Cardinal Raymond Burke

3 Stories

Pope's Top Critic Is About to Have to Find New Digs

Pontiff has apparently had it with Cardinal Raymond Burke

(Newser) - Cardinal Raymond Burke , an American who's led conservative resistance to Pope Francis' progressive moves since his election a decade ago, has apparently poked the pontiff one too many times. As the New York Times reports, Francis has "frequently demoted and stripped the American cleric of influence"—...

Cardinal Known for Vaccine Misinfo on Ventilator With COVID

Raymond Burke, ex-archbishop of St. Louis, put on oxygen support just days after testing positive

(Newser) - A former archbishop of St. Louis who's publicly expressed wariness about the coronavirus vaccine has been placed on a ventilator, just days after he announced he had the virus. "I wish to inform you that I have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus," Cardinal Raymond Burke...

Pope Drops Conservative US Cardinal, Brings in Moderate

Part of his move to make church more accepting, watchers say

(Newser) - Pope Francis has removed a conservative US cardinal from the Congregation for Bishops, a top Vatican committee. Taking Cardinal Raymond Burke's place is a more moderate American from Washington. Burke, who is a firm opponent of abortion and gay marriage, will stay on as prefect of the highest Vatican...

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