is "deeply disappointed" by the Swiss decision to free film director Roman Polanski, and authorities are considering what action to take, said a Justice Department official. Polanksi, 76, was freed after 9 months under house arrest when the Swiss Justice Ministry refused to comply with America's "...

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona
Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Police there already have a similar immigration policy

(Newser) - It’s odd that the Obama administration is suing Arizona over its immigration law—because Rhode Island cops have been carrying out the same basic procedure for years, writes Andy McCarthy in the National Review . Rhode Island cops routinely check for immigration status during traffic stops, reporting any illegals they...

US Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

It says civil rights abuses could result

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed suit today against Arizona’s controversial new immigration law. The Justice Department is challenging the law's constitutionality, arguing that state laws can’t trump federal ones when it comes to immigration, thanks to the "preemption" doctrine, notes the Washington Post .

Feds Charge 10 With Spying for Russia

Agents were carrying out long-term, undercover assignments

(Newser) - Ten people have been arrested for allegedly serving as secret agents of the Russian government with the goal of penetrating the US government, the Justice Department said today. According to court papers in the case, the US government intercepted a message from Russian intelligence headquarters in Moscow to two of...

Ariz. Gov. Slams Clinton Over Immigration Suit

Brewer 'stunned' to learn of court action

(Newser) - Arizona's governor says she was outraged to learn through an interview Hillary Clinton gave to an Ecuadorean TV station that the Justice Department is suing the state over its new immigration law. President Obama "thinks that the federal government should be determining immigration policy," Clinton told the interviewer....

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely
 BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely 

fines, baby, fines

BP Execs in Slammer? Unlikely

Expect a big fine, possible restrictions on future drilling

(Newser) - So if the government gets as tough on BP as President Obama promised yesterday, does that mean oil company execs will be wearing stripes? Experts on environmental law doubt it. A criminal investigation or prosecution is far more likely to end in a massive fine for the company. “It’...

Ariz. Governor Doesn't Trust Her Own AG to Defend Law
Arizona Governor Takes Her
Own AG Off the Case
immigration law

Arizona Governor Takes Her Own AG Off the Case

Brewer doesn't trust him to defend the new law

(Newser) - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer doesn't want her own attorney general to defend the state's immigration law in court. She doesn't think his heart is in it. AG Terry Goddard is a Democrat (and potential challenger in the next election) who has stated his personal opposition to the law but promised...

Feds Move Toward Criminal Inquiry of BP

Investigators looking into whether it skirted federal law

(Newser) - The Justice Department appears to be very serious about bringing criminal charges against BP. A preliminary investigation is under way into whether the company skirted federal safety laws and then misled officials about its ability to plug the leak, reports the Los Angeles Times . Such investigations are often formalities, but...

GOPers Smell Impeachment in Sestak Job Offer

Repeated calls to Holder to appoint special prosecutor

(Newser) - Republicans are calling for the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Sestak's claims that someone in the Obama administration offered him a high-ranking job to drop out of the Pennsylvania primary race against Arlen Specter. And they've already used the “I” word. “It's very...

Apple Music Business in Antitrust Crosshairs

Amazon says it intimidated record labels

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether something might be rotten in Apple's music business, sources tell the New York Times , focusing on whether the tech behemoth threw its weight into dissuading record labels from giving Amazon exclusives. Amazon wanted the exclusive right to sell certain songs for one day before...

Continental, United Merging Into World's Biggest Airline

New behemoth hopes to turn around losses

(Newser) - United and Continental Airlines are joining to form the world's largest airline in a $3 billion deal, the carriers will announce today. The merger will test the notion that the money-losing airline industry can work better on a large scale—and test the Obama administration's antitrust regulators. While the companies...

Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

Justice Department prepares to block state law

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering taking the rare—and potentially explosive—step of challenging Arizona's immigration law in court. The government may sue the state over the law as the Justice Department examines ways to block the statute before it takes effect this summer, officials tell the Washington Post .

Feds May Have to Pay Terror Group for Rights Violations

Wiretap ruling leaves Holder facing dilemma

(Newser) - Eric Holder's Justice Department would probably like to accept last month's ruling that warrantless wiretapping under the Bush administration was illegal. There's a big catch, however, reports Newsweek : doing so would mean the department may have to pay damages to the Islamic charity that was wiretapped, which has been declared...

Feds Join Inquiry of Alleged HP Bribes in Russia

Execs may face corruption charges in US

(Newser) - Hewlett-Packard allegedly paid millions in bribes to Russian officials to win contracts, and the US is finally on the case, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Justice Department—which can prosecute American firms for paying bribes to governments anywhere in the world—has joined Germany and Russia in a now...

Tech Companies' Hiring Practices Under Scrutiny

Justice Department thinks they might violate antitrust laws

(Newser) - Some of the nation's biggest tech companies have a gentleman's agreement on hiring: Generally speaking, they don't try to steal each other's best employees. After a yearlong investigation, the Justice Department is poised to challenge the practice on the notion that it violates antitrust laws and deprives computer engineers of...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>