Jake Sullivan

10 Stories

There's an 'Understanding' on Ceasefire-Hostages Deal: US

Israel to send delegation to Qatar for next stage of talks

(Newser) - A general agreement has been reached on the outline of an agreement for Hamas to release hostages in exchange for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza, a White House official said Sunday. Negotiators for the US, Israel, Egypt, and Qatar reached "an understanding" in Paris, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan...

US Wants Israel to Alter Military Strategy

Biden wants an end to broad ground offensive in Gaza, an idea that Netanyahu does not immediately embrace

(Newser) - The US has pushed Israel to wrap up its sweeping ground offensive in Gaza by the end of the year and shift to a more precise, targeted strategy. Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, delivered the message on Thursday, the New York Times reports. Although Sullivan, who is in Israel,...

Secret Service Probing Incident at National Security Adviser's Home

Man got in without agents noticing last month

(Newser) - An intruder showed up inside the home of President Biden's national security adviser last month in an incident that is now being revealed for the first time. Jake Sullivan confronted the man around 3am on the morning in question and he left, the Washington Post reports. Sullivan then alerted...

Kidnapped in 2016, US Aid Worker Is Freed

Jeff Woodke was held hostage in Niger by unknown group

(Newser) - An American aid worker who was kidnapped in the West African nation of Niger more than six years ago has been released from custody, the Biden administration said Monday. "I'm gratified & relieved to see the release of U.S. hostage Jeff Woodke after over 6 years in...

Agency Sides With Theory That Lab Leak Sparked Pandemic

Energy Department agrees with FBI's conclusion, for a different reason

(Newser) - The COVID-19 pandemic probably began with a laboratory leak, the Energy Department has decided. The agency, which had not expressed a view on the origin of the coronavirus, added its finding to a previous classified intelligence report sent to the White House and certain members of Congress, the Wall Street ...

On Russia's Latest 'Stop List': Biden's Family

First lady Jill Biden, president's daughter Ashley are banned from entering the country

(Newser) - Russia on Tuesday announced it was banning the wife and daughter of President Biden from entering the country, in response to widening sanctions against Russia. The nation's Foreign Ministry said 25 names were being added to the country's "stop list," including Biden's wife Jill and...

Latest Attack May Indicate Change in Russian Strategy

US, Ukrainian officials say Putin is expanding his targets

(Newser) - Russia's missile attack on a base less than 15 miles from Poland could signal a change in strategy, US and Ukrainian officials said Sunday. Until now, Russia mostly has fired on targets in the east and south of Ukraine, Politico reports. The attack Sunday was the third against a...

US to Empty Embassy in Ukrainian Capital

Announcement comes ahead of Biden-Putin call as tensions sharply rise on possible Ukraine invasion

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden are to hold a high-stakes telephone call on Saturday as tensions over a possibility imminent invasion of Ukraine escalated sharply and the US announced plans to evacuate its embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Before talking to Biden, Putin is...

Biden Introduces National Security Team

'America is back,' says president-elect

(Newser) - Declaring "America is back," President-elect Joe Biden introduced his national security team on Tuesday, his first substantive offering of how he’ll shift from Trump-era "America First" policies by relying on experts from the Democratic establishment to be some of his most important advisers. "Together, these...

Secret US-Iran Talks Paved Way for Nuke Deal

Oman helped broker meetings after hikers' release

(Newser) - The landmark nuclear deal with Iran isn't as sudden a breakthrough as it might seem. Before the Geneva talks, a team of American diplomats hand-picked by President Obama held at least five secret meetings with their Iranian counterparts starting in March, the AP finds. The American delegations were led...

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