
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Michelle, Our National Parks Need You
Michelle, Our National Parks Need You

Michelle, Our National Parks Need You

Only first lady can stem wilting interest in US' 'attics of history'

(Newser) - Last year, more people visited areas run by the National Parks Service than attended NFL, NBA, MLB, and NASCAR games combined. Still, Timothy Egan writes in the New York Times, the 274 million visits amount to a national crisis. “Our shared outdoor spaces, our attics of history and graveyards...

Jim Brown 'Dead Wrong' for Dissing Tiger

(Newser) - NFL Hall of Famer and activist Jim Brown recently ripped Tiger Woods for not giving back to his community, and that’s just "dead wrong," Michael Wilbon writes in the Washington Post. Brown seems to think Woods' Learning Center in Anaheim exists to teach kids how to golf....

Young Jews Spew Racist Anti-Obama Rants

Americans in Jerusalem call president 'terrorist,' use racial slur

(Newser) - The night before Barack Obama's landmark Cairo speech, a documentary filmmaker headed out to the streets of Jerusalem to ask young Israelis and "droves" of American Jews what they thought of the president's Middle East overtures, notes Gawker. The result is "the most shocking footage I have ever...

'Youth Magnet' Cities Swarming With Unemployed

(Newser) - The recession hasn’t done anything to stem the tide of young people pouring into places like Portland, Austin, and Seattle, the Wall Street Journal reports, and that’s straining those cities’ job markets. If anything, hipsters who’ve lost jobs elsewhere are more likely to set out for these...

UK Eyes Youth Terror Threats
UK Eyes Youth Terror Threats

UK Eyes Youth Terror Threats

Outreach program IDs 200 kids in danger of turning to Islamic extremism

(Newser) - A counterterrorism project in Britain has intervened with at least 200 children as young as 13 believed to be in danger of turning to Islamic extremism, the Independent reports. Police have been working with educators and Muslim communities to identify children vulnerable to being radicalized, and are stepping in where...

'Recession Babies' Will Be Boring But Sensible

Economic upheavals rear careful, dull generations

(Newser) - If history tells us anything, it’s that our modern “recession babies” will grow up to be risk-averse bores. “Today’s youngest children are being raised in the same kind of protective bubble as the Depression babies,” Kate Zernike explains in the New York Times. “They...

T-Ball Pioneer Dies at 93
 T-Ball Pioneer Dies at 93 

T-Ball Pioneer Dies at 93

Jerome Sacharski developed system to teach youngsters baseball fundamentals

(Newser) - Baseball lost a compassionate innovator last week with the passing of Jerome “Jerry” Sacharski, 93, the inventor of the baseball tee, the Battle Creek Enquirer reports. Sacharski introduced the tee in 1956 as part of his Pee Wee Baseball program, and is credited with popularizing the game.

Watch Out World, You're Going Gray
 Watch Out World, 
 You're Going Gray 

Watch Out World, You're Going Gray

Aging, population decline mark next decades

(Newser) - Wall Street's a wreck and terrorists are clamoring for WMDs, but the world's real crisis is far worse: It's getting old, Neil Howe and Richard Jackson write in the Washington Post. By the 2020s, baby boomers will push the median age in Western Europe and Japan to near 50,...

Sorry, Pops, Lily Allen Ain't My Mouthpiece

Mockney posturing does not make her an expert on gang violence

(Newser) - British pop singer Lily Allen can carry a cute tune, but "spokesperson for her generation"? Puh-leeze, Emily Hill writes in Spiked. Allen's first album, Alright, Still, "soundtracked a summer," inspiring middle-aged music hacks to praise her and London Mayor Boris Johnson to ask for her insight...

Youth Continue Violent Riots in Greece

Two police officers arrested, but unrest spreads

(Newser) - Hurling firebombs, thousands of demonstrators in Greece continued to clash with police during a second day of riots protesting the police killing of a teenager, the BBC reports. Protesters in Athens attacked banks and shops and lobbed rocks at police, who responded with tear gas. Six people were arrested during...

