Catholic Church

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Aussies May Have Slipped Pope a Cat

Vatican denies presence of papal loaner for company

(Newser) - There’s a new papal mystery swirling around the Outback—is Pope Benedict hanging out with a borrowed kitten? Organizers of the Catholic youth festival say they gave Benedict a gray loaner named Bella to keep the cat-loving pontiff company during his Australian sojurn. But when pressed, a Vatican spokesman...

MLS Player Retires to Heed Priestly Calling

Revolution defender Hilgenbrinck will join Maryland seminary

(Newser) - Chase Hilgenbrinck was a professional soccer player and a devout Catholic until yesterday, when he announced his retirement from the sport. The 26-year-old will head to a Maryland seminary to begin 6 years of training for the priesthood, AP reports. "I still have a great passion for the game,...

Pope Vows Abuse Apology in Australia

He vows to help sex abuse victims, who say cover-ups continue

(Newser) - Traveling to Sydney today, Pope Benedict promised to apologize for a sexual abuse scandal that has rocked Australia's Catholic Church, Reuters reports. He also vowed to ensure it never recurs, and to help Australian victims heal—but one victims' group still accuses the Church of covering up abuse by priests...

Weak Dollar Sends Vatican to $14.5M Loss

Catholic church blames declining greenback as it goes into the red

(Newser) - The weak dollar has wreaked havoc on business across Europe, but one organization has posted a surprising loss: the Vatican. The Catholic Church blamed the declining greenback for its first loss in 4 years as it ended the year $14.5 million in the red. The Guardian reports on how...

Rumors From Vatican: Bush May Convert

Sit-down with pope sparks talk that prez could turn Catholic

(Newser) - President Bush visited Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican yesterday, sparking rumors that the president may convert to Catholicism, the Telegraph reports. They spoke in a garden where the pontiff prays daily, not in the library where Benedict greets most world leaders. “What an honor!” said Bush, who...

US Clergy Tell Aussie Critic to Go Home

Bishop vows to keep slamming Vatican for sex abuse, celibacy

(Newser) - On orders from the Vatican, a dozen top US bishops have asked their Australian colleague to cancel his American book tour, the Los Angeles Times reports. But Geoffrey Robinson, former auxiliary bishop of Sydney, vows to keep on promoting Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church, which blames clergy...

When in Venice, Can the Water Bottles

Legendary city pleads with tourists to use public fountains

(Newser) - Faced with a mountain of discarded plastic bottles, Venice is asking 19 million tourists to quit drinking mineral water and use the city's 122 public fountains. Beginning Thursday, visitors to the Piazzale Roma will be handed reusable plastic bottles and a map showing fountains that city officials claim are "...

'Obamacon' Denied Communion
'Obamacon' Denied Communion

'Obamacon' Denied Communion

Snub raises questions about politically active Catholics' options

(Newser) - The question of whether pro-choice Catholic politicians should take Communion is a familiar one in election years, but in 2008 it has a new twist. A Repubilcan abortion opponent, onetime Reagan administration official, and private citizen who supports Barack Obama was denied Communion in April. EJ Dionne of the Washington ...

High-Tech Pope to World Youth: Bless U

Church looks to reach young Catholics with text messages

(Newser) - The Catholic Church is going digital. During July’s World Youth Day in Sydney, Pope Benedict will reach out to the 225,000 young Catholics in attendance by text message, "using new ways to connect with today's tech-savvy youth," a spokesman tells Reuters.

Benedict's US Trip Improved His Image

Majority of Americans feel better about both pope and the church

(Newser) - Both the pontiff and the Catholic Church got an image boost following the pope's recent US visit, reports Reuters. A post-trip poll found that 61% of Americans, both Catholics and non-Catholics, believe the pope's 6-day stint met or exceeded their expectations; 65% now have a more positive view of Pope...

Plagiarist Priests May Face Jail Time in Poland

Church tries to curb problem of online sermon swiping

(Newser) - If Polish priests don’t stop their plagiarizing ways, they could be slapped with a fine or even thrown in jail for 3 years, church authorities warn. Uninspired priests have been swiping their homilies off the Internet, and “unfortunately the practice has become more usual than not,” said...

No Rest for the ... Faithful? Italy's Padre Pio On Display

700K already signed up to view exhumed Italian saint

(Newser) - Beloved saint Padre Pio, exhumed in March after 40 years, is now on display in southern Italy, where 700,000 faithful have signed up to view his remains, BBC reports. The archbishop who ran the exhumation marveled at the body: “The knees, hands, mittens, and nails are clearly visible....

Pope Prays at Ground Zero
 Pope Prays at Ground Zero 

Pope Prays at Ground Zero

Benedict XVI blesses 9/11 victims and their families

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI got on his knees at Ground Zero today to bless the site where 2,600 people died and pray for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and their grieving families. "Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred,"...

25K Teens Rock at NY Pope Rally
25K Teens
Rock at NY
Pope Rally

25K Teens Rock at NY Pope Rally

Kelly Clarkson opens before Benedict XVI blesses followers

(Newser) - About 25,000 teens experienced Popemania today at a rocking rally in Yonkers, NY, the New York Daily News reports. After Kelly Clarkson belted out tunes, Benedict XVI emerged from a seminary meeting with disabled kids to receive gifts of bread and bless the crowd. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing,...

Pope Makes History With Visit to US Synagogue

Benedict is first pope to visit an American synagogue

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI became the first pontiff to ever set foot inside an American synagogue with his visit to New York's Park East Synagogue yesterday, the New York Times reports. Benedict, presented with matzo, a Seder plate and a Passover prayer book, spoke to the congregation of "building bridges...

After Pope Meets Victims, Vatican Considers Change

Canon law, particularly on statute of limitations, evolving with sex scandal

(Newser) - Just a day after a Washington meeting where Pope Benedict XVI talked with victims sexually abused by Catholic priests, a Vatican official said the church would consider changes to canon law dictating how the church deals with such offenses, the New York Times reports. Cardinal William Levada holds Benedict’s...

Did You See What the Pope Is Wearing?!?

Benedict brings back vintage papal styles; Catholics wonder why

(Newser) - Benedict XVI is wearing some pretty flashy, and pretty old-school, outfits, and pope-watchers the world over are atwitter, the Washington Post reports. Unlike his predecessor, who “would just wear whatever was given to him,” the current pontiff is reaching into a closet that dates back hundreds of years,...

Pope Says Mass at Stadium
 Pope Says Mass at Stadium 

Pope Says Mass at Stadium

Benedict remarks on 'pain' of sex abuse scandal in appearance before 46K

(Newser) - Washington's Nationals Park was transformed into a church today as more than 46,000 gathered to hear Pope Benedict XVI say Mass. Beer stands were replaced with confessionals and choirs filled the outfield as the popemobile circled the bases, the Washington Post reports. Giving his homily in English and Spanish,...

Pope to Church: Pedophilia Was 'Badly Handled'

He urges bishops to 'foster healing' and work to improve trust

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI had strong words for America's Roman Catholic bishops today, asserting that the clerical sexual molestation scandal had been "very badly handled" in many cases, the AP reports. "It is your God-given responsibility as pastors to bind up the wounds caused by every breach of trust,...

Pope's Words Anger Victims of Sex Abuse

They're looking for action against priests—not lip service

(Newser) - Pope Benedict's attempt to placate priests' sex abuse victims has only served to anger many of them, reports the New York Times. The pontiff said he was "deeply ashamed" of the scandal that has triggered complaints from some 13,000 victims. He does not plan to meet with any...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>