missing plane

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Fishing Boat Hooks Plane—With Body

Plane likely belongs to missing NZ pilot Daroish Kraidy: cops

(Newser) - The crew aboard a New Zealand fishing boat today hauled up a surprising and gruesome catch: a small plane with a body inside. Authorities suspect the plane is a 19-foot aerobatic biplane that was home-assembled from a kit and flown by missing Auckland pilot Daroish Kraidy. The crew of the...

Air Algerie Plane Has Crashed: Official

Flight AH5017 went missing over Mali with 116 aboard

(Newser) - A flight operated by Air Algerie and carrying 116 people from Burkina Faso to Algeria's capital disappeared from radar early today, and an Algerian aviation official now tells Reuters the plane has crashed, though no further details were given. Air navigation services lost track of the Swiftair MD-83 about...

Could 'Dull Oomph' Be Clue to Missing Jet?

Undersea receivers picked up mysterious noise

(Newser) - Nearly three months later, we still don't know what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370—but right around the time it vanished on March 8, two undersea receivers in the Indian Ocean recorded a strange, low-frequency noise. "It’s not even really a thump sort of a sound—...

5th Ping Heard in Jet Search
 5th Ping Heard in Jet Search 

5th Ping Heard in Jet Search

Officials will analyze latest signal overnight

(Newser) - An aircraft searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane picked up the fifth "ping" detected in recent days , bolstering hopes that searchers are indeed closing in on the plane's location, Reuters reports. The latest signal appears to be from a "man-made source," says the head of...

Ships Retrieve Objects in Missing Jet Search Area

Analysis continues, but no debris so far has been linked to the plane

(Newser) - The search for Flight 370 in its new search zone continues to produce tantalizing sightings, but no links to the plane so far. The latest comes from a Chinese military plane that spotted three suspicious objects today with colors that were at least a rough match for those of the...

That Theory About a Fire Aboard Flight 370 Is Wrong

Jeff Wise pokes holes in it at Slate

(Newser) - A veteran pilot's theory about what happened to Flight 370 dazzled the Internet yesterday, but aviation writer Jeff Wise is poking holes in it today at Slate . If you missed it, pilot Chris Goodfellow speculated at Google Plus that a fire aboard the missing Malaysian jet caused its disappearance....

What if We Never Find Flight 370?

The AP wonders what might change without wreckage

(Newser) - While experts remain hopeful Flight 370 will still be found, the possibility that it has simply vanished is rearing its ugly head, and the AP poses a troubling question: What if the plane is never found? For one thing, it wouldn't be the first time . For another, it would...

Experts: No Way Did China's Radar Miss Malaysia Jet

Radar along northern arc too robust, analysts say

(Newser) - Momentum seems to be building behind one definitive conclusion: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 did not follow the northern arc, or so say a growing chorus of sources. China is among the Asian countries searching that huge arc for the plane, and experts say they'd be amazed if it had...

Could the Answer to Jet Mystery Be a Fire?

Chris Goodfellow's theory: Flight 370 pilot was a 'hero' reacting to a fire

(Newser) - There are six theories under investigation regarding the fate of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight, reports NBC News , and most will sound familiar at this point: hijacking or pilot suicide, for instance. But there are far more than six theories being floated around, and Business Insider picks up a particularly...

Another Jet Mysteriously Vanished in 2003

Boeing 727 left Uganda in 2003 and remains missing

(Newser) - For those suggesting that the disappearance of Flight 370 is unparalleled in aviation history, Vocativ would like to remind them that another large Boeing jet took off from an airstrip in Angola in 2003 and hasn't been seen since. Big difference: That jet had no passengers aboard, but the...

Malaysia: Someone Diverted Plane Deliberately

Final signal picked up 7 hours after it went missing

(Newser) - They still have no idea where the missing plane is, but Malaysia authorities now say they're certain that whatever happened was no accident, reports the Washington Post . At a news conference, the prime minister said Flight 370 went off course because of the "deliberate action by someone on...

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