Obama's Youth Mandate Far Greater Than JFK's

His lead with under-30s is biggest in 'modern American history'

(Newser) - Barack Obama enters office with the biggest youth mandate in modern political history, Politico reports. He outpolled John McCain by 34 points—66% to 32%—among voters younger than 30. That's four times the margin that led John F. Kennedy to say, “The torch has been passed to a...

MLB's Young Stars Will Stamp Series

Both league champions are full of next decade's superstars

(Newser) - The recent woes of the Philadelphia Phillies and the Tampa Bay Rays belie what could be a truly classic World Series, the New York Times reports. With 13 of 16 starting position players under 30 and each team's ace only 24 years old, the future of baseball could be on...

Obama Wins in a Landslide Among Schoolkids

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be pulling slowly away from John McCain, but he's the overwhelming choice among the pre-K through 12th grade set. In a Scholastic poll, 57% of 250,000 students picked the Dem, USA Today reports. And don’t write it off as youthful inexperience —the poll has...

Death of Reading Greatly Exaggerated
 Death of Reading 
 Greatly Exaggerated 

Death of Reading Greatly Exaggerated

Author Eggers pooh-poohs skeptical pundits, says it's 'as alive as ever'

(Newser) - Our bleak outlook on the future of reading owes itself to a doomsday reflex, the pervasive belief that things are bound to get worse, author Dave Eggers writes in Esquire. "It must be true, we think—just yesterday I saw some kid on the bus, and he wasn't reading...

Chile's Frisky Teens Kiss Off Conservative Ways of Old

Parents, educators fret about sexual revolution

(Newser) - Chile's teenagers are going through a sexual rebellion unlike anything the once straight-laced Catholic country has ever seen before, the New York Times reports. Now parents and educators, who themselves grew up under the repressive Pinochet regime, are worried that sex education isn't keeping up with promiscuity fueled in part...

Early Voting Law May Help Obama in Ohio

One-step voting window could boost youth turnout

(Newser) - An Ohio voting law that allows residents to register and vote simultaneously one month before the election may benefit Barack Obama, the AP reports. With one-stop voting available on college campuses Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, thousands could be added to the voter rolls—and Obama leads McCain 2-to-1 among...

Russia Goes After Emo
 Russia Goes After Emo   

Russia Goes After Emo

Fearing for teens, Duma debates legislation to outlaw fashion, monitor websites

(Newser) - Fearing a threat to the wellbeing of its youth, the Russian Duma is going after what it sees as Public Enemy No. 1—emo.  Lawmakers are debating legislation to ban all signs of emo culture—an offshoot of punk music—from schools and government buildings, the Guardian reports. Lawmakers...

To Cheat Death, Eat Less
 To Cheat Death, Eat Less 

To Cheat Death, Eat Less

15% reduction in your diet at age 25 could add 4½ years to your life, researchers think

(Newser) - Call it the Refrigerator of Youth: Eating less could add nearly 5 years to your lifespan, LiveScience reports. Even scholars dismissive of anti-aging hype concede that a more moderate eating approach could bear fruit. "There is plenty of evidence that calorie restriction can reduce your risks for many common...

OMG Gatsby Was a Fraud!
OMG Gatsby Was a Fraud!

OMG Gatsby Was a Fraud!

It's no ROFL matter: web-speak, text-talk and even :( are slipping into schoolwork

(Newser) - Two-thirds of American teens aren’t keeping their LOLs to themselves: They're turning in papers and lab reports with abbreviations, dropped punctuation, and other informalities inherent to Internet and text-message vocabularies, the AP reports. Kids who write blogs and have Facebook pages are more likely to slip from formality in...

Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire
 Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire 

Mexico's Emo Teens Under Fire

They're being attacked in the streets by other youth subcultures

(Newser) - An ugly clash of cultures is surfacing in Mexico with so-called emo teenagers being viciously beaten in big cities across the country, Wired reports. In one well-publicized attack north of Mexico City, an 800-strong mob—made up of punk fans and ordinary working-class teens—beat up a handful of long-haired,...

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