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Ukraine's Soccer Uniform Ticks Off Russia

Shirt unveiled ahead of Euro 2020 includes Russia-annexed Crimea within Ukraine's borders

(Newser) - There's a push in many corners to keep politics out of sports, but with its latest move, Ukraine has made it clear it isn't part of that movement. On Sunday, less than a week before the Euro 2020 soccer championship kicks off on Friday, the country unveiled its...

Biden to Meet With the Guy He Called a 'Killer'

President, Vladimir Putin will get together next month in Switzerland

(Newser) - President Biden will meet face to face with Vladimir Putin, the man he recently labeled a "killer," next month in Switzerland. The meeting will take place June 16 in Geneva, and the New York Times expects it to focus heavily on nuclear arms. But the pair should have...

Russia to Pull Troops Back Near Ukraine, Weapons to Remain

The heavy weapons will be used during military exercise later this year, per defense minister

(Newser) - Russia's defense minister on Thursday ordered troops back to their permanent bases following massive drills in Crimea that involved 10,000 troops, 1,200 military vehicles, 200 warplanes, and 60 navy ships in a show of force amid tensions with Ukraine. "I consider the goals of the snap...

Apple to Russia: Don't Like Our Map? We'll Fix It

Apple agrees to label Crimea as part of Russia

(Newser) - Using the Russian edition of Apple's App Store? Your Apple Maps and Weather apps, when used in Russia, show Crimea as being part of Russia. This after Russian authorities persuaded Apple to alter its maps and make the hotly contested territory part of Russia, the BBC reports. Seems Apple...

This Country Put Its Navy Into Hiding

Sweden's island base, Muskö, is back in action

(Newser) - Nothing like a vast underground base to protect your navy—especially when Russia is getting aggressive. That seems to be Sweden's thinking as the Scandinavian country returns its entire navy to the island base of Muskö, the Guardian reports. Protected by thick granite, laced with tunnels, and boasting its...

Russia Refuses to Free Captured Ukraine Ships

Ukraine may introduce martial law

(Newser) - NATO ambassadors and a Ukrainian envoy are due to hold emergency talks Monday amid an escalating crisis that has brought Ukraine and Russia close to war. The Ukrainian Navy says Russia's coast guard seized three of its vessels Sunday after a standoff near the Crimean Peninsula. Ukraine's president,...

Russians Blame 'Western Subculture' for School Massacre

'Everything started with the tragic events in schools in the US,' Putin says

(Newser) - After Wednesday's massacre at a vocational school in Crimea , Russians are looking for answers—and some of them are looking toward the West. Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the gun and bomb attack carried out by a student in Kerch "appears to be a result of globalization,"...

Officials Say 18-Year-Old Murdered 17 at College

Crimea's regional leader says the attacker took his own life

(Newser) - The death toll in an attack at a college in Crimea on Wednesday stands at 17 (previously reported as 18), with at least another 40 injured, reports the AP . Regional leader Sergei Aksyonov has reportedly identified the suspect as a male who attended Kerch Polytechnic College in Kerch. Russia's...

Putin Drives Truck Over Bridge, and Not Without Controversy

Russian president opened bridge linking Russia and Crimea, to the displeasure of Ukraine

(Newser) - "Let's hit the road!" So proclaimed Vladimir Putin before he drove a large construction truck Tuesday to road test the much-anticipated and controversial bridge linking southern Russia and the Crimean peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. The 11.8-mile bridge, which took two years to...

Obama Hits Russia With New Sanctions

But Trump could lift them once he's in office

(Newser) - The Kremlin is threatening to respond in kind after the US imposed new sanctions against Russia on Tuesday. The sanctions go after several businessmen and companies—and they're not over allegations of hacking . Instead, the US is punishing Moscow for what it sees as Russia's illegal incursions in...

Obama at UN: Putin Needs to Get on Board With Assad Ouster

POTUS wants Assad out, says 'tyrant' isn't best choice to fight ISIS

(Newser) - "Dangerous currents" are creating a "darker world," President Obama told the UN General Assembly on Monday, touching on a slew of issues including the "apocalyptic cult" ISIS, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, and Syria's civil war, NBC News reports. Obama underscored the need to keep...

Ukraine Prisoner Exchange Takes Place—or Maybe Not

Reports conflict, AP can't independently confirm

(Newser) - A major exchange of war prisoners was embroiled in controversy today, with some reports saying it has been completed and others saying it had has been pushed back a day. Russia's Interfax news agency said the exchange had been completed successfully on neutral ground between the sectors controlled by...

Ukraine Says Russia Sent 32 Tanks Across Border

Ukraine claims 30 trucks carrying fighters, ammunition crossed over, too

(Newser) - Ukraine accused Russia today of sending in dozens of tanks and other heavy weapons into Ukraine's rebel-controlled eastern areas. National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at least 32 tanks, 16 artillery systems, and 30 trucks loaded with fighters and ammunition had crossed into eastern Ukraine from...

Russia: Hey, That Scottish Vote Was a Little Fishy

Vote-counting room was too big, for one thing

(Newser) - Russia, the world's defender of territorial sovereignty, thinks pro-independence Scottish voters might have gotten robbed in yesterday's vote. Moscow sent four official observers to watch the votes being counted in Edinburgh, and they don't think things were up to snuff, reports the Huffington Post UK . Among the...

As Ukraine Truce Hangs on, EU Rolls Out New Russia Sanctions

Ceasefire between rebels, Ukraine barely hanging on amid reported casualties

(Newser) - A ceasefire between Ukraine and pro-Russia rebels is hanging on by a thread after a weekend of reported shelling and casualties, but the EU warns that sanctions against Russia will be put in place as early as tomorrow, reports the BBC . The Kremlin said the proposed sanctions—which may include...

Ukraine: Russia Is Invading
 Ukraine: Russia Is Invading 

Ukraine: Russia Is Invading

Pro-Russia forces make gains on new front

(Newser) - Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted a pair of hashtags last night—#UkraineUnderAttack and #RussiaInvadedUkraine—which appear to sum up the situation on the ground, the Washington Post reports. Pro-Russia separatists backed by Russian troops, artillery, and armored vehicles are now attacking on two fronts, authorities in Kiev say,...

Putin on Clinton: Don’t Argue With Women

Tough rhetoric a sign of weakness, he says

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin managed to refrain from grunting and beating his chest during an interview this week in which he suggested that Hillary Clinton is "weak"—"not the worst quality for a woman"—and said, "It's better not to argue with women." The Russian...

UN: East Ukraine a Human Rights Mess

Tatars being oppressed, freedom of speech curtailed

(Newser) - Human rights abuses are escalating in Ukraine's contested East, the UN warned in a report today. It's the second monthly assessment of the situation, the BBC reports, and there's been an "alarming deterioration" since the first. The lowlights include:
  • Minority Tatars in Crimea are facing harassment

Putin Makes First Visit to Newly Annexed Crimea

Russia marks 'Victory Day' with huge celebration

(Newser) - With Ukraine in crisis and Russia's other neighbors edgy, what better time for a colossal display of Moscow's military force? The Victory Day parade is held on May 9 every year to mark the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany, but this year's event in Moscow's Red...

Biden Blasts Russia: Stop 'Hiding Behind Masks'

Says US will never recognize Crimea annexation

(Newser) - Russia's annexation of Crimea may seem like a done deal, but the US isn't about to recognize it, Joe Biden vowed today. The vice president is in Kiev to show support for the government there, and today he promised financial aid, help weaning Ukraine off Russia's suddenly...

